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    Default 5 types of illness - good psychology site

    the site is italian so im translating it

    first goes the schizoid
    the schizoid character the schizoid character

    Accepting a feeling involves more than just intellectual awareness of its existence. Must experience the feeling, make friends with it.
    ( Alexander Lowen, Surrender to the body, Feltrinelli, Milan, 2004, cap. I ° - p. 176 ).
    Understanding the schizoid trait requires work with the terrifying aspect of human experience, in therapy works a lot on the eyes and feet. The etiology of this pathology sinks its roots in the early period of an individual's life: a child who comes to the light and finds a hostile environment, refusing and absolutely unwelcoming. The look of that soul just entered the world has crossed eyes contemptuous, hateful belonging to a human demon, capable of making him feel destined to live inside a hell of ice. As if the right to life and to the joy of this world to him denied. This first terrifying experience leaves incisions deep in a person's soul, the windows that open the soul to the world (eyes), communicate the suffering suffered.

    The eyes reflect the health or discomfort of the individual from a psychosomatic point of view. Several can be observed features:

    • the expression and their placement in the orbits,
    • the structure and functioning of the eyeball,
    • the situation of the iris and the sclerotic.

    After having explored the gaze of an individual it is possible understand what the eyes express through theirs luster, their shape and the way they fit into the face.
    For example, eyes deeply sunken into their sockets, frequently, they indicate a lifetime of expressions withheld and repressed sadness. (Ken Dychtwald, Psychosome, Astrolabe, Rome, 1978, chap. IX ° - p. 184)
    Lack of expression in the eyes is an element of schizoid defense from emotions. When we look in the eye a schizoid subject seems to us that he is observing a indefinite point behind our head. His eyes they appear empty and distant, it seems that he is hidden inside eyes of him. Expanding the exploration to the face, we observe that it lacks the range of emotions that liveliness expresses an individual.

    The mask can take several forms:

    • the expression of the cown,
    • the innocence of the child,
    • the expression of sufficiency,
    • the arrogance of the noble.

    The constant feature in any masquerade is a smile fixed, without the participation of the gaze. Dissociation between the smile of the lips and the expressionlessness of the eyes is typical of the schizoid personality.
    Sometimes applying pressure with the thumbs on the cheekbones e on both sides of the nasal septum, the stereotypical smile goes out and a cadaverous expression emerges that resembles the appearance of a skull. Her face fades and her eyes appear like eye sockets empty. It would be fair to say that the schizoid is ' scared to death ' in the literal sense, not as a way of speaking.
    The expression on his face is frozen with the terror below ( Alexander Lowen, The betrayal of the body, Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome, 1997, cap. IV ° - p. 67 ).
    The schizoid does not dare to accept the child within himself, because he is terrified of primary fear.
    Healthy feet that can move freely and free of debilitating blemishes, are platforms with three points of contact and with a physiological arch in the metatarsal. Feet have a great importance because they are in contact with reality e with the earth through the force of gravity. An imperfection in contact with the ground it reflects on the balance of the whole body. Because of their function, the feet represent the attitude that an individual takes to deal with vicissitudes of life. For example, when we say that a person has the "feet on the ground", we mean that has a good sense of reality.
    Many people feel they are "down to earth". In the sense mechanical actually have contact with the ground, but it is equally true in terms of sensation and energy?
    In bioenergetics the grounding work aims to lower an individual in the direction of the earth, as if he could put roots. Being grounded is the opposite of being raised up (hung up) and helps us to establish proper contact with the earth that sustains us.
    In the energy system of an organism, being well grounded is like having grounding in an electrical circuit. Offers a safety valve to be able to release the excitation when it is excessive. Without this precious opportunity and in condition of high tension charge, the individual could split e fall into crisis.
    In schizoid individuals, the feet are very weak and their sense of grounding is weak.
    The downward movement is scary, evokes the ancient fear of fall from the mother's arms. Grounding is an exercise in rooted in the reality that moves away from illusions, but that in these cases it requires a good dose of courage e Preparation.

    Schizoid rigidity is different from that of the neurotic frustrated. The neurotic is angry, the schizoid is terrified by a "caged" rage. Neurotic rigidity is comparable to iron, schizoid stiffness is comparable to ice. Ice, like the schizoid personality, is a lot as fragile as it is hard, it represses and sustains. The sensibility schizoid is not connected to the sensations of the body, it presents itself cold and denies the need for physical pleasure. However, it is schizoid shows passion and feeling when it comes to fight against an injustice: defend the rights of the majority weak, etc. It reflects an altruism, the energy of which flows from his personal difficulties. He attempts to compensate for the loss of his personal identity with social identifications.
    When the will becomes the primary mechanism of action, replacing the natural orientation towards pleasure, the individual functions in a schizoid way.

