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Thread: Amazing 1983 Prophecy: Donald Trump will lead America back to God

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Amazing 1983 Prophecy: Donald Trump will lead America back to God

    I have a special devotion to the House of Loretto*, so it is meaningful to me that this prophecy ties into that. The hermit of Loretto was an American WWII vet, and he made this prophecy in 1983. The reporting news agency here is LifeSite News, the most trusted news source I know. John Henry Weston tells the entire amazing story with his usual reporter's thoroughness and accuracy [26min., all interesting!):

    *(miraculous stone Holy House of Nazareth flown by angels to Loretto, Italy; we have historical accounts of witnesses to the flying house, and modern day science to prove it is from Nazareth, not Loretto).

    [Also the Pieta prayer book is very meaningful to me and has blessed me and so many others, and with this video I found that the hermit of Loretto he had much to do with this! My husband and I pray the "St. Joseph Prayer, Over 1900 years old" every night, which I found in that book, and St. Joseph has miraculously helped us with so many issues with this house, which we always entrust to his prayer.]
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 09-10-2020 at 11:19 PM. Reason: pieta
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Trump is one of the most un-Christlike people I can think of, and it is profoundly ironic, not to mention hilarious when Christians hold him up as some kind of exemplar of their faith. The only way I can see him leading anyone to the Christian god is by setting an example of what not to do if you want to follow Christ. Trump is arrogant, dishonest, and inhumane--all traits that run counter to the teachings of the Gospels.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Trump is one of the most un-Christlike people I can think of, and it is profoundly ironic, not to mention hilarious when Christians hold him up as some kind of exemplar of their faith. The only way I can see him leading anyone to the Christian god is by setting an example of what not to do if you want to follow Christ. Trump is arrogant, dishonest, and inhumane--all traits that run counter to the teachings of the Gospels.
    You might like this page:

    @Eliza Thomason should read it too.

    A lot of Christians seem to be pretty easily deceived. It's strange that someone whose life runs so counter to the Bible could draw in so many "believers." He disparages people, doesn't care about "losers," treats women like objects, and a lot of other things that are too many to list in a short post, but Christians flock to him anyway. It's a total cult of personality in the death throes of conservative America. You don't even have to try hard to disqualify this guy. Just read the Bible and watch what Trump says.

    Of course I'm not a Christian and I seem to have more knowledge of the Bible than many Christians....
    Last edited by Aramas; 09-10-2020 at 11:23 PM.

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    You might like this page:

    @Eliza Thomason should read it too.
    I'm not a big believer in prophecies, but that page certainly was an interesting read. If Trump wins the reelection, it will be interesting to see how many more of the potential similarities between him and the Antichrist are borne out.

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    Lol. It's mostly how he's being portrayed by the news media.

    DT does appear that way at face value/media...His portrayed "rhetoric" can be pretty brash, but did u know the media purposely makes him look bad?.

    But seriously, in all fairness, have u ever heard of a positive news story about him the past 4 years?

    Most probably can't - most will make a comment about how bad his personality is...

    This is all because it's negative confirmation bias. You find and label the "bad guy" and your Reticular Activating System (RAS) looks for the negatives.

    In regards to what he actually does, his policies are pro-christian/pro-life, for example, just a short list:

