Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
granted i have no psychological expertise but this isn't really how narcissism often works that i understand. often it's about maintaining an image and selling people on it, not about actually doing the stuff that would warrant the image (it's part of the grandiose delusions of the disorder). so even though the US is doing really badly with covid for instance, Trump often says we're doing great and may say we're somehow ahead of other nations, that we've addressed covid better. or even though he didn't build much at the border, he may still continue to proclaim things like the wall is built or it will be the greatest wall or whatever. these things he says are grandiose hyperbole. i feel like he can fix things about as well as a cult leader can.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/b...g-fail-deliver (this article doesn't support its title well)


basically narcissists deliver empty promises. it's what happens in a personal relationship with one. but this is an entire nation in a relationship with one.

the only thing i have an issue with in my saying this is the labeling which i feel isn't wise, but i'm not wise enough to do better. and it's not like someone like bill clinton didn't have strong narcissistic tendencies. it takes a big ego in many cases to be a world leader.

Trump's opponent Hair Fetish may also have narcissistic tendencies.
I remember reading an article by a leading PTSD researcher who described the relationship of America with Trump to be similar to a narcissistic abuse relationship. Like he's basically giving the country PTSD. I don't have the link atm though.