    A careful observation of the schizoid body reveals several typical ailments:

    • The upper half of the body frequently has a hypotonic musculature,
    • The chest is often tight, constricted, contracted and maintained in exhalation position,
    • Breathing, for this reason, is limited,
    • In less severe cases there is a compensatory swelling chest, typical of many body builders obsessed with training of the "virile" muscle groups,
    • In all cases, especially for a chronic contraction of the diaphragm, the waistline is very tight, both from the point of view structural: short bisiliac axis, both from the point of view energy: low lipid percentage (which represents the energy store), and poor cell distribution adipose in that area),
    • The impression of a body split in two (the person tries to dissociate the upper half of the body, identified with the ego, from sexuality and the lower part),
    • Dysplasia, that is, the presence of traits of the opposite sex, rare in the asthenic type,
    • In the asthenic type, long and thin, the lesions are attenuated secondary sexual differences and reduced coordination physical education,
    • Knees are stiff,
    • The ankles are stiff, the dorsiflexion of the foot is limited, resulting in inability to flex knees completely while keeping the soles of the feet adhering to the ground,
    • the feet are contracted,
    • If an infantile fixation is present, the muscles of the feet are chronically contracted to support the weight of the body, thus accentuating the curve of the arch (hollow foot),
    • An unusually infantilism is also noted in the feet and strangely small.

    ( Alexander Lowen, The betrayal of the body, Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome, 1997,
    cap. IV° - pag. 72

    To protect his private personality from the natural identification with the body, the schizoid is entirely dependent by his willpower, which must always be vigilant. There consequence is a perennially in a state of musculature contraction, which the schizoid uses as an armor protective against terror. The "shattering" of the armor can cause the disruption of the personality in the schizoid, because, unlike the healthy person, he cannot hold it welds the unity and identity of the personality with energy coming from feelings.
    The body.

    • In the normal person
      The body is vital and the peripheral energy charge is revealed in the tone and color of the skin, in the brightness of the look, in the harmony of motility and in the ability to relax your muscles and be comfortable.
    • In the schizoid condition
      The energy is enclosed in internal cores, protected by a rigid one muscle barrier in a constant state of contraction and useful for prevent collapse threatened by the internal void. The minor surface charge makes the skin hypersensitive. The contraction chronic muscle is responsible for the shrinking of the body, which thus takes on the typical asthenic aspect.

    The collapse of rigidity would plunge the schizoid into one schizophrenic situation. Collapse involves the loss of boundaries of the self and the destruction of unity and integrity residual. When the voltage charge is sufficient, the schizoid structure can give way and enter a psychotic crisis acute.
    For the schizoid person, unlike the normal person, the The integrative function of pleasure is inaccessible. Of consequently, the road that allows a continuous flow of direct impulses to the world to receive comfort and satisfaction, is locked. For this reason the schizoid uses the will to cement the mind and body. But the will, even if hard as steel, is fragile, while the pleasure is pliable and insinuating and provides elasticity, like the sap in the tree.
    Somatic illness and mental illness are antithetical e they tend to be mutually exclusive. The individual is predisposed to one or the other but not to both in the same period.
    When the pleasure function disintegrates, we can expect a physical disease, while the disintegration of the will leads to mental illness.
    Leopold Bellak observes, regarding this phenomenon: “ The low incidence of allergic disorders in psychotics, and theirs recur after improvement and healing, it is probably one of the best documented examples of such interchangeability ".
    (Alexander Lowen, The betrayal of the body, Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome, 1997,
    cap. III° - p. 55) - (Bellak L., Schizophrenia: A Review of the Syndrome, Logos Press , New York , 1950 ,
    pag. 24)