    1) President Trump has appointed more Pro-Life Cabinet Members, Administration officials and has more pro-lifers running the government than Ronald Reagan and George Bush did….combined.
    2) On his first Monday as President, one of his first acts was to sign the Mexico City Policy Executive Order, ending all U.S. tax dollars from supporting abortion in other countries.
    3) Every budget proposal he has put forward has defunded Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, Congressional Republicans keep caving in and putting it back in, but Trump keeps pushing them to defund. Hopefully and prayerfully, the GOP will listen to Trump and finally defund once and for all.
    4) Reversed the Obama policy that banned individual states from defunding Planned Parenthood on their own, so now many pro-life states have been able to defund P.P. in their own states.
    5) Defunded the U.N. Population Fund because of it’s support for abortion.
    6) Defunded and pulled the U.S. out of UNESCO, the U.N. agency that promotes abortion, the LGBT agenda, and opposes Israel.
    7) Sent V.P. Mike Pence and Senior Advisor Kelly Anne Conway to speak at the annual March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. This is the first time in history any Administration had high level officials participate in the annual March.
    8) With over 90% of Down Syndrome babies aborted, Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation declaring October “Down Syndrome Awareness Month” and condemned the killing of Down Syndrome babies through abortion.
    9) Continues to push for a 20 week abortion ban and pledges to sign it, if the Senate GOP will just pass it as the House already has.
    10) The Trump Administration’s Health and Human Services Department has declared the official position of the U.S. Government is that “Life begins at conception”.
    11) Expanded the Obamacare exemptions for birth control and abortifacients coverage to include “moral and religious reasons”, thereby letting pro-life charities and business owners opt out.
    12) In June, the Trump Administration told the U.N. that abortion “is not family planning”.
    13) Trump’s HHS (Health and Human Services) Department is the government agency charged with setting policy regarding Planned Parenthood, the abortion industry and all health related issues. Trump has completely turned HHS into a strongly pro-life agency. His first HHS Secretary was solidly pro-life Tom Price. Trump’s nominee to replace him is the equally pro-life Alex Azar. (Planned Parenthood says Trump’s HHS and administration “is stacked with anti-women’s health ideologues and extremists”)
    14) Trump’s HHS is now being run by a who’s who of pro-life leaders in key positions like Dr. Charmaine Yoest (former President of Americans United for Life), Valerie Huber, the former founder and president of the Abstinence Education firm Ascend, pro-life activist Teresa Manning, Shannon Royce, former Chief of Staff at Family Research Council, and countless more.
    15) Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards says Trump has done more to “set back” their agenda than any President.
    16) Ended Obama’s $100 million per year “Sex-Ed” program, switching to more “abstinence education” type programs.
    17) Stacking the Federal Courts, Appellate Courts and Circuit Courts across the country with pro-life judges…..including, of course, Neil Gorsuch on the U.S. Supreme Court.
    18) Concerned Women for America is pro-life, Christian, and the largest Women’s Public Policy group in America (much larger than N.O.W.). CWA’s President Penny Nance stated: “President Trump has been the most pro-life President in modern history”.
    1) Used his Bully-Pulpit for regularly speaking out against and drawing attention to Christians being discriminated against here in America and persecuted around the world.
    2) Has initiated many policies to protect religious liberties.
    3) Sent Trump Administration attorneys to the Supreme Court to argue on behalf of Jack Phillips, the Christian Colorado baker who was being ordered to violate his beliefs by creating and designing a lesbian wedding cake. Trump has thrown the full weight of the White House into this legal battle on behalf of all Christian business owners.
    4) Ended Obama’s Transgender school bathroom policy that required all public schools in America to allow students to enter the restrooms, locker rooms and showers of their choice according to their “gender identity”.
    5) Has declared the U.S. does not recognize “Gender Identity” as a Civil Rights issue.
    6) Ordered the ending of Obama’s Transgender military policy. (This is being blocked by liberal judges, but Trump is fighting it)
    7) Refused enormous pressure to continue the precedent of declaring by Presidential Proclamation June to be “LGBT Pride Month”. He ended this precedent, did not make the proclamation, and did not light the White House in Rainbow colors like Obama did. (Trump did, however light the White House in Red, White and Blue lights)
    8) Trump was the first sitting President ever to attend and speak at the pro-Christian Family Research Council’s “Values Voter Summit” in Washington D.C.
    9) Unlike President Obama, Trump held National Day of Prayer events at the White House.
    10) Against enormous pressure not to do so, and against the demands of Muslim nations, Trump officially declared the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel.
    11) Ordered the process to begin of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, consistent with declaring Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel, not the Palestinian Capitol.
    12) Was the first sitting U.S. President ever to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem on his Israeli tour, again recognizing Jerusalem as belonging to Israel.
    13) Has created such a pro-Christian environment in the White House, that regular weekly prayer meetings and Bible studies for Cabinet members and staff are held in the White House with the President on occasion inviting them to come into the Oval Office, lay hands on him and pray over him.
    14) Has surrounded himself with many Evangelical Christian leaders as part of his Faith Advisory Council, such as Michele Bachmann, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell Jr., Robert Jeffress, David Jeremiah, Richard Land, Ralph Reed, James Robison, Paula White, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, and many more.
    15) Various Pastors and Evangelical leaders say President Trump often calls them just to seek advice, counsel or prayer. These pastors and leaders have told me this on my show.
    16) Bottom line, Trump had a choice who to align himself with. He could have chosen his old Hollywood and entertainment world that he was a star in before. He could have chosen the more moderate Democrats or the GOP Establishment. Instead, he put his arm around the pro-life, born again evangelical Christian community and said “this is who I choose to stand with”. No surprise that Franklin Graham stated: “Never in my lifetime have we had a President willing to take a strong outspoken stand for the Christian faith like President Donald Trump has. All Christians need to get behind him with our prayers

    If u can dig beneath the surface/rhetoric he's not the bad guy u guys are painting him as

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Trump is one of the most un-Christlike people I can think of, and it is profoundly ironic, not to mention hilarious when Christians hold him up as some kind of exemplar of their faith. The only way I can see him leading anyone to the Christian god is by setting an example of what not to do if you want to follow Christ. Trump is arrogant, dishonest, and inhumane--all traits that run counter to the teachings of the Gospels.
    It may seem like Trump is being held up by Christians as a Christian example, but I haven't seen that, although certainly there are those who get things out of perspective. The biggest reason, IMO, that Christians celebrate Trump is because we have a political leader defending, giving a nod to, and respecting our faith. The Democratic party tears it down, welcoming - even celebrating it in the DNC with the BLM propaganda and their Marxist agenda to tear down the nuclear family and de-fund the police. (While the RNC ends with Ave Maria!). Trump shows respect for our faith, Dems work to obliterate it.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    It may seem like Trump is being held up by Christians as a Christian example, but I haven't seen that, although certainly there are those who get things out of perspective. The biggest reason, IMO, that Christians celebrate Trump is because we have a political leader defending, giving a nod to, and respecting our faith. The Democratic party tears it down, welcoming - even celebrating it in the DNC with the BLM propaganda and their Marxist agenda to tear down the nuclear family and de-fund the police. (While the RNC ends with Ave Maria!). Trump shows respect for our faith, Dems work to obliterate it.
    How are BLM protestors threatening to tear down the nuclear family?
    Last edited by xerx; 09-11-2020 at 03:38 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    How are BLM protestors threatening to tear down the nuclear family?
    You can go to their website. It's a stated goal. After all, the Nuclear Family, as most all of us understand it, is a "Patriarchal" and "Colonial" example of "White Supremacy" that doesn't include the "lived experiences" of the "community" of the "marginalized". Therefore, it's evil and must be done away with.

