Why am I redoing this?:
I'm re-doing this because now that I have a better grasp of myself as a person and have grown into the person I've meanst to become over the past five years (I think I got typed here at 18-20, iirc) and I have a better understanding of things and think that I have calmed down a bit that I've changed and grown as a person and that I need re-evaluated. (I do understand that "text" replies aren't the best as they can be manipulated, but I am answering this as honestly as I can and trying to let the most natural, first answer come to my mind).

a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)?
24 now, Ireland.

Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire?
Like what? I dunno... probably undiagnosed ADHD, who knows?

Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?
I believe in God. Apolitical, think it's all the two sides of the same coin and a waste of time to look into. The outcome is always the same and the system is rigged, sooo therefore I choose not to take sides as such. But that's just my take on it all.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one?
Uh... IEE (?) ILE (?) ESE(?) SEI(?) SEE(?) SLE(?) (I'll try and do them in order of probability and what I know).

IEE: I was told that I was Ti PoLR, but I haven't really got a lot of proof for that one, so I disregard it. People seem to see a lot of Ne in me, based upon how I conduct myself, but others don't see it as much. Sometimes, I think that I also take a while to think of a logical conclusion to things and get my thoughts organised but I think that I can come to my own logical conclusions in a way. I'm a very creative person who can come up with good puns, and I can also got in depth with things from a "symbollic" perspective, unconsciously and make connects with the real world that way.

ILE: Pretty much the same, from the point of view that I seem to have a decent amount of Fe and Ne. But again, not to sure of the aspect of Ti. No-one has ever really explained to me (the lack of Ti) and people seem to say that I have a lot of "Alpha" temperment features within me. Again, I also can sense a lot of my own internal logic, but I'm not as sure of its position in my stack or how strong it is. I'm more organised internally than I am externally and try to make sense of the world through what I know of it. I'm pretty good at fixing things from my own understanding.

ESE: Again, people seem to see a lot of Fe in me. I think I have a good grasp of Se and Ne and can see it in myself. Again, Alpha values/vibes. I'm not too sure about the Ni PoLR aspect and I CAN be high energy at times. Other times, not too high energy. I can make my presence felt, if I have to. It's weird. I also think I'm not bad at picking up people's emotions and reading them.

SEI: - I dunno, but I see a lot of myself in this guy, personality wise (and AFAIK, he's SEI). Again, it could be a surface level thing because of the way he presents himself, common interests or how confused he gets:

And... it could even be the mirror aspect (if I am ESE).

SEE: Ti PoLR(?) Possible high Se (if it's not Ne). I can still see some form of T inside myself, but not sure how high it is. And some N, but definitely the Fe.

SLE: High Se, high Fe but again, people say I'm not very "Beta" based in my values or heirarchy systems (which I don't really care about much anyway). Maybe that's a reason why they don't see me as Beta.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?
My purpose in life? Good question. I see my purpose in life as to find meaning through my religion and also to warn people about dodgy things they need to watch out for. Basically, a "watchman" of sorts in a sense. A "vigilant citizen", if you will. To warn people of important things (not everything, I have a sense of discernment and am not like "the boy who cried wolf"--imagine being an alarm that never stops. People would never enjoy that/take you seriously again). I also like to/ try to spread hope to people that there is an alternative to the mainstream and what they find when they turn on the news. That there's something better than this world waiting for us when we die (I think there is, because what's the point in people having "souls", if we aren't going to live on?)

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
The most: A tie between lust, gluttony and sloth.

Sloth: My Dad would adhere to the sloth one a lot for me because he thinks that I "lay about too much", but the COVID has knocked me off course, and it's been hard to get back into things (and find a decent income, since things are a bit wonky now). I'm also slightly demotivated, but I think I can gain motivation soon when I get an incentive to get back into things and an opportunity to, you know?

Gluttony: I love food and especially food that I enjoy. I eat a lot of it, and I have an addictive personality. I will go through staages of binging things, then going off them because I've had too much, then taking a break from them because I feel sick of them and then regulating them. I'm one of these people that when they become obsessed with things, need to make themselves intensely sick of them to regulate myself, which can be a bit annoying on the people around me. But that's how I function.

Lust: I also go through stages of "lust", especially sexual lust (i try to keep it under control), like my other lusts. Having a healthy attachment to things is good, but I feel like I can overdo it sometimes. Especially the passion aspect. Nothing wrong with being passionate, but I think some of my passion can come across as rather lustful at times. I feel like I'm a very "lustful" person at times, like gluttony.