    The schizoid defense system against terror and madness has two strategies. The most frequent is physical stiffness and psychological, that through its "barrier" of muscles chronically contracted, imprisons the emotions and forces the body under the control of the ego alone.
    A less common strategy manifests itself through hypotonia superficial muscle. Pulse formation is further reduced, to the point that the body appears more dead that I live. The peripheral charge is very low and the complexion is olive or earthy. This defense occurs following the collapse of the rigid one and is oriented towards schizophrenia. Yup it is a desperate maneuver, indispensable when the terror is great. In a condition of extreme terror, such as example waiting for one's execution, accepting one's own symbolic death means depriving the terror of its quills. A emotionless body can no longer suffer fright or trauma. By retreating the schizoid loses his soldiers (muscle tone) e the ability to defend itself, even if it controls the control of rest of the personality. Schizoid retreat is a tactic for avoid total defeat; as a commander without soldiers can far better than surrounded by a messy army and in the more general chaos. Indeed, the schizophrenic condition is one state of chaos where every piece of personality, like every soldier in the metaphor, he abandons others.
    In withdrawal, the will is inactive, the ego allies itself with the enemy for avoid total defeat and proves submissive to each situation. The schizoid who chooses withdrawal to rigidity has having lost his assertive ability, he never manages to catch one position.
    Logically, schizoid rigidity is a defense by collapse, while retreat is caused by the failure of one front resistance.
    Historically, the schizoid retreat tactic e of sacrifice was worked out by the child at an early age, after a failed attempt to erect a rigid defense against the pressure of parental hostility.
    ( Alexander Lowen, The betrayal of the body, Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome, 1997, cap. III ° - p. 58 ).

    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

    Human Design 2/4 projector life path 1

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    the psychopathic character
    In our culture, it is typically the mother who narcissistically establishes and knowingly what kind of care of her is most suitable for his baby; in this way they are ignored, disregarded and manipulated i true, natural bioenergetic needs of that child. They they are in fact sacrificed on the altar of the freedom of the gods parents to pass on to their children the values ​​of that family it is custodian, trampling on the child's right to develop e to express different values, those of his innate potential, of his Emerging Self (intentionality aimed at experience and knowledge). If this conflict over the right of expression is exacerbated, one mother may neurotically react to her child's requests for her, and she may become anxious about who she is i developmental needs and psychomotor skills; then the baby develops the feeling of hostility and maternal aggression, and at the same time the anxiety to please is determined in him the mother, so caring and anxious for certain functions, and so indifferent and negative for all other relational channels. Then the child begins to have doubts about his own functions natural things that worry the mother so much, she begins to lose confidence in one's bodily sensations, in oneself, begins to structure the chronic muscular tensions and to exchange the bodily sensations as a function of maternal wishes. Just so he manages to sleep the conflict with his mother and to delude himself that mom accept it and love it beyond just maternal care.
    ( Ezio Zucconi Mazzini, The disease of power, Alpes Italia, Rome, 2010, cap. VIII ° - p. 70 ).
    The psychopath's experience in his childhood life is full of manipulations carried out by the mother towards him. It is not uncommon to observe a child who, attracted to objects, new colors and motor activities for him, he comes promptly blocked and addressed differently by a mom he observes the inescapable imperative: "it's for your own good". To concretely understand what the experiences lived by the child in that specific situation, we imagine a child in the object phase of differentiation ( from one to about two years ) who, attracted by the carpet at home, begins to play pulling him and laughing with glee at his new discovery. He immediately arrives the mother who distracts him from that she was doing: "No! No, You know a good kid doesn't these dangerous games, he does not get his hands dirty by touching the floor and carpet, no no. "She Then she takes him by the hand, accompanies him in another room, she makes him sit on the chair of her small desk, she hands him a children's picture book and tries to persuade him that reading is the activity that is good and good for him: "you see how nice the bunny on this page, indicating it with the finger, at the top there is a letter, the letter C, Bunny! You see how do you have fun, that's what makes you happy and what makes you have fun and mom is happy that she learns something useful. You are unique, you are the smartest, you are the best of all children, that's why I love you so much " child begins to doubt his bodily sensations, especially because the mother, in her relationship mode (fondling and manipulating it), convinces him to hear that that she herself wants him to hear.
    There psychopathic child's mother is very seductive and at the same time, manipulative. The child did not lack treatment maternal, however, the feeling he experienced is that not were really aimed at him, his sensory perception tends to get confused. It should be remembered that at birth, the child lives the relationship with the mother exclusively through the sensory apparatus, not being the motor one, of the language and intellect, still formed. For this reason the sensory is critical in its functionality or dysfunctionality. The calm, serene relationship, sure that it is he accompanies in his experiences, even of contact, he alternates in an unpredictable swing, in relation to moods and changing emotional feelings of the mother.
    The reactions that you do develop in the child can proceed in two ways:

    • With the tendency to passivity, waiting for the situation change and that the promises, the flattery, are kept; or, in reverse,
    • With narcissistic independence that rejects the idea of waiting, as the emphasis of the seductive parent who does it feeling the best, the only one, makes the child demand that i his needs are met immediately, because everything is his due.