    If you haven't heard of Yuri Bezmenov, look him up. His lecture/interview "Deception Was My Job" was/is an outright prophecy (given in 1984 no less for maximum meme potential). He talks about this and much more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You can go to their website. It's a stated goal. After all, the Nuclear Family, as most all of us understand it, is a "Patriarchal" and "Colonial" example of "White Supremacy" that doesn't include the "lived experiences" of the "community" of the "marginalized". Therefore, it's evil and must be done away with.

    If you haven't heard of Yuri Bezmenov, look him up. His lecture/interview "Deception Was My Job" was/is an outright prophecy (given in 1984 no less for maximum meme potential). He talks about this and much more.

    Can you link to where it says that on any BLM website?

    I still don't see what you mean about colonialism and the nuclear family. If anything, slave owners would routinely break up Black families in order to sell off the individuals to different buyers. With respect to BLM's antagonism towards law enforcement: the ongoing incarceration of Black men has led to an epidemic of fatherlessness in Black communities, which means that raising the social status of African Americans would probably strengthen (or at least wouldn't hurt) the nuclear family.
    Last edited by xerx; 09-11-2020 at 06:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    It may seem like Trump is being held up by Christians as a Christian example, but I haven't seen that, although certainly there are those who get things out of perspective. The biggest reason, IMO, that Christians celebrate Trump is because we have a political leader defending, giving a nod to, and respecting our faith. The Democratic party tears it down, welcoming - even celebrating it in the DNC with the BLM propaganda and their Marxist agenda to tear down the nuclear family and de-fund the police. (While the RNC ends with Ave Maria!). Trump shows respect for our faith, Dems work to obliterate it.
    Bruh, what does the DNC have to do with Marxism, tearing down the nuclear family, or defunding the police? The DNC is pretty centrist in American terms. They don't want the USA to be "socialist" like Europe or the East. I have no idea where in the DNC platform tearing apart the nuclear family is. As far as defunding the police goes, I think the idea is just a catch phrase for de-militarizing the police. There's no reason for individual police departments to have military tanks and other gear like that.

    As far as BLM goes, it's mainly about not killing off black people and furthering the civil rights movement by ending gerrymandering and other forms of institutional discrimination so that the equality of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution can be something closer to a reality.

    Biden himself is Catholic btw. I don't think many democrats who favor even more socialistic policies are arguing in favor of a complete socialization of the means of production. They mostly just want an increased safety net and social policies that favor, to a moderate degree, a bit more economic equality between the classes in the USA. Not too many people want to change the USA into a totally communist country. Bernie Sanders, probably one of the most left-wing people in the USA, is a social democrat. That's not the same thing as a communist. AOC is a democratic socialist herself, and she's more left-wing probably than Bernie. She's not a communist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    It may seem like Trump is being held up by Christians as a Christian example, but I haven't seen that, although certainly there are those who get things out of perspective. The biggest reason, IMO, that Christians celebrate Trump is because we have a political leader defending, giving a nod to, and respecting our faith. The Democratic party tears it down, welcoming - even celebrating it in the DNC with the BLM propaganda and their Marxist agenda to tear down the nuclear family and de-fund the police. (While the RNC ends with Ave Maria!). Trump shows respect for our faith, Dems work to obliterate it.
    He never was, but God has a habit of appointing "unexpected" or "unworthy" people (in the eyes of the worldly) to be his greatest heralds. Saul of Tarsus became the greatest Evangelist to have ever lived despite the fact he was, essentially, the best "anti-inquisitor" to have ever lived insofar as his persecutions of the faithful were before his conversion. Augustine, arch-degenerate extraordinaire to the point his most famous prayer I mention frequently (as I sadly know far too much about in that regard) spells out painfully and yet he is a doctor of the church.

    It's his own way of humiliating Satan (who is all about trying and sadly succeeding to humiliate us in worldly terms). He constantly misses stuff like that in his absolute arrogance. The purification/salvation of sinners is God's most earnest desire. Such that Jesus gave himself unto the cross to make possible. Lucifer knows about all that, and it drives him mad in ways we cannot adequately comprehend (or at least I hope we can't, because to comprehend the mind of the demon may be to become one). God has already won, and so have those who stand beside him. For if God is for us, who can be against us?

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    Which god though?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Which god though?
    Reminds me of what someone else once said, "What is truth?"

    @Aramas, i will read the link another time. I did a quick skim but I may have misinterpreted what he said on my quick read. He seems to suggest Trump could be the antiChrist. No way, and he is not going to convince real believers of that. I trust the words of the hermit of Loretto, someone who spent solid years of his life completely devoted to prayer for the world. He poured his life out to God for God's work, and you cannot out-give God. God gave him gifts, including prophecy. Hermit John said, God is going to use this man. That is God, not the devil. So the devil won't be able to use that instrument, too. He will have to find someone else. And there lots of candidates, including a whole slew of corrupt bishops and cardinals in our infiltrated Church ("deep church").

