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Thread: DO ME AGAIN!

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    Exclamation DO ME AGAIN!

    Why am I redoing this?:
    I'm re-doing this because now that I have a better grasp of myself as a person and have grown into the person I've meanst to become over the past five years (I think I got typed here at 18-20, iirc) and I have a better understanding of things and think that I have calmed down a bit that I've changed and grown as a person and that I need re-evaluated. (I do understand that "text" replies aren't the best as they can be manipulated, but I am answering this as honestly as I can and trying to let the most natural, first answer come to my mind).

    a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)?
    24 now, Ireland.

    Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire?
    Like what? I dunno... probably undiagnosed ADHD, who knows?

    Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?
    I believe in God. Apolitical, think it's all the two sides of the same coin and a waste of time to look into. The outcome is always the same and the system is rigged, sooo therefore I choose not to take sides as such. But that's just my take on it all.

    b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one?
    Uh... IEE (?) ILE (?) ESE(?) SEI(?) SEE(?) SLE(?) (I'll try and do them in order of probability and what I know).

    IEE: I was told that I was Ti PoLR, but I haven't really got a lot of proof for that one, so I disregard it. People seem to see a lot of Ne in me, based upon how I conduct myself, but others don't see it as much. Sometimes, I think that I also take a while to think of a logical conclusion to things and get my thoughts organised but I think that I can come to my own logical conclusions in a way. I'm a very creative person who can come up with good puns, and I can also got in depth with things from a "symbollic" perspective, unconsciously and make connects with the real world that way.

    ILE: Pretty much the same, from the point of view that I seem to have a decent amount of Fe and Ne. But again, not to sure of the aspect of Ti. No-one has ever really explained to me (the lack of Ti) and people seem to say that I have a lot of "Alpha" temperment features within me. Again, I also can sense a lot of my own internal logic, but I'm not as sure of its position in my stack or how strong it is. I'm more organised internally than I am externally and try to make sense of the world through what I know of it. I'm pretty good at fixing things from my own understanding.

    ESE: Again, people seem to see a lot of Fe in me. I think I have a good grasp of Se and Ne and can see it in myself. Again, Alpha values/vibes. I'm not too sure about the Ni PoLR aspect and I CAN be high energy at times. Other times, not too high energy. I can make my presence felt, if I have to. It's weird. I also think I'm not bad at picking up people's emotions and reading them.

    SEI: - I dunno, but I see a lot of myself in this guy, personality wise (and AFAIK, he's SEI). Again, it could be a surface level thing because of the way he presents himself, common interests or how confused he gets:

    And... it could even be the mirror aspect (if I am ESE).

    SEE: Ti PoLR(?) Possible high Se (if it's not Ne). I can still see some form of T inside myself, but not sure how high it is. And some N, but definitely the Fe.

    SLE: High Se, high Fe but again, people say I'm not very "Beta" based in my values or heirarchy systems (which I don't really care about much anyway). Maybe that's a reason why they don't see me as Beta.

    2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?
    My purpose in life? Good question. I see my purpose in life as to find meaning through my religion and also to warn people about dodgy things they need to watch out for. Basically, a "watchman" of sorts in a sense. A "vigilant citizen", if you will. To warn people of important things (not everything, I have a sense of discernment and am not like "the boy who cried wolf"--imagine being an alarm that never stops. People would never enjoy that/take you seriously again). I also like to/ try to spread hope to people that there is an alternative to the mainstream and what they find when they turn on the news. That there's something better than this world waiting for us when we die (I think there is, because what's the point in people having "souls", if we aren't going to live on?)

    3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
    The most: A tie between lust, gluttony and sloth.

    Sloth: My Dad would adhere to the sloth one a lot for me because he thinks that I "lay about too much", but the COVID has knocked me off course, and it's been hard to get back into things (and find a decent income, since things are a bit wonky now). I'm also slightly demotivated, but I think I can gain motivation soon when I get an incentive to get back into things and an opportunity to, you know?

    Gluttony: I love food and especially food that I enjoy. I eat a lot of it, and I have an addictive personality. I will go through staages of binging things, then going off them because I've had too much, then taking a break from them because I feel sick of them and then regulating them. I'm one of these people that when they become obsessed with things, need to make themselves intensely sick of them to regulate myself, which can be a bit annoying on the people around me. But that's how I function.

    Lust: I also go through stages of "lust", especially sexual lust (i try to keep it under control), like my other lusts. Having a healthy attachment to things is good, but I feel like I can overdo it sometimes. Especially the passion aspect. Nothing wrong with being passionate, but I think some of my passion can come across as rather lustful at times. I feel like I'm a very "lustful" person at times, like gluttony.