    Alexander Lowen in his precious volume: "The language of body, Feltrinelli Editore, Milan 1978 ", writes that chaos that can be determined in a child's life is due to forces external that have disturbed the natural, harmonious self-regulation.
    The effort to be good, by limiting emotional expression induces rebellion in the child who, however, fearing that he will lose love, he will end up using them same weapons as the mother: in the situation described, seduction and manipulation. Like this the pleasure of "feeling what he feels" is replaced by that of "having to hear what others like to hear". What is the result? He denies what he feels.
    Identifying with the parent who with his seduction, di the fact uses violence, the child denies the violence suffered and, blocking the feelings of hostility and the intentions of rebellion, becomes a psychopath, learning to seduce in turn. In its absolute dependence on the mother, in her need to be however loved by her, the child will be convinced that "it is not true what he hears ", but what mum says is true, so, to quell the chaos that can be created between impulse and repression of the impulse, he will learn to remove the sensations, denying the falsity of maternal promises. Promises are the only thing who truly has, for him the equivalent of motherly love, of the attention he can get. Denying the veracity of promises made by the mother, it would be how to feel the bitterness and despair of confronting one false mother, the child thus enters the fear of terror of what is not there.
    If this represents for the child the only survival mechanism a disposition of him, to this he will adapt. By doing so it will become submissive, but without feeling, a naive psychopath, easily parasitic, gregarious, in need of flattery, of alliances, chameleonic in behavior, as, a unlike the narcissist who feels omnipotent, has no goals precise. The manipulative aspect will lead him to exploit the people stronger than him, living in their shadow, evident inauthentic behavior because his inner chaos does not lets you understand what he really wants. In the psychopath with masochistic aspects submission is more evident. To the on the contrary, the psychopath with markedly narcissistic aspects, feels that for him it is essential not to be gregarious of anyone, but to have wingmen to use, always available for him. Its absolute imperative is: to become a leader, the number one, the best, unfortunately a any cost.
    For Alexander Lowen " Bioenergetics, Feltrinelli Publisher, Milan 1983 ", in the psychopath the ego becomes hostile to body and its sensations, especially sexual ones. The need for power, domination, control, both through oppression, which instead with seduction (always winning with the naive), remains the basic feature. The need to controlling is always related to the fear of being controlled and therefore used; whereby the struggle that is established for the dominance excludes the possibility of defeat. Present is always the sexual aspect, even if in the relationship the pleasure is not it derives as much from sex as from the performance in which the seductive, soft, captivating aspect is part of the maneuver manipulative of which, as a child, he was the object of his mother she that she wanted to tie him to her. The fixed idea of ​​being special (mythomania, megalomania), makes him reject whatever you oppose it, denying any responsibility that can put it in discussion. The inability to accept criticism triggers the defended him using the lie as if it were a reality, acting and appearing "as if he is genuinely sorry" or "as if he was excited". Alexander Lowen talks about dryness emotional, emotional desert, lack of sense of humanity, in the sense that the needs of others do not exist for him, like this how he feels indifferent to the feelings of others. The psychopath was forced to learn too early "le rules of the game "pretending. Manipulative seduction a time of him from the parent of the opposite sex does not allow identification with the parent of the same sex, psychopath feels superior to him ( males feel superior to the father and females superior to the mother ). For this reason he will not be able to develop the superego and for this reason reason is free from any moral norm. He doesn't want support and no one's help because he fears he can become one instrument of the other, as his childhood experience has in him taught. He is always wary and cautious, he does not believe in good faith of others and not even that the other can be animated by sincere intentions, that he may be disinterested; his dramatic childhood life experience has him proved otherwise. Precisely because he was manipulated, he is psychopath has developed the ability to know how to grasp the need of the other and he uses it for himself, pretending to be animated by profound altruism. He often presents himself as a person nice, smiling, positive and very sensitive, to the point of intuit the true needs of others, present solutions bright as possible and appear unselfish and disinterested.