    God does not have to use a perfect man or a holy man. He uses cracked pots to accomplish his work, because He is perfect and He is able. He used Constantine to legalize the existence of the Church, and put an end to a long period of persecution of Christians, a man who waited until his deathbed to get baptized...

    The other thing i wanted to say Aramas is I hear so much whining and awfulizing of Trump in the media (the strong arm of the Dems), and the complaints and diatribes often sound lame and empty to me, and also they sound the way many of us feel when we are experiencing judgmental frustration about conflicting or opposing personality types. Trump is SLE on steroids. He has been rich all his life and full of choices the rest of us don't have, like the very best education, and he chose to live his life exactly as he wanted - a full personification of his Socionics type. His drive and bluntness are clear, and some people just can't get over those things. Truly an irritation to the audited...
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 09-11-2020 at 03:28 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    I miss when people were saying the world was going to end in 1988, forty years after the replanting of the "fig tree" that was the state of Israel.

    I remember when my asshole widow grandmother joined the Camping cult and freaked us all out thinking the rapture would come in 2011. Nope, when the 2012 mayan galactic plane scare came I was already unfazed by that crap, because I'd dealt with that kind of nothingburger already.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    I miss when people were saying the world was going to end in 1988, forty years after the replanting of the "fig tree" that was the state of Israel.

    I remember when my asshole widow grandmother joined the Camping cult and freaked us all out thinking the rapture would come in 2011. Nope, when the 2012 mayan galactic plane scare came I was already unfazed by that crap, because I'd dealt with that kind of nothingburger already.

    I remember learning in highschool that people in the 1500's thought that was the biblical end doubt about it. LOL.

    Im fine with prophecy, but when it starts to get real specific, I check out. Sylvia Brown predicted a world wide pandemic twice, in 2020, and returning again in 2030.

    You have to ask yourself what is going on internally with people who "need" the rapture to come.

    On that note, Graham Hancock proposes that the apocalypse did happen once, in 12,611 years ago when parts of meteor stream hit somewhere over North America and tossed the world into a mysterious deep freeze for a 1000 years. No one knows why Earth froze to frigid temperatures at that time. Then mysteriously the Earth warmed up in a matter of seasons to todays temperatures and we left the ice age. People were around back then and maybe they had lived through the calamity and codified its memory into certain religions.

    At any rate, I think Christians would do best to escape the need for an end time rapture, or even current western civilization, it might just become a self fulfilling prophecy. Why is it that cray cray evangelical ESE are always the one's pushing Raptures? You ever noticed that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by valhalla View Post

    You have to ask yourself what is going on internally with people who "need" the rapture to come. ...
    At any rate, I think Christians would do best to escape the need for an end time rapture, or even current western civilization, it might just become a self fulfilling prophecy. Why is it that cray cray evangelical ESE are always the one's pushing Raptures? You ever noticed that?
    I can see a "need" for a rapture because who wouldn't want to be zoomed out of worldwide chaos when it hits? I would. But it's not happening.

    The fact is not all Christians believe in a tribulation rapture, and of those who do, there are varying interpretations of that. It is a Protestant idea originating in the 19th century at earliest. Catholics, the original and biggest group of Christians, do not believe in a rapture until the LITERAL very end of time, at the end of the earth, when Jesus returns as judge. We see that as a very long time from now.

    The coming trials are of the end of an era, not the end of the world.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Catholics, the original and biggest group of Christians
    Oh wait, you Romans aren't the original either. The eastern orthodox is the true original. Roman catholicism is as much a novel breakaway as any protestant. Uh oh, stinky.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Oh wait, you Romans aren't the original either. The eastern orthodox is the true original. Roman catholicism is as much a novel breakaway as any protestant...
    I read this to my husband having never heard this novel idea. He said oh, yes, the Orthodox think this. Wow. You learn something new every day.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    hallowed be thy name


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    I agree that Trump is leading people back to god because millions are praying he isn't reelected but the video is just more second hand fake news the priest shared (in 2017). The doctor is obviously lying to further an agenda. Just listen to him regurgitating what Trump and his campaign say about Trump.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I agree that Trump is leading people back to god because millions are praying he isn't reelected but the video is just more second hand fake news the priest shared (in 2017). The doctor is obviously lying to further an agenda. Just listen to him regurgitating what Trump and his campaign say about Trump.
    I am surprised you think that doctor is lying. I admire that good man. I get all "good and true" from him.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    i don't understand how trump fits with christian values. christian values are not detain children in cages at the border, sew division and hatred and play groups off each other so one can benefit from the chaos, work to increase income inequality, incite violence and hate crimes, send secret police into cities to go after people who might be protesting, see women as pussies to grab, etc.

    Trump is not a Christian imo. My view of Christianity is that it means one has to accept God into their heart and surrender to God's will. The output in deeds from someone who is led by God will not be these things.

    Trump is closer to the notion of the "anti-Christ" if he must have a match. He leads Christians away from God and into the night on fire.

    PS. Trump's spiritual advisor:

    Intriguingly she believes the faith is about money? How is she not the spitting image of the religious fakers Jesus was calling out?
    Last edited by marooned; 09-11-2020 at 05:58 PM.