    The least: Pride: I don't see myself as a proud person, or have anything to be particularly proud of, especially in terms of material posessions. I don't have many redeeming qualities either (unless you see my humour as one). And I mean, my country is pretty much one big barrio too (counting the capital cities included), so I see no "national pride" or anything like that.

    4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
    a) The type of people you are drawn to:

    Interesting people, a hit quirky but not annoyingly so. Authentic, fun and people who can keep a conversation going. Up for a good time, chill and can also be honest. People who share common, niche interests with me (i.e. certain musicians, TV shows etc). Anyone I can have a decent conversation with and can also be a little bit "deep" with, if you get me?

    b) The type of people who are drawn to you:
    I guess the same type of people in 4a. I think I draw like-minded people to me well.

    c) The type of people you are repulsed by:
    Bigoted, proud and people who think the world owns them something. They generally look down on people, have a narrow world view and mind. They aren't very pleasant people to be around in my experience.

    5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.
    I like people's ability to always be positive. Although I am generally a positive person, I can still be pretty misanthropic at times. Maybe that's due to my skepticism of the world and the dissapointment of people, but I try to be as positive as I can. People who can just talk to anyone. Maybe I'm picky, or I can't find common ground but I like people who can talk to anyone easily. I can do it if I find something in common, otherwise I'm bad. Maybe I am a bit closed off too. I find it hard to trust people sometimes because of things that have happened in the past.

    6) Describe your relationship with the following:
    a) Anger

    It comes in sudden, intense bursts. Ragefits. I let it all out before it consumes me. I can be pretty aggressive, but have tried to control it. I'm not as bad as I used to be. I used to be an angry teenager, but again, hormones.

    b) Shame
    I don't tend to feel much shame. More embarrassment than shame. I have nothing to be ashamed of, most of the time.

    c) Fear
    I try not to fear. Fear is a waste of a time, a weapon of mass destruction, eating the mind inside and out. Ravaging it with illogical things out of your control. Sometimes I get anxious, but I remember that they're just thoughts. Thoughts can't hurt me.

    d) Love/passion
    I think that I explain that below in much better detail (or in question three and seventeen), I feel like I'd be repeating myself if I said it again.

    e) Conflict
    I try not to get involved but sometimes I can't help myself. I like peace and sometimes you have to make a second of war for longer peace. The sooner things go back to the way they were, the better. Sometimes it can backfire though, but I can handle it. I'm used to it.

    7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?
    I don't really know to be honest. Maybe 'searching for something'? I'm a seeker, searching for things. Searching for meaning. Inside and outside of what I know and within what God says. I'm always looking and finding things.

    8) Answer only one of the following:
    a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

    Freelance musician (no, not a codeword for 'unemployed') and also part time secretary at the family business. I chose the musician part because I like music and have a qualification in it, after studying for four years. I didn't choose the family business part, but my Mum needs help. I also am still studying music to improve my craft and become better at itand dabbling eschatology because I find it interesting. I learn a lot about the human condition from it as well and it gives me a new view on the world around me.

    9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
    How they act. It tells me a lot about the kinda person they are. Are they different to how they say they are? Also, who they hang about with and their heirarchy within the group and how they contribute is pretty interesting to me as well. I like seeing how social systems work and how to manipulate them (if needs be).

    10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
    I want to say that we're sinful but it's more than just that. By nature, we're creatures of habit and we are sinful. We do things that are wrong to each other because we think that we're better than other people when we're not. I think one of the biggest issues (especially amongst the "elite class") is pride. And thinking you're more worthy than everyone else to own things. And that people should do without because you're greedy. As they say though, pride comes before a fall.

    11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
    I love writing stories because I'm a creative person who likes to tell the stories of the characters that creep up in my mind. I also like tackling different topics i.e. sexuality, family issues, the world as a whole through them. I see it as a vehicle of understanding and a way to tell the world things that I wouldn't otherwise tell them through other mediums. I just enjoy it as a whole, especially character studies. Seeing what drives these "people" aside from their situations and how they act is interesting to observe. Their backstories and who they become is cool to compare as well as watching them grow.

    I like music because I'm passionate about creating rhythms and I find it relaxing and fun. I also find it stimulating both emotionally and physically. I'd like to make money from it somehow i.e. selling beats, selling songs, commisions.

    I like watching things online/TV because I like to gain knowledge about things around me and I also like to relax a bit. I can watch anything, as long as it's not one of those braindead soap operas, reality TV things or something really boring i.e. politics.

