Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
I think he's found that he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, because the normal checks and balances aren't working on the head of the executive branch anymore. The GOP has decided to allow Trump to act without checking him at all because he seems to be helping them win. You're saying he has to do XYZ because that's his job, but I don't think he cares at all really.. He has learned from experience that impeachment can't touch him, and other than voting, there's no other way to remove him. In a society that's really based on rule of law, the people who are on your side are still bound by the rules that bind the people you don't like. The GOP has pretty much caved to Trump completely. During the primaries for 2016, so many of them came out and blatantly called him what he was, a narcissist. But since the win in 2016, anything he says goes. The GOP decided to not even have a platform this year and to just bow to Trump completely. That last point is really abnormal.

The fuck's going on? It's like we are heading in the direction of mass psychosis.

I know a lot of people don't like Noam Chomsky because he is pretty far to the left and an academic intellectual type, but he made the point that Trump is worse than H!tler. https://youtu.be/X6mAf_uPy-o
“Law cannot reach where Enforcement will not follow.“ - Jack Vance