He is their hero cuz he is in power and says uncouth things (str8 male uncouth things and not fag ones) about women.

There is still a truckload of misogny and homophobia in small redneck towns. It is pretty pure and evil. I think there have been movies like To Wong Foo (thanks for everything Julie Newmar), about drag queens that go into a small midwestern town and get accepted but I think it was a bit overly idealistic because in my experience I get the most hateful and sadistic looks for not being a redneck str8 douche. Of course Trump beating Hillary is going to make them so happy- as well as him trumping 'liberal pussy men' etc. They've been sadistically bullying and treating women/gay men like shit their entire lives and Trump allows them to justify their behavior even more. This is unprovoked aggression btw, there isn't even any balance to it- it's just raw sadism. If you argue otherwise, then I'm sorry but you're just very naive and sheltered. Gays and women do NOT 'bring this on ourselves' that's retarded, we are just innocently trying to live our lives and then some str8 male redneck douche just crawls out of the grass and bullies us and gives us shit. Jesus. Yet instead of hitting hard back, we make Rey into a Mary Sue in Star Wars which is dumb (more on that later)

I'm not 'playing a victim' by showing you the reality of something that happens. I'm just being honest. Of course there are some douche-y gays and women that bring on abuse themselves for the shitty way they behave regardless of their gender or orientation- but in a lot of small redneck towns the hostility we experience is completely unprovoked.

Now I don't think the elite institutionalized left (Hollywood/upper academia etc.) really counters true misogyny that well either- I mean making Rei a Mary Sue on Star Wars and things like that just fucks up the situation as well and doesn't really do anything in a grounded, realistic way to help real women. It's also a fantasy fairytale world they're living in instead of reality. "lol you liberal pussies are in your creative make believe-worlds instead of in the str8 male coal mines like I am, you don't know shit about the real world!" Both sides lack clarity and balance for sure and there is tons of arrogance on both sides. Your average liberal is really drowned out in this cross fire and has no power and say in things- because I think, moderates/more pure non-instutionalized liberals understand that it is supposed to be about freedom and empowerment, not power and control.

In order for war to happen, both sides have to view the other as 'inhuman' and that's exactly what is going on. The liberal elite views redneck blue collar str8 males at the best as exploitative tools to earn more wealth or at the worst like campy 'overly dark' demonic villains in Hollywood shows. They always make the Big Bad into woman haters in over the top ways that no true woman hater actually behaves in. (which often backfires) It's just campy and silly lol. Or it sugar coats real prejudice by being overly jokey with it, which is more benign but also doesn't really help anybody that is seriously feeling like they are being downtrodden or abused by an unfair system.

An example of this going haywire is the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was much, much better in the earlier seasons at showcasing the importance of giving women power in society and their own unique power without taking it away from males and it was a more subtle form of female empowerment and Buffy had all kinds of real flaws and was no Rey at all, but then it all kinda went to shit as Joss just turned into another typical institutionalized leftist liberal trapped in his own bubble. The quality of the last three seasons or so was pretty awful compared to the nuance and subtle/realistic descriptions of earlier seasons....

But yeah, Trump epitomizes everything straight white male rednecks love. He's arrogant, loud, extroverted, confident, wealthy, openly pervy about enjoying pussy etc. They can't get enough of that shit. They are like Trump except they don't have Trump's money so it's like Trump can be their role model. So it would make sense to me they exalt him to God status, the same way we gays exalt Kylie Minogue as a God lol. Only Kylie is way better than Trump!