    12) How do you usually “hang out” with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
    I usually hang out with a small group of friends. I like the intimacy of it, but I'm not adverse to going out clubbing or to concerts. I just tend to gravitate towards it. I feel more comfortable with it. I do like to meet up and talk to people, but I also like doing things in smaller groups. I like to go out to the cinema, for dinners, for coffees, shopping and on walks. I like "doing" things more than just talking because just talking is boring to me and being stagnant sucks. I like to do things with other people because I like to be around them and doing things along is rather boring, you know?

    13) What is more important, actions or words? Why?
    Action. Words are full of empty promises, but you can see a person's true intentions through how they act. You can say one thing and do another.

    14) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
    a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste b) To be immortal
    c) To lose your memories
    d) To be poor for the rest of your lifee) Or to never experience passion
    Elaborate on why!

    Not being able to experience taste would be horrible for me because I love food and experiencing it. I find it a very pleasant experience to eat things and try new flavours. It adds a level of intrest and dimension to my life, outside just smelling and touching things. I also find certain foods comforting (i.e. fried chicken, parma ham, certain chocolates etc). and nice to eat after a long day/when hungry. Again, I try not to overindulge so it lasts longer.

    I already believe we are "immortal" to an extent, if our souls live on. So, no point in asking for that. We may not be as "humans" (we are now) in the afterlife, but the essence of our beings (souls) still live on and we never truly "die".

    I'm already "poor" and see no need to have things I can't afford, or ask for more material things. With more money, comes more problems and I don't want to add to the barrel. And does this mean "rich" in blessings, knowledge, material posessions or something else? A very open ended question...

    If I lost my passion, I'd lose one of the reasons for living. I can be a "very dead" person to the outsider sometimes, outside of the warmth I radiate when I'm in the pun-making, cheery, hyper mood. When I feel something in a passionate way, I cherish it. It inspires me to keep going and escape the monotony of every day life.

    I chose "to lose your memories" because they mean less to me now than they did before, they're very temporal. They fade and change as we grow and since I'm young, I can create new ones (I hope) if this means to "lose all my memories up until this point". Memories are only one aspect (not the defining) aspect to people's indentities. They don't totally make you who you are.

    15) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, etc.
    Unjust, proud and inauthentic. Basically, someone who people don't like. Nothing wrong with being honest and authentic (I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I appreciate it). Being proud is another killer for me, because it basically shows that I don't mean a lot to you. And you'll probably talk to down me, and up about yourself (we should be as equal as you can make it, being two people in a conversation). Boastfulness is annoy. Inauthenticity as well. Just be you. So what if not everyone likes you. You're not here to be adored, there are other people around. Injustice annoys me. I try to be fair and judge things from an impartial standpoint, as least biased as I can when I get the facts of the situation because I think everyone deserves a fair chance. To be seen as equal. We're all humans after all, nothing more and nothing less.

    16) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
    I feel like I've explained a lot of this in question three but I'll expand here:

    Lust: I also go through stages of "lust", especially sexual lust (i try to keep it under control), like my other lusts. Having a healthy attachment to things is good, but I feel like I can overdo it sometimes. Especially the passion aspect. Nothing wrong with being passionate, but I think some of my passion can come across as rather lustful at times. I feel like I'm a very "lustful" person at times, like gluttony.
    I can become a very, very intensely obsessed person for a short period of time, then it dies down. I go back to things, but I don't have half as much "passion" for it, as it becomes a part of my life. I look back on it and enjoy it, but not in the same way. Not as intense. Not as "in love" but I can still appreciate it when I go back to it and enjoy it when I need to.

    I'm very into my interests, and not as much people. Never really been [romantically] obsessed with anyone. Maybe sometimes I become [obsessed] in people personality wise. I have done that before but it dies out over time, like my interests.

    17) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?
    I would say that I can be organised when I want to be/have to be. Mentally, I think I can organise things but I think that it has a pattern to it, these thoughts of mine. I can also organise my area, but I prefer things to be how I like them, if it makes sense? It can all be messy for all I care, but I still know where things are. Mentally and physically, you know?

    I prefer impulse and suprises because no matter how much you organise things, something will always be off. Because it's not meant to happen that way, no matter how many times you plan things. As is life. Overly planning is inefficient and a waste of time. (I hope this makes sense).

    Explain? Preferences and tendences are a wide definition, unless you mean the things that I've already explained above, then so is your answer xD

    18) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

    I like comfort and making my own comfort, through my food, surroundings and my clothing. My clothing tends to be simple, breathable and cheap. I like clothes that I don't feel like I'm wearing and I like to keep my hair short for efficiency and aesthetic reasons. I like my bedroom as a sanctuary of relaxation and I like drinking coffee and hot drinks sometimes because it calms me down.