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    Through Trump God speaks. God called on Trump to guide us here on Earth. It is the wisdom of Trump that God calls for and God always knows what he is doing. Trust in God for he has a plan. Believe in God because if you don't, you will go to Hell and as a good Christian I do not wish to see that happen. I trust in the guidance of God through Trump. Trump is keeping us on the right path and don't believe all the hate and lies that the Left spews. They are going to Hell anyway, so you shouldn't trust them, but do try to save their souls; everyone deserves a chance to be saved and it's the proper Christian thing to submit people to the Glory of God and his infinite love and wisdom and mystery. Through Trump all things are possible.

    P.S. God approves this message.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Through Trump God speaks. God called on Trump to guide us here on Earth. It is the wisdom of Trump that God calls for and God always knows what he is doing. Trust in God for he has a plan. Believe in God because if you don't, you will go to Hell and as a good Christian I do not wish to see that happen. I trust in the guidance of God through Trump. Trump is keeping us on the right path and don't believe all the hate and lies that the Left spews. They are going to Hell anyway, so you shouldn't trust them, but do try to save their souls; everyone deserves a chance to be saved and it's the proper Christian thing to submit people to the Glory of God and his infinite love and wisdom and mystery. Through Trump all things are possible.

    P.S. God approves this message.
    You forgot the speaking in tongues and laying on of hands part.

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    The devil has many shapes and forms. Beware the heathen @Aramas that wishes to sway us unto Satan and Hell. For he mocks thy message from God, but little does he know we are on to his deception. And together with Trump, we will defeat the Aramas' of the world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    i don't understand how trump fits with christian values. christian values are not detain children in cages at the border, sew division and hatred and play groups off each other so one can benefit from the chaos, work to increase income inequality, incite violence and hate crimes, send secret police into cities to go after people who might be protesting, see women as pussies to grab, etc.

    Trump is not a Christian imo. My view of Christianity is that it means one has to accept God into their heart and surrender to God's will. The output in deeds from someone who is led by God will not be these things.

    Trump is closer to the notion of the "anti-Christ" if he must have a match. He leads Christians away from God and into the night on fire.

    PS. Trump's spiritual advisor:

    Intriguingly she believes the faith is about money? How is she not the spitting image of the religious fakers Jesus was calling out?
    Interesting article. I din't know he had a spiritual advisor, pastor of a mega church. But I don't know that much.

    I said this above, but I think you missed it:

    It may seem like Trump is being held up by Christians as a Christian example, but I haven't seen that, although certainly there are those who get things out of perspective. The biggest reason, IMO, that Christians celebrate Trump is because we have a political leader defending, giving a nod to, and respecting our faith.
    Trump is not being admired by anyone for his practice of the Christian faith.

    I admire the faith and Christian example and life of Hermit of Loretto, of that good doctor on the video, of John Henry Weston. I wouldn't dream of looking at Trump for an example of how to live the Christian faith. Trump has not/would not hold himself up as that. But I do look up to those three I just mentioned. John the hermit had said, "the hand of God is on Trump", and that "God will use Trump to being America back to God." Amazing that he said that in 1983 to another pious believer. God uses whom He wills for his purposes. They are not always pious persons.

    But IMO America is not going to be brought anywhere until things get worse. Many mystics say things will soon get much worse. There are no atheists in the trenches. And we aren't in the trenches yet.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 09-11-2020 at 09:30 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I said this above, but I think you missed it:

    It may seem like Trump is being held up by Christians as a Christian example, but I haven't seen that, although certainly there are those who get things out of perspective. The biggest reason, IMO, that Christians celebrate Trump is because we have a political leader defending, giving a nod to, and respecting our faith.
    Trump is not being admired by anyone for his practice of the Christian faith.
    how can one respect the faith when their actions are anti-God? That doesn't seem like real respect. It seems like pandering to a fan base because he wants their votes. Most US presidents have said they are Christian so it's not as though Trump is unique in this regard.

    I've always disagreed with fusing church and state as it will violate the religious freedom of the people but it seems this is what evangelical Christianity wants, a nation that forces people under its religion, a true "one nation under God." However, if the leadership is actually not truly with God and is instead lying and pandering to gain Christian votes, the nation that is being voted for won't be under God at all. It would violate what Jesus asked for (such as love your neighbor as yourself) all in the name of "God."

    This desired nation that is ruled by religion will then take on an authority of "God," all the while calling on its people to do very unChristian things like putting children in cages and hurting their neighbors (whether this is other neighboring countries or other Americans). So it leads away from what it says it is about.

    This is why I was making a distinction between dogma and spirituality. It's no small thing.

    A cult leader who flatters their followers and makes them feel special and paid attention to is still a cult leader. What this person offers is a substitute for the real thing, which is to say they offer nothing at all.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-12-2020 at 02:53 AM.

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    I think we should seriously consider the possibility that the slogan "Defund the Police" was invented by a right-wing troll or troll farm. It sounds so uncannily close to the counter-slogan "Defend the Police" that you'd think it was put there on purpose.

    I don't want to dig up the entire twitter history to find out who started it and whether it was started in good faith, but this is why the Internet is so toxic to democracy. As an extension of the whole online free speech debate, we should be having an online anonymity debate. Maybe you shouldn't be able to talk about politics until you reveal your name and face, just as in the time of the founding fathers. It won't solve every issue by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a step towards less deliberately misleading speech.
    Last edited by xerx; 09-11-2020 at 08:33 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I think we should seriously consider the possibility that the slogan "Defund the Police" was invented by a right-wing troll or troll farm. It sounds so uncannily close to the counter-slogan "Defend the Police" that you'd think it was put there on purpose.