The least: Pride: I don't see myself as a proud person, or have anything to be particularly proud of, especially in terms of material posessions. I don't have many redeeming qualities either (unless you see my humour as one). And I mean, my country is pretty much one big barrio too (counting the capital cities included), so I see no "national pride" or anything like that.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to:

Interesting people, a hit quirky but not annoyingly so. Authentic, fun and people who can keep a conversation going. Up for a good time, chill and can also be honest. People who share common, niche interests with me (i.e. certain musicians, TV shows etc). Anyone I can have a decent conversation with and can also be a little bit "deep" with, if you get me?

b) The type of people who are drawn to you:
I guess the same type of people in 4a. I think I draw like-minded people to me well.

c) The type of people you are repulsed by:
Bigoted, proud and people who think the world owns them something. They generally look down on people, have a narrow world view and mind. They aren't very pleasant people to be around in my experience.

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.
I like people's ability to always be positive. Although I am generally a positive person, I can still be pretty misanthropic at times. Maybe that's due to my skepticism of the world and the dissapointment of people, but I try to be as positive as I can. People who can just talk to anyone. Maybe I'm picky, or I can't find common ground but I like people who can talk to anyone easily. I can do it if I find something in common, otherwise I'm bad. Maybe I am a bit closed off too. I find it hard to trust people sometimes because of things that have happened in the past.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger

It comes in sudden, intense bursts. Ragefits. I let it all out before it consumes me. I can be pretty aggressive, but have tried to control it. I'm not as bad as I used to be. I used to be an angry teenager, but again, hormones.

b) Shame
I don't tend to feel much shame. More embarrassment than shame. I have nothing to be ashamed of, most of the time.

c) Fear
I try not to fear. Fear is a waste of a time, a weapon of mass destruction, eating the mind inside and out. Ravaging it with illogical things out of your control. Sometimes I get anxious, but I remember that they're just thoughts. Thoughts can't hurt me.

d) Love/passion
I think that I explain that below in much better detail (or in question three and seventeen), I feel like I'd be repeating myself if I said it again.

e) Conflict
I try not to get involved but sometimes I can't help myself. I like peace and sometimes you have to make a second of war for longer peace. The sooner things go back to the way they were, the better. Sometimes it can backfire though, but I can handle it. I'm used to it.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?
I don't really know to be honest. Maybe 'searching for something'? I'm a seeker, searching for things. Searching for meaning. Inside and outside of what I know and within what God says. I'm always looking and finding things.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

Freelance musician (no, not a codeword for 'unemployed') and also part time secretary at the family business. I chose the musician part because I like music and have a qualification in it, after studying for four years. I didn't choose the family business part, but my Mum needs help. I also am still studying music to improve my craft and become better at itand dabbling eschatology because I find it interesting. I learn a lot about the human condition from it as well and it gives me a new view on the world around me.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
How they act. It tells me a lot about the kinda person they are. Are they different to how they say they are? Also, who they hang about with and their heirarchy within the group and how they contribute is pretty interesting to me as well. I like seeing how social systems work and how to manipulate them (if needs be).

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
I want to say that we're sinful but it's more than just that. By nature, we're creatures of habit and we are sinful. We do things that are wrong to each other because we think that we're better than other people when we're not. I think one of the biggest issues (especially amongst the "elite class") is pride. And thinking you're more worthy than everyone else to own things. And that people should do without because you're greedy. As they say though, pride comes before a fall.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I love writing stories because I'm a creative person who likes to tell the stories of the characters that creep up in my mind. I also like tackling different topics i.e. sexuality, family issues, the world as a whole through them. I see it as a vehicle of understanding and a way to tell the world things that I wouldn't otherwise tell them through other mediums. I just enjoy it as a whole, especially character studies. Seeing what drives these "people" aside from their situations and how they act is interesting to observe. Their backstories and who they become is cool to compare as well as watching them grow.

I like music because I'm passionate about creating rhythms and I find it relaxing and fun. I also find it stimulating both emotionally and physically. I'd like to make money from it somehow i.e. selling beats, selling songs, commisions.

I like watching things online/TV because I like to gain knowledge about things around me and I also like to relax a bit. I can watch anything, as long as it's not one of those braindead soap operas, reality TV things or something really boring i.e. politics.

12) How do you usually “hang out” with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
I usually hang out with a small group of friends. I like the intimacy of it, but I'm not adverse to going out clubbing or to concerts. I just tend to gravitate towards it. I feel more comfortable with it. I do like to meet up and talk to people, but I also like doing things in smaller groups. I like to go out to the cinema, for dinners, for coffees, shopping and on walks. I like "doing" things more than just talking because just talking is boring to me and being stagnant sucks. I like to do things with other people because I like to be around them and doing things along is rather boring, you know?