    I could have expanded this a lot more, but I feel like it would have been boring. If you have any additional questions, feel free to submit them below.

    EDIT: There are also only 18 questions here. The question's numbering system was wrong, so I fixed it. Just caught that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Life is a game.
    most common for Fe types which value images

    make a video

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    most common for Fe types which value images

    make a video
    No. It’s not reliable. I could be giving out Fe answers yet still get typed as some absurd xLI type because I come across as “dry” or something. I don’t think visual typing is really all that accurate.

    It’s happened before. I’ve been typed ILI because of “how I sound” and not the content of the questions that I posted. And because I look a bit “wooden”/ “calm”. I’m not wooden, I’m just tired/relaxed and don’t feel the need to express myself in a relaxed mode.

    I don’t want to spend more type being led down another rabbit hole. I just want people to answer me based off the questions I’ve given here. I didn’t spend two hours on this for nothing.

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    I do not suffer fools gladly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    It’s not reliable.
    The accuracy is lesser when
    - there is fewer info alike without nonverbal part
    - when you know types theory, generally predisposed to assign yourself some types and then say about yourself.

    Taking that it's known close to nothing about you, so main info for typing people on forums is nonverbal as it's hard to be falsificated by you. And as nonverbal VI gave comparable typing matches (up to 20%) to questionnaires, to claim it as much worse approach than texts you write - is baseless. Anyway, it would be additional data about you.

    So if you want not to play in types according to your approach above, but to know your correct type - give normal and appropriate typing data what is videointerview.

    You seem to have Fe type, based on the said by you. If the life is a game for you, then you show images and play roles - Fe. Also you underesteemate the need of data (Te) for decisions and do it without objective basis. What you wrote about world has complexity of N and accent on Ti hierarchies, your nick and avatar relate to violence Se value, - so mainly you are suspected to have beta F type. More for EIE - that need to make structures as lists is often for J.
    "God is the controller." Did you deal with LSI? Mb it's your ideal.
    If you'll place a video - your personality will be seen better.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    I want to say possibly IEE. Your avi gives me Se vibes though. Lol I'll try to think up more questions for you to help you out.
    The avatar is from this music video:

    I dunno if that is any help/use to you.

    Ask away, also.

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    Last edited by DEAD; 09-05-2020 at 12:41 AM.
    I do not suffer fools gladly.

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    Buckle in for this. I hope you enjoy assessing these details below. I think I got a bit carried away xD Yeah, of course. Visual typings can be pretty wrong at times. Like visual ethnic typings. You know what I mean?


    What are your most important values?

    To be honest, I think that being a decent person (not a good person) is up there. Because I think that there isn't enough fair, decent people in the world. Not necessarily "nice" people because I think you can be a decent person without being a doormat, or seen as "easy". You can also be honest, fair and decent. The world is full of hate, sin and injustice (especially during times like these, which sucks). I think authenticity is important because again, there are a lot of fake, plastic people out there. The globe is a place pull of smoke, mirrors and illusions. Nothing is what it seems. If you're authentic and honest now, it won't come back and bite you later. You won't get caught out, you know? I think that's it. No idea why, but this song seems relevant to the authentic part:

    I think it's the "bitch, I'm me" part, if I'm honest. Speaking of authenticity, I think that Conan Osiris is one of the few "authentic" artists out there who isn't afraid to experiment with his music and image in a way that seems outside of the corporate images and branding and packages that other mainstream artists have (I'm calling him mainstream from the point of view of Portugal, his homeland, where he seems to taking off). I hope they don't water him down, if he expands. I like how he makes his own music, his own image, his own symbollism and metaphors (his own 'mythos' in a sense) and really enjoys doing it. Telling the world a story through his stage shows and his rhythms. He needs to make music videos, but I suppose in a way, that would take away from the freedom and limit the music to one linear meaning and theme through the canon medium of the storytelling and limit the expression/emotional impact of the music (if that makes sense?)

    Like, if one where to make a music video of the song above, it would limit the argument he is having with his doctor over the fact he can't get diagnosed, and also with himself and his own metaphors.

    I also guess in a sense that because his own songs are so symbollic and metaphorical, it would be near impossible to create a visual medium that accurately depicts them. Take this song for instance ("Telemoveis"). Some people say it's about killing the longing for a dead loved one, some say it's about the singer getting over his Dad's death, some say if you replace "cellphone" with hearts, it makes sense (as "cellphone" is a metaphor for heart).