    I don't want to dig up the entire twitter history to find out who started it and whether it was started in good faith, but this is why the Internet is so toxic to democracy. As an extension of the whole online free speech debate, we should be having an online anonymity debate. Maybe you shouldn't be able to talk about politics until you reveal your name and face, just as in the time of the founding fathers. It won't solve every issue by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a step towards less deliberately misleading speech.
    Tbh I think the internet sponsors Democracy. The conservative backlash is coming partly because of all the liberal minded people connecting online.

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    USA was close to God? When genocided native indians and blacks used as slaves?
    Or when declared since mid of 1860s capitalistic individualism and materialism as highest values, what is against humanistic Christianity and common monotheistic principles?

    Trump is natural to those ideals, which are closer to satanism than to monotheism. USA is the force which spreads this dirt in the world, making people morally crazy and not happy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    USA is the force which spreads this dirt in the world, making people morally crazy and not happy.
    Yeah, especially Hollywood. Pure trash that rots the soul. No wonder 1 out of 4 people in the US is mentally ill.

    Netflix too.. that recent "Cuties" movie fiasco.. smh. These are just some minor examples.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Yeah, especially Hollywood.
    It's common that mass medias are significantly used for propaganda, controlled by governments and other power/money holders. Individualism predisposes to hating. And "western" medias have much of information to inspire negative emotions to people and to the world, to stimulate primitive instincts and interests.
    The example are "news" which gather all shit from the world, while that may don't even touch your life, and also they miss many of the good what happens near alike intentionally. They create negative emotional states. Why? When people feel badly they unconsciously suppose a lack of resources and are harder to support others - they ruin collectiveness in people. Also it's emotional terrorism to supress the masses psychically - people feel lesser optimism to express own interests and wishes.

    About USA is interesting, that many ones don't notice that individualistic-materialistic ideology of capitalism, propaganded much from that country, and Christianity are in opposing. Individualism is the essence of other - of Satanism. People claim themselves as Christians or having respect to it, and in the same time mainly live by opposited ideology. Due to egocentric and competing attitudes are full of hate to other people, to the world, have the lack of love even to own families. Materialism is also strong and it's far from Christianity ideas.
    When USA says about God it's supposed European tradition of Christianity. It's ignored that capitalism is close to Satanism and what USA does is close to Nazism.

    > No wonder 1 out of 4 people in the US is mentally ill.

    I saw close evaluations of ~20% of people having traits clinically fiting to psycher disoders. That was calculated in USA or European countries in 20th century. It's about formal medics criterias.
    The problem can be wider. I'd say as the criterion of mental health can be taken emotional state: the more harmony with yourself, the healthier - the happier you feel. Strong individualistic attitude is among reasons which predispose to negative emotions to other people and to anything. On human's person level and due to what happens in a society. At least should be so for majority of people, as they psychically are collective beings. Normal people's psyche needs _good_ relations with other people, a state of love with others. Individualism is the problem of many places besides USA and the lack of happiness should be global problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    And you were slaughtering kulaks!

    Oh, and you persecuted jews too. Worse than the third reich of germany, might I add. Not many people know about this, but back in the day, Hittler actually made a special exception that the Karaite sect of jews were never to be targeted for execution, but you Soviets lined your karaim against the wall and had them shot. So you were actually worse than Hittler on jews.

    Oh, and remember that war you "single-handedly" fought to defeat those nazis, whom you'd made a nonaggression pact with a while earlier? Guess who paid for your efforts? Who funneled all that money and oil and trucks into your war effort? We did. The good old US of A funded your destruction of the nazi forces in the Lend-Lease Act.

    So STFU.
    Tu quoque! But right nonetheless.

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    I agree with this prophecy btw. I think Trump is gonna save the world lmao, in an amazing Fi polr character development plot twist. Because that’s how all stories work, DUH!

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    If you’re so scared of being culled as a white boy @Grendel, it looks like these are actually the people who are going to do it to you.

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    Newspeak white knight trash

    Trump is the opposite of this Satan walking the Earth

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Newspeak white knight trash

    Trump is the opposite of this Satan walking the Earth
    the problem is that Trump represents the right-wing extremism battling the left-wing extremism, and each side only identifies the extremism in the opposing side and not that on their own side, by and large. The state of intense political polarization between both sides makes for an atmosphere in which criticizing the failings of ones own side will lead to accusations of supporting the other side, and that is becoming increasingly dangerous to people in the form of economic penalities.

    But Trump is the leader of the nation, he knows the nation is tearing itself apart, and he seems to do whatever he can to make it tear itself apart further. He likes the increasing polarization and seeks to increase it. He's basically a vector for polarization.

    He also is the first president in my lifetime who truly only represents half the nation rather than all of it. This isn't to say politicians in general are any good at representing their constituents if those constituents don't have buckets of cash.

    The problem is that every win on either side of the culture war, under such intense polarization that renders the country dysfunctional, is a loss for everyone, because the other side will retaliate by amping up its own extremism.

