Lol. It's mostly how he's being portrayed by the news media.

DT does appear that way at face value/media...His portrayed "rhetoric" can be pretty brash, but did u know the media purposely makes him look bad?.

But seriously, in all fairness, have u ever heard of a positive news story about him the past 4 years?

Most probably can't - most will make a comment about how bad his personality is...

This is all because it's negative confirmation bias. You find and label the "bad guy" and your Reticular Activating System (RAS) looks for the negatives.

In regards to what he actually does, his policies are pro-christian/pro-life, for example, just a short list:

1) President Trump has appointed more Pro-Life Cabinet Members, Administration officials and has more pro-lifers running the government than Ronald Reagan and George Bush did….combined.
2) On his first Monday as President, one of his first acts was to sign the Mexico City Policy Executive Order, ending all U.S. tax dollars from supporting abortion in other countries.
3) Every budget proposal he has put forward has defunded Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, Congressional Republicans keep caving in and putting it back in, but Trump keeps pushing them to defund. Hopefully and prayerfully, the GOP will listen to Trump and finally defund once and for all.
4) Reversed the Obama policy that banned individual states from defunding Planned Parenthood on their own, so now many pro-life states have been able to defund P.P. in their own states.
5) Defunded the U.N. Population Fund because of it’s support for abortion.
6) Defunded and pulled the U.S. out of UNESCO, the U.N. agency that promotes abortion, the LGBT agenda, and opposes Israel.
7) Sent V.P. Mike Pence and Senior Advisor Kelly Anne Conway to speak at the annual March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. This is the first time in history any Administration had high level officials participate in the annual March.
8) With over 90% of Down Syndrome babies aborted, Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation declaring October “Down Syndrome Awareness Month” and condemned the killing of Down Syndrome babies through abortion.
9) Continues to push for a 20 week abortion ban and pledges to sign it, if the Senate GOP will just pass it as the House already has.
10) The Trump Administration’s Health and Human Services Department has declared the official position of the U.S. Government is that “Life begins at conception”.
11) Expanded the Obamacare exemptions for birth control and abortifacients coverage to include “moral and religious reasons”, thereby letting pro-life charities and business owners opt out.
12) In June, the Trump Administration told the U.N. that abortion “is not family planning”.
13) Trump’s HHS (Health and Human Services) Department is the government agency charged with setting policy regarding Planned Parenthood, the abortion industry and all health related issues. Trump has completely turned HHS into a strongly pro-life agency. His first HHS Secretary was solidly pro-life Tom Price. Trump’s nominee to replace him is the equally pro-life Alex Azar. (Planned Parenthood says Trump’s HHS and administration “is stacked with anti-women’s health ideologues and extremists”)
14) Trump’s HHS is now being run by a who’s who of pro-life leaders in key positions like Dr. Charmaine Yoest (former President of Americans United for Life), Valerie Huber, the former founder and president of the Abstinence Education firm Ascend, pro-life activist Teresa Manning, Shannon Royce, former Chief of Staff at Family Research Council, and countless more.
15) Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards says Trump has done more to “set back” their agenda than any President.
16) Ended Obama’s $100 million per year “Sex-Ed” program, switching to more “abstinence education” type programs.
17) Stacking the Federal Courts, Appellate Courts and Circuit Courts across the country with pro-life judges…..including, of course, Neil Gorsuch on the U.S. Supreme Court.
18) Concerned Women for America is pro-life, Christian, and the largest Women’s Public Policy group in America (much larger than N.O.W.). CWA’s President Penny Nance stated: “President Trump has been the most pro-life President in modern history”.
1) Used his Bully-Pulpit for regularly speaking out against and drawing attention to Christians being discriminated against here in America and persecuted around the world.
2) Has initiated many policies to protect religious liberties.
3) Sent Trump Administration attorneys to the Supreme Court to argue on behalf of Jack Phillips, the Christian Colorado baker who was being ordered to violate his beliefs by creating and designing a lesbian wedding cake. Trump has thrown the full weight of the White House into this legal battle on behalf of all Christian business owners.
4) Ended Obama’s Transgender school bathroom policy that required all public schools in America to allow students to enter the restrooms, locker rooms and showers of their choice according to their “gender identity”.
5) Has declared the U.S. does not recognize “Gender Identity” as a Civil Rights issue.
6) Ordered the ending of Obama’s Transgender military policy. (This is being blocked by liberal judges, but Trump is fighting it)
7) Refused enormous pressure to continue the precedent of declaring by Presidential Proclamation June to be “LGBT Pride Month”. He ended this precedent, did not make the proclamation, and did not light the White House in Rainbow colors like Obama did. (Trump did, however light the White House in Red, White and Blue lights)
8) Trump was the first sitting President ever to attend and speak at the pro-Christian Family Research Council’s “Values Voter Summit” in Washington D.C.
9) Unlike President Obama, Trump held National Day of Prayer events at the White House.
10) Against enormous pressure not to do so, and against the demands of Muslim nations, Trump officially declared the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel.
11) Ordered the process to begin of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, consistent with declaring Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel, not the Palestinian Capitol.
12) Was the first sitting U.S. President ever to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem on his Israeli tour, again recognizing Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.
13) Has created such a pro-Christian environment in the White House, that regular weekly prayer meetings and Bible studies for Cabinet members and staff are held in the White House with the President on occasion inviting them to come into the Oval Office, lay hands on him and pray over him.
14) Has surrounded himself with many Evangelical Christian leaders as part of his Faith Advisory Council, such as Michele Bachmann, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell Jr., Robert Jeffress, David Jeremiah, Richard Land, Ralph Reed, James Robison, Paula White, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, and many more.
15) Various Pastors and Evangelical leaders say President Trump often calls them just to seek advice, counsel or prayer. These pastors and leaders have told me this on my show.
16) Bottom line, Trump had a choice who to align himself with. He could have chosen his old Hollywood and entertainment world that he was a star in before. He could have chosen the more moderate Democrats or the GOP Establishment. Instead, he put his arm around the pro-life, born again evangelical Christian community and said “this is who I choose to stand with”. No surprise that Franklin Graham stated: “Never in my lifetime have we had a President willing to take a strong outspoken stand for the Christian faith like President Donald Trump has. All Christians need to get behind him with our prayers

If u can dig beneath the surface/rhetoric he's not the bad guy u guys are painting him as