    There his typical phrase, pronounced in a seductive and mellifluous way, with a three-quarter posture, significantly lowering his head but not his gaze, it is: "but it is I do for you! ” However, as soon as he manages to conquer the trust and to overcome any wall of defense or wise perplexity of others, he seduces and manipulates people for turn the situation to his exclusive advantage. When he does others, whom he frequently perceives as prey, do realize the trap is too late, because the psychopath is managed to carry out his purposes at his own exclusive benefit. His self-interest is sovereign for him and it proves itself indifferent to the damage caused to others, even if considerable, even if ruinous. The dangerousness of the psychopath in the relationships of all kinds and kinds is amplified by his own excellent intelligence of him, such as to make him often unsurpassable; he checks every variant and anticipates every possible defense of the other. As for a fly in front of a spider's web, the only possibility of salvation is to realize in advance of the trap, woven to appear invisible. It is not accidental that so many people deceived and skillfully damaged by someone, in retrospect they say: " who would have expected it, not I would have never imagined ".
    The psychopath was a child who did not receive the support and does not possess the ability to be grounded . In such a situation the body has to for adaptation "uprooting", "pulling up", the energy is concentrated in the part upper body. This upward push, this escape from reality ( upsetting for the child at an important stage development ) also moves the body's center of gravity upwards, which is clearly visible in the disproportion between the development of the upper part (overdeveloped), compared to the lower part of the body, (underdeveloped).
    The lower limbs are slender, there is no secure base; there top is hyper-expanded, held up, as if to inflate the image of him as much as possible. The lack of perceptual integration is expressed somatically through the typical character structure of the psychopath (holding up) . The head it is not energetically connected with the rest of the body; sometimes the head turns out to be unsuitable and inadequate to the rest of the body, being an infant head on an adult body, or, al conversely, a mature head on an infant body. Other times the head is small compared to a body which is big and strong. These disharmonies and disproportions between head and body would be induced by the ring of tension that the psychopath develops at base of the skull, quite early in its development psychophysical.
    His gaze is very controlled and controlling, often stares to impose her will. Her eyes have one dual function: they are an organ of vision (to look), but also a organ of contact with others (see in depth). The psychopath possesses bright eyes that look at everything but that don't they "see" their interlocutors. The eye block prevents or distorts emotional contact with the eyes. The eyes are mirror of the soul and express feelings and emotions. The psychopath expresses with shoulder girdle elevation and expansion of the rib cage: "I, I, you don't know who I am!". Deny i feelings, turns away from his true self and invests his own energy resources in the image of him. The psychopath does not go never in therapy except out of necessity. In life he manages the power, he must feel powerful through money, success, prestige, etc. With the economic crisis the psychopath does not holds up because he can no longer maintain his image inflated. He is unable to stay in a situation that "reduces" him and by reaction he runs away from intolerability, often making use of alcohol, drugs, etc. He can't take the frustration and if not he manages to escape from you yes "crumbles"; only in this bankruptcy situation does he consider the possibility of psychotherapy.
    In the reading of the body one observes in the psychopath a inverted energy flow, that is, from the head to the limbs lower, through the defensive recruitment of energy from the upper body (head, chest, neck), hyper-energized, to compensate and hide weakness e instability of the legs. In fact, his knees don't flex and lower limbs, during exercises bioenergetic, they do not vibrate. These strong muscular tensions they dissociate the consciousness from the sensations, while the tension diaphragmatic and pelvic dissociates sexuality from emotions of love, in other words the psychopath is controlled by the power of the head. Energy cannot go down to the heart, ai genitals and legs because grounding it would make him easy prey to intimacy, than the psychopath he lives as: " being at the mercy of the mother's seduction ". Own for fear of being seduced he becomes very seductive, but without ever putting the heart and intimacy at risk, by controlling emotions and affections. Unfortunately for him, just that defensive behavior really puts the health of the his heart, to the benefit of cardiologists ( Ezio Zucconi Mazzini, The disease of power, Alpes Italia, Rome, 2010, chap. XXV ° - p. 214 ). The breathing of the psychopath is predominantly thoracic. The chest will turn out for this reason swollen and expanded, in a psychological attempt to hypertrophy the I of him. It is not uncommon to observe in evolutionary history of the psychopath a correlated affective disorder, generated by the desire of his parents to have a special , successful which received toys and material goods in place of authentic affective closeness, underlined by a true loving contact with the parents.

    Dr. Cosimo Aruta
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

    Human Design 2/4 projector life path 1

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