    Take an issue like free speech. While Trump fights for the free speech of the right wing, he doesn't support it at all for the left wing. He would be fine with cancelling people on the left, just not on the right (unless of course they call out their own side). He would be fine with getting rid of free press entirely and replacing it with his own personal propaganda machine. He just doesn't like it when the left infringes on free speech for those on the right. So basically, he's just as anti-free speech as the extremists on the left.

    The division of the culture war benefits Trump, so he has no interest in ending the extremism across the board. He loves it.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-12-2020 at 02:46 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    the problem is that Trump represents the right-wing extremism battling the left-wing extremism, and each side only identifies the extremism in the opposing side and not that on their own side, by and large. The state of intense political polarization between both sides makes for an atmosphere in which criticizing the failings of ones own side will lead to accusations of supporting the other side, and that is becoming increasingly dangerous to people in the form of economic penalities.

    But Trump is the leader of the nation, he knows the nation is tearing itself apart, and he seems to do whatever he can to make it tear itself apart further. He likes the increasing polarization and seeks to increase it. He's basically a vector for polarization.

    He also is the first president in my lifetime who truly only represents half the nation rather than all of it. This isn't to say politicians in general are any good at representing their constituents if those constituents don't have buckets of cash.

    The problem is that every win on either side of the culture war, under such intense polarization that renders the country dysfunctional, is a loss for everyone, because the other side will retaliate by amping up its own extremism.

    Take an issue like free speech. While Trump fights for the free speech of the right wing, he doesn't support it at all for the left wing. He would be fine with cancelling people on the left, just not on the right (unless of course they call out their own side). He would be fine with getting rid of free press entirely and replacing it with his own personal propaganda machine. He just doesn't like it when the left infringes on free speech for those on the right. So basically, he's just as anti-free speech as the extremists on the left.

    The division of the culture war benefits Trump, so he has no interest in ending the extremism across the board. He loves it.
    How is it possible for Trump to be pushing for polarization if he is trying to quash left wing free speech as you say? Since polarization would happen best in theory if both sides would be encouraged to broadcast their extremists views as much as possible.

    In other words, what’s the evidence for Trump trying to increase polarization?

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    How is it possible for Trump to be pushing for polarization if he is trying to quash left wing free speech as you say? Since polarization would happen best in theory if both sides would be encouraged to broadcast their extremists views as much as possible.

    In other words, what’s the evidence for Trump trying to increase polarization?
    I'm not sure I agree that polarization happens best if people are free to air their views. Something else might happen instead: discussion. (Free) discussion and debate in my opinion decrease extremist views because people feel like they can say what they think and they can work out their views in discourse (which really is part of building views, people learn from conversations and even from debates). If the climate is too dangerous for people to speak, that's when internal anger builds that has little outlet until of course someone like Trump comes along to encourage the unleashing of that rage, which he can play like a snake charmer.

    I'm not sure how much you need. For instance would you agree already from the content of his Tweets and what he says in his rallies (which btw are ONLY for his supporters and not all Americans) is decisive by drawing on people's fear, anger and hatred, and calling out enemies to hatefully chant against whether they are immigrants or muslims or the libs in general or whichever group he wishes to declare the enemy today. The energy that gets fired up is hateful against other people in the same nation.

    Then there are the violent outcomes of Trump's rhetoric. This article has a list of some examples:

    What will be the reaction from the left to this kind of thing? Will they possibly become increasingly less "woke" in response to an increasingly violent right wing that is actually now easy to link directly to racism and hate crimes? Of course not. This will tell the left it needs to double down hard, it needs to become more extreme to fight the extremism. It needs to burn cities and destroy things if need be. It needs to make sure no one is allowed in its society who displays any view that does not meet a standard of moral purity. It needs to grow its dogma to become strong.

    And when it does, Trump likely rejoices, because then he can tell his followers, "see how extreme the left is" and basically paint them as enemies in a holy war. And they will agree with him when he starts turning Homeland Security into the secret police, able to detain people whenever they want. Naturally like both sides blind in the political divide they don't see how that threatens their freedom as well were a left-wing extremist to get into office (how now the set up is already there for them to do one of the worst things in nations ruled by dictators--make people disappear because of their political views). Likewise, the political left doesn't see how their interest in increasing censorship creates pathways to censor their own side for extremism. If the social media giants increasingly censor political speech they can also censor eventually progressives rising in politics who rely heavily on social media to promote themselves. It gives the social media giants too much power over politics. But naturally no one notices the threat as long as it's only working against the other side.

    Trump didn't start all the division, but he used it to win an election and he'll use it again. The closer we get to Nov. the more he seems to focus on the culture war. And surely I am not the only one who noticed how after Trump's election extremism in the US seems to be at an all time high. Who is fanning those flames in every speech and tweet? Could it be the leader of the nation?

    PS. Trump on cancel culture:

    Some of these examples are about boycotting corporations, however that's kind of part of this too. Corporations are reacting to the political division just as everything is. It affects who they hire, who they fire, what they say and promote, where they put their money, what their culture initiatives are, etc. And that affects all of us, it affects what we can say and do without economic penalty.

    Also many examples are just about if someone said something that he personally doesn't like, because he is a mini-dictator with fragile ego.

    But basically he plays the same game as the left while saying he's against the game. His side won't notice how this is pervasive on their side as well, and of course they can always just see it as necessary: you have to control these left wing extremists so they can't take over (you have to control people).

    CNN btw as far as I know has never really called out cancel culture on the left. It's left-leaning and blind to its own side's failings.