    As the song was entered into Eurovision, Conan had to do a "performance" for it. Even he himself has his own interpretation of what the music means, but that meaning may not be official.

    And the fact that no one can really agree on an accurate "English" (or close to accurate depiction) of the lyrics is very telling. The music, metaphors, symbollism and stories he tells are all very open-ended. Like his songs and performances/stage shows. He says that his backing dancer, Joao is sort of there in a way, "interpreting" in dance what the lyrics mean, but I also think that it's Joao in his own way interpreting the song for himself.

    (Sorry, that really went on, but I really enjoy his music and working out the mystery behind the whole "Conan Osiris" alter ego).

    What do you spend the most time thinking about?
    Music, current events, my novels and sometimes hypothetical scenarios? I like to think about music a lot because I'm very interested in pursuing it as a career and want to learn from other musicians and guides on how to hone my craft well enugh to monetise it. I also like listening to a lot of different musical styles (and some of them songs get stuck in my head, thus repeating them a lot). Current events, because they are pretty inescapable at the moment, even outside of the news. We are submerged in a media-based culture and things spread fast, so it's hard NOT to think about them, through connections. And also, I like to piece things together in terms of what "may happen" in the future concerning the End Times (I know, I know. I like doing it, it's interesting). The world is getting progressively worse, and we can't deny it. The systems are linking to events prophesied from before (yeah, sue me). And everything is adding up. Plans are being revealed etc. My novels are a form of escape and a way to make sense of the world also. I like writing about characters and relating them to people and telling their stories, but I also like making characters to help me understand people better (i.e. why they do things, consequences of doing them, their backstories/upbringing etc). Hypothetical scenarios because... it's kinda fun? I'm using Tinder and various websites at the moment, and I like imagining first dates etc. It's funny too, and comparing expectations to reality can be interesting as well. I like figuring out what to do, where to go, what to say in those kinds of scenarios based of what I know about the person.

    What makes you angry?
    People annoying me by being obnoxious, not eating enough food (I become very viciously angry when I'm starving), injustices and people being really arrogant. When people really go out of their way to be repetitive and get a reaction out of me, it angers me a lot. I know they want a reaction, but sometimes I can't help it. Not eating enough food is due to my natural biological system needing to eat every 4-8 hours to stay mentally controlled, injustices without a fair trial and bias annoy me because the facts are not taken into account and someone is punished for something they didn't do unfairly, and arrogant people annoy me because they are so self-centered and obtuse and think the world revolves around them, when it does not. Rich, arrogant people really annoy me when they waste their money on stupid things instead of useful things/helping other people. I just think waste (especially money) is annoying because it could be used for betterment of people, or in a more economic way.

    What would you like help with improving in your life?
    At the moment? Motivation because I have little of it, due to life circumstances mainly. And the fact that COVID has affected the economy. I want to create and finish a mixtape, but it's difficult to at the moment because inspiration has been slow at times, and also I have little else to do, but I'm trying to find opportunities and things to do within my chosen career path (and outide influences related to it, if needs be) in order to grow as a musician.

    Time management? I have a good idea of time and what to do with it, but in reality, I can be bad at managing it because I HATE ROUTINES and I think that I could manage my time better to be more productive. In turn, this may help with my overall motivation levels (e.g. instead of a rigid routine, maybe doing 2-3 tasks a day to meet my goal at certain times spread out throughout the day so it seems less overwhelming?)

    What do you see as your strengths & your weaknesses? What do you think others would see as your strengths & weaknesses?
    I guess people see my honesty as a strength, also the fact that I am easy-going to an extent. What else do people like? I would also say my "deepness" and "intelligence" in a sense, but I think that "intelligent" is too vague of a term, because there are different types of intelligence, according to IQ tests. Do they mean that I am thoughtful? Good at numbers? Never quite understood that. Maybe they mean that I use my comm sense? My deepness is from the fact that I like to go in depth on topics that interest me. I like having good facts and knowledge on the topics I like. To some, I can come across as an expert on a surface level due to my sheer knowledge, but I also feel like I never know enough. I like learning things. It keeps me mentally stimulated. Being easy-going is a good commodity because I can relax and see the thing for what it is and if its worth stressing out over. Life is what it is, we can't control it. So why worry?

