Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
Of course they shouldn't have sex if they don't realize it leads to babies. I'm not opposed to child support from confirmed fathers. I'm opposed to maternity leave, which men who AREN'T the father will be made to pay for.
sorry I didn't read, it's really quite bad. I am for maternity/paternity leave. But I'm for social programs even if most don't benefit me. I don't know much about the funding as I was mainly aware of it being offered by employers. I wouldn't be against it being part of a socialized healthcare system. I think the state of healthcare in the US is awful and consider it inhumane how expensive it is.

I guess I don't see it as different from other social programs. I think it's important to meet a bare minimum standard of health and well-being that the US isn't meeting. I think it's important for babies to be with a parent or close caregiver at all times and that it will create unstable adults if they don't have proper care. A society of unstable adults is a sick society. I don't want a sick society.

I guess I basically see it as the children of a society are its future. Much must be devoted to them to make a strong society.