    This vid does a nice summary theory of how Trump plays. He's good at division. He knows how to play division in his favor:

    Like he doesn't say divisive things for nothing. Every time he's doing it he's doing it on purpose for his own ends.

    If Trump were against the division because it threatens the integrity of the entire nation he would attempt to unify the entire nation. Can you really say a president who has declared the other half of the political spectrum (the entire left-leaning half of the nation, over 100 million people) the enemy, does not wish for division, strife and chaos? The very simple fact that his rallies are only for Republicans, that Republicans are the ONLY Americans he represents, says a great deal all on its own.

    ETA. I don't agree with all the political views of the youtuber most likely. The end of the video of reporters asking people to call things out on the spot (you are condemned if you do not call x out) is also not really my cup of tea. And also the tweet about asking the squad "to go back to their own countries" IS racist, which was the entire point. Trump knew it was and he did it on purpose as the rest of the video argues, so to say whether it is or isn't racist is irrelevant doesn't fit with the argument the video is making. On the contrary, it is highly relevant.

    The main area I disagree politically is that I'll vote for progressives like AOC because I don't entirely disagree with the woke movement. It's the extreme end of that moment that would control people that I have a problem with. But I have more of a problem with the center left because of its economic policies and how it is a whore for corporations that are driving increasing income inequality and environmental destruction. And of course the entire right is a sell out to corporations.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-12-2020 at 05:44 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I'm not sure I agree that polarization happens best if people are free to air their views. Something else might happen instead: discussion. (Free) discussion and debate in my opinion decrease extremist views because people feel like they can say what they think and they can work out their views in discourse (which really is part of building views, people learn from conversations and even from debates). If the climate is too dangerous for people to speak, that's when internal anger builds that has little outlet until of course someone like Trump comes along to encourage the unleashing of that rage, which he can play like a snake charmer.

    I'm not sure how much you need. For instance would you agree already from the content of his Tweets and what he says in his rallies (which btw are ONLY for his supporters and not all Americans) is decisive by drawing on people's fear, anger and hatred, and calling out enemies to hatefully chant against whether they are immigrants or muslims or the libs in general or whichever group he wishes to declare the enemy today. The energy that gets fired up is hateful against other people in the same nation.

    Then there are the violent outcomes of Trump's rhetoric. This article has a list of some examples:

    What will be the reaction from the left to this kind of thing? Will they possibly become increasingly less "woke" in response to an increasingly violent right wing that is actually now easy to link directly to racism and hate crimes? Of course not. This will tell the left it needs to double down hard, it needs to become more extreme to fight the extremism. It needs to burn cities and destroy things if need be. It needs to make sure no one is allowed in its society who displays any view that does not meet a standard of moral purity. It needs to grow its dogma to become strong.

    And when it does, Trump likely rejoices, because then he can tell his followers, "see how extreme the left is" and basically paint them as enemies in a holy war. And they will agree with him when he starts turning Homeland Security into the secret police, able to detain people whenever they want. Naturally like both sides blind in the political divide they don't see how that threatens their freedom as well were a left-wing extremist to get into office (how now the set up is already there for them to do one of the worst things in nations ruled by dictators--make people disappear because of their political views). Likewise, the political left doesn't see how their interest in increasing censorship creates pathways to censor their own side for extremism. If the social media giants increasingly censor political speech they can also censor eventually progressives rising in politics who rely heavily on social media to promote themselves. It gives the social media giants too much power over politics. But naturally no one notices the threat as long as it's only working against the other side.

    Trump didn't start all the division, but he used it to win an election and he'll use it again. The closer we get to Nov. the more he seems to focus on the culture war. And surely I am not the only one who noticed how after Trump's election extremism in the US seems to be at an all time high. Who is fanning those flames in every speech and tweet? Could it be the leader of the nation?

    PS. Trump on cancel culture:

    Some of these examples are about boycotting corporations, however that's kind of part of this too. Corporations are reacting to the political division just as everything is. It affects who they hire, who they fire, what they say and promote, where they put their money, what their culture initiatives are, etc. And that affects all of us, it affects what we can say and do without economic penalty.

    Also many examples are just about if someone said something that he personally doesn't like, because he is a mini-dictator with fragile ego.

    But basically he plays the same game as the left while saying he's against the game. His side won't notice how this is pervasive on their side as well, and of course they can always just see it as necessary: you have to control these left wing extremists so they can't take over (you have to control people).

    CNN btw as far as I know has never really called out cancel culture on the left. It's left-leaning and blind to its own side's failings.

    This vid does a nice summary theory of how Trump plays. He's good at division. He knows how to play division in his favor:

    Like he doesn't say divisive things for nothing. Every time he's doing it he's doing it on purpose for his own ends.

    If Trump were against the division because it threatens the integrity of the entire nation he would attempt to unify the entire nation. Can you really say a president who has declared the other half of the political spectrum (the entire left-leaning half of the nation, over 100 million people) the enemy, does not wish for division, strife and chaos? The very simple fact that his rallies are only for Republicans, that Republicans are the ONLY Americans he represents, says a great deal all on its own.
    I guess that’s all true. Then again, he still does have to lead the whole nation afterwards, including the left. He has to do it somehow, as it’s his job. And even though it’s difficult it’s technically not impossible to create compromises between opposite poles.

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