    Also, feel free to explain how you think you might relate to Fe & Fi or things that you don't relate to with them from your understanding of the functions.
    I'll try my best to. I guess if we're talking about it in terms of this excerpt I found from TypoCentral (don't kill me):

    is about depth of emotion -- feeling an emotion in relation to yourself, immersing yourself in the intense emotional exchange between people in a small, intimate setting. It also entails empathy, as empathy requires you to put yourself in the shoes of others to know what they're feeling, and is all about immersing yourself to know that feeling.

    is about breadth of emotion -- feeling an emotion in relation to what others are feeling, where you echo, direct or control the flow of emotions between people in a small or large setting. It entails sympathy, where everyone feels something even though they don't feel it themselves internally.
    I think that I can feel deep things and feel deeply, but a lot of that is because I am repressing my feelings. From the point of being intimate, I can get pretty intimate in small settings. Empathy is quite easy for me. I put myself in my characters shoes a lot of the time, though. I want to write authentically from their points of view to make the story impact as many people as I can, and have them relate to it. Maybe even be inspired by the story.

    Breadth of emotion? I guess I do compare how I'm feeling to others in the setting if it's appropriate or not (e.g. GCSE day, I'm meant to feel happy, dissapointed etc. when I got my results, but I honestly felt nothing big, but again, I wasn't expecting much, judging by the amount of effort I put into them). I can also understand where people are coming from emotionally and why they choose things to create those affects. I feel it easy to get in sync naturally with a crod when I want to, to feel the room if you get me?

    Like for example, in this Conan video (oh no, not this dude again), I could vibe easily with the crowd and how they were vibing but I could also feel the emotional vibe in Conan's performance (i.e. the vulnerability from calling himself a "lamb"/"idiot" in the song "Borrego", which can be translated as either. I think that he chose the title to show his vulnerability for being wrong about things and talking to his lover and for upsetting them.)

    Yeah, I could go on for ages but I need to limit myself again. I hope I honestly wasn't too boring.

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    @LMFAO thanks for taking the time out to answer me and ask more questions, I appreciate it.

    How would you say you relate or don't relate to the 4 quadras?
    For ease, I'm going to bolden the parts that I agree with and strike out the parts I disagree with and explain in more detail parts that I feel need explained below each quote. Keeping it simple.

    Alpha: ILE (ENTp), LII (INTj), ESE (ESFj), SEI(ISFp)

    Alpha is characterized as Judicious, Merry, and Democratic by Reinin dichotomies.

    Group behavior

    Inclination for comfortable and pleasant group atmosphere, in the emotional, sensorial, and intellectual aspects. An ideal Alpha group situation is the exchange of light-hearted jokes while discussing imaginative ideas, movies, or sometimes sports, all while enjoying pleasant food and drink. Narrating personal experiences usually takes the form of telling a joke; funny personal experiences are preferred over "serious" ones. The exchange of sober concrete details are avoided. If the group is playing a game together, the fun and jokes that go along with it are at least as important as the game itself. They avoid generating "heavy" moments; any dramatic expressions are limited in time, most often in service of a joke. Alphas are also perhaps the most likely types to participate in group use of mind-altering substances.

    Alpha discussions tend to go off on tangents, in whatever direction seems most interesting or funny at the moment. Unusual personal observations are common, resulting from the analysis of the idiosyncrasies or inconsistencies of everyday life. If many in the group share the same observations, they are likely to express their agreement emphatically, so as to create a kind of "mental harmony" which enhances the group dynamic. If a new problem is encountered, it is expanded and developed in as many ways as possible, until some kind of satisfactory conclusion is reached.

    Alphas make no distinction between "insiders" and "outsiders", easily drawing people into a conversation once it has begun — though they tend to just as easily withdraw if the person is not receptive. Likewise, they prefer to have the same behavior at work as at play; they find formal speech and dress to be pretentious, unnecessarily limiting, and even ridiculous. Alphas dislike the idea that there is something going on "behind the scenes", preferring to keep things (especially personal motivations) as open and straightforward as possible.
    That sounds like my ideal dream setting; having fun, eating takeout food and watching football on TV whilst talking. And yeah, I like jokes being involved when I'm duscussing things. Nothing too serious because serious things dampen group conversation so much. Keep the serious stuff to one-on-ones. And yes, you can't play a game without fun and jokes. Nothing as horrible as playing a game in silence. It's so off-putting. Even online games need jokes and some fun. Yes, intentionally heavy moments are a real pain in the ass when we were joking about. Buzzkills are the worst, to be honest.

    Tangent is my middle name (okay, not really) but sometimes I tend to go on. Or down "rabbitholes" a lot. Off into some random direction, finding something good from it. Yes, I observe some weird and random things and bring it up. And try to make sense of them. Oh yeah I love those "uh-huh sister" moments. Or "the face when" memes that people relate to. I do them a lot. I like to figure out what's wrong with things and how to fix it. Troubleshooting; love that a lot. I'll keep going until things are fixed, and keep guessing things you know?