13) What is more important, actions or words? Why?
Action. Words are full of empty promises, but you can see a person's true intentions through how they act. You can say one thing and do another.

14) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your lifee) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!

Not being able to experience taste would be horrible for me because I love food and experiencing it. I find it a very pleasant experience to eat things and try new flavours. It adds a level of intrest and dimension to my life, outside just smelling and touching things. I also find certain foods comforting (i.e. fried chicken, parma ham, certain chocolates etc). and nice to eat after a long day/when hungry. Again, I try not to overindulge so it lasts longer.

I already believe we are "immortal" to an extent, if our souls live on. So, no point in asking for that. We may not be as "humans" (we are now) in the afterlife, but the essence of our beings (souls) still live on and we never truly "die".

I'm already "poor" and see no need to have things I can't afford, or ask for more material things. With more money, comes more problems and I don't want to add to the barrel. And does this mean "rich" in blessings, knowledge, material posessions or something else? A very open ended question...

If I lost my passion, I'd lose one of the reasons for living. I can be a "very dead" person to the outsider sometimes, outside of the warmth I radiate when I'm in the pun-making, cheery, hyper mood. When I feel something in a passionate way, I cherish it. It inspires me to keep going and escape the monotony of every day life.

I chose "to lose your memories" because they mean less to me now than they did before, they're very temporal. They fade and change as we grow and since I'm young, I can create new ones (I hope) if this means to "lose all my memories up until this point". Memories are only one aspect (not the defining) aspect to people's indentities. They don't totally make you who you are.

15) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, etc.
Unjust, proud and inauthentic. Basically, someone who people don't like. Nothing wrong with being honest and authentic (I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I appreciate it). Being proud is another killer for me, because it basically shows that I don't mean a lot to you. And you'll probably talk to down me, and up about yourself (we should be as equal as you can make it, being two people in a conversation). Boastfulness is annoy. Inauthenticity as well. Just be you. So what if not everyone likes you. You're not here to be adored, there are other people around. Injustice annoys me. I try to be fair and judge things from an impartial standpoint, as least biased as I can when I get the facts of the situation because I think everyone deserves a fair chance. To be seen as equal. We're all humans after all, nothing more and nothing less.

16) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
I feel like I've explained a lot of this in question three but I'll expand here:

Lust: I also go through stages of "lust", especially sexual lust (i try to keep it under control), like my other lusts. Having a healthy attachment to things is good, but I feel like I can overdo it sometimes. Especially the passion aspect. Nothing wrong with being passionate, but I think some of my passion can come across as rather lustful at times. I feel like I'm a very "lustful" person at times, like gluttony.
I can become a very, very intensely obsessed person for a short period of time, then it dies down. I go back to things, but I don't have half as much "passion" for it, as it becomes a part of my life. I look back on it and enjoy it, but not in the same way. Not as intense. Not as "in love" but I can still appreciate it when I go back to it and enjoy it when I need to.

I'm very into my interests, and not as much people. Never really been [romantically] obsessed with anyone. Maybe sometimes I become [obsessed] in people personality wise. I have done that before but it dies out over time, like my interests.

17) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?
I would say that I can be organised when I want to be/have to be. Mentally, I think I can organise things but I think that it has a pattern to it, these thoughts of mine. I can also organise my area, but I prefer things to be how I like them, if it makes sense? It can all be messy for all I care, but I still know where things are. Mentally and physically, you know?

I prefer impulse and suprises because no matter how much you organise things, something will always be off. Because it's not meant to happen that way, no matter how many times you plan things. As is life. Overly planning is inefficient and a waste of time. (I hope this makes sense).

Explain? Preferences and tendences are a wide definition, unless you mean the things that I've already explained above, then so is your answer xD

18) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

I like comfort and making my own comfort, through my food, surroundings and my clothing. My clothing tends to be simple, breathable and cheap. I like clothes that I don't feel like I'm wearing and I like to keep my hair short for efficiency and aesthetic reasons. I like my bedroom as a sanctuary of relaxation and I like drinking coffee and hot drinks sometimes because it calms me down.


I could have expanded this a lot more, but I feel like it would have been boring. If you have any additional questions, feel free to submit them below.

EDIT: There are also only 18 questions here. The question's numbering system was wrong, so I fixed it. Just caught that.