    Yes! Drawing people in is fun and hearing their POVs. But when it burns out, it's annoying. And yes formal things are so annoying. I went home from my Aunt's wedding for an hour because it was close to my house, put on shorts under my shirt and almost went back dressed like that. Comfortable clothes are so important. Functional clothes, yes. Keeping things straightforward is important. Keep it simple, keep people involved and have a good time.

    Beta: SLE (ESTp), LSI (ISTj), EIE (ENFj), IEI (INFp)

    Beta is characterized as Decisive, Merry, and Aristocratic by Reinin dichotomies.

    Group behavior

    Preference for larger groups where participation is "collective" rather than focused on individuals for any length of time, but with likely "domination" by more assertive individuals. This means that beta groups discuss topics that everyone could contribute to. Frequent unexplained inside jokes are considered impolite because they exclude other people. Jokes are loud and general, often about stereotypes. Betas attempt to draw others into the group activity: for example, in a situation where there are "group rituals" going on (as in drinking, dancing, etc), there is good-natured pressure on "outsiders" to also participate in them, with a sort of puzzled dismay if they prefer not to. They also try to draw attention to people who might otherwise feel left out - usually this is done with general jokes directed at individuals. In more subdued moments, discussion of ideas involving present trends and political implications, with strong views voiced. Personal experiences tend to be discussed from the point of view of their external impact rather than the individual's own personal view of them.

    When larger social events are organized by Betas (such as parties, receptions etc), they show an inclination to promote activities that will lead to the guests involved as a single group, such as games and shows; dislike for the "quieter" form of events where guests tend to quietly form smaller groups in more intimate atmospheres, which Betas tend to see as boring.

    For Betas atmosphere is more important than specific activity or topic. Groups of betas spend time together to entertain each other. They exchange fun (and often loud) stories to feed the atmosphere, so that the group energy won't run out. People talk fast and they often add comments to other people's stories if they feel that the pace is slowing down. When someone starts to talk, he takes on the obligation to entertain for the duration of the monologue and, in a friendly group, other people only interrupt to try and help him keep control of the atmosphere.

    Talking about personal matters in a group is not something that Betas generally do. It's viewed almost as treachery when something that was told in a one-on-one conversation is retold in front of a group, or when someone criticizes another person's traits in front of the group. Betas believe such things should be told in private and should not be used to embarrass or belittle a friend.

    Betas also don't like it when people tell long, slow stories. Betas try to be polite and listen to the story, and they will forgive you if it was boring for them, but if someone does it too often they might not be invited back. Betas restrict long-winded stories to one-on-one conversations. However, IEIs are more likely to adjust to the slower stories because they are very flexible conversationalists.
    Ugh, yes. Frequent inside jokes are annoying. They keep people clued out and are confusing. Maybe one or two are fine, but I want them all explained. Yeah, trying to include people is nice and joking about too. Yes, keep them private or in small groups, things like this. AND UGH, I AGREE. Long winded stories don't have a good pay off and I zone out halfway through (Dad, take note).

    Gamma: LIE (ENTj), ILI (INTp), SEE (ESFp), ESI (ISFj)

    Gamma is characterized as Decisive, Serious, and Democratic by Reinin dichotomies.

    Group behavior

    Groups made up of primarily Gamma types tend to be small in size; perhaps 6 at most. Laughter and very obvious displays of emotion are subdued, instead, there is a lot of smiling, amusement with ironic and witty remarks or, when serious subjects or not very happy personal experiences are discussed, a serious demeanour. Even such small groups tend to split into smaller ones; perhaps 3 is the ideal "group" size for Gammas.

    Group discussions are focused on exchange of information and ideas on subjects of mutual interest, discussing and planning activities together, or on personal experiences. The latter are usually discussed not with the purpose of making people laugh or to boast one's position but to get an insight into the lessons to be drawn from such experiences.

    Gammas usually dislike being "drawn" into larger groups where loud exchanges of jokes and quick shifting of one subject to the other are the norm, as in a large dinner table in an informal environment, especially if the group is also somewhat "artificial" as in work colleagues or business partners where personal relationships weren't really spontaneously formed.
    In such situations, Gammas will tend to focus on the persons sitting immediately near them in order to engage them in more individual conversations or will tend to remain mostly silent, not really participating in the group atmosphere, making the impression of being "introverts" in the everyday meaning of the term.

    Once a group is formed, it tends to be wary for some time of "newcomers", being neither exclusive nor inclusive on purpose. Conversations often focus on trends regarding material and yet personal issues, such as career prospects and developments, success or failure of financial investments and enterprises, and the future prospects of romantic relationships, as well as the reasons for the failure of past ones. In more light-hearted moments, such talks get a "bawdy" flavor with some slight teasing.

    Other subjects tend to focus on internal work politics from the point of view of how it jeopardizes general efficiency, the nonsense of bureaucracy, and how to be better than competitors.
    Gammas sound like a real snore-fest. Although, sometimes I do the "engage in the nearest person" to me thing at big events/ignore people. Mostly because I'm tired and feel like I nothing to add. Or am fed up and want to go home.

    Delta: LSE (ESTj), SLI (ISTp), IEE (ENFp), EII (INFj)

    Delta is characterized as Judicious, Serious, and Aristocratic by Reinin dichotomies.

    Group behavior

    Groups made up of primarily Delta types tend to be focused on working on projects, enjoying physical recreation, or finding out interesting things about each other. Laughter is usually subdued and brief; instead, people smile a lot and try to be witty and welcoming. Groups need to be focused on some specific productive activity or topic of discussion, or else they fall apart. In Delta groups, there is a lot of splintering and decentralization. This allows for more focused and productive interaction with only those who share your particular interests or sentiments. People jump from small group to small group easily to keep up their interest level. No one demands that the entire group listen to one person or that everyone do the same thing. Delta Quadra types believe that if everyone just pursues their own interests and makes some accommodations for others, the group will be better off anyway. Delta Quadra types do not focusing on building group identity or unity of purpose, but prefer for the group to remain splintered and decentralized.
    What? Being productive for socialisation? I mean, I do like doing my own thing sometimes but I prefer being around other people when I socialise and am in groups. Yeah, I can be a solitary person, but I like "the craic" (the fun, the banter) as well.

    Are there any types you've noticed that you tend to clash with irl?
    I tend to get on well with most people and types, but if I had to say the types I clash with, it would probably INTp borefests, snoring people. Intellectuals. People who just talk and include like two people and not everyone else, long winded conversationalists. Who and what else? Sometimes I clash with LxEs, but mostly because they're too productive and serious at times. When they're not, they can be good. Sometimes SLE/SEEs when they're being really rowdy and obnoxious. And edgelords deliberately. Other than that, no-one really.

    How do you think you relate or don't relate to Se & Ne?

    Okay, for research purposes:

    Ne is essentially divergence and Se is convergence. Ne finds ways around issues. Se concentrates force to push a particular method.
    I've been called a "divergent thinker" before but I like to solve things directly. If I come up with a method subconsciously and decide on it because it makes sense and it might work, I do it i.e. fixing a TV remote, I'll go with my best judgment of the idea that makes the most sense.

    I'll just bolden the stuff I relate to here again:

    Simplicity of life is the cornerstone of the Se psyche, while for the Ne complexity is sublime. Ne will take a leap of faith while Se will first test the water. The sum total of stuff (opinions, feelings, beliefs and judgements about one's external world) accumulated defines who Se is, whereas a contextual understanding of stuff defines Ne.

    Se builds an understanding of the world by amassing stuff - from the bottom up, starting with basics and progressing to the more diverse.
    Ne builds understanding from the top down - creates a process, sees whether or not stuff validates the process, and then modifies it until understanding is achieved; and Ne usually stores the process but discards the stuff.

    Ne thinks that stuff can always be picked up when needed
    while the Se considers that processes are not really useful without the details of their application. The more stuff Se amasses the more secure Se becomes because Se considers most stuff as relatively constant and hence, valuable. Se is a packrat of stuff and strives for an accumulation of knowledge, discarding little.

    Ne is never convinced stuff will remain the same so Ne hones an analytical ability keeping the mind clear of stuff, which is forgotten so easily. Security for Ne is having a problem solving capability to analyse or take on the complexities of life. Ne will integrate a lot of processes into the fabric of their being making their persona very complex but Ne will amass very little stuff.

    Se keeps it simple: all the details to solve a problem are simply remembered for future reference. Se notices everything but will only pick up new stuff that fits in with the stuff already possessed; knowledge is built one brick at a time. And, Se does not necessarily need to understand all the stuff amassed but it must in some way be familiar. Se solves problems by sorting through vast amounts of collected stuff - drawing on experience.

    Ne will often go back to first principles and solve the same problem in a different way because they pick up different stuff having forgotten most of what was done in the past; experience is not wholly trusted. Ne notices very little but seeks to understand all stuff that is picked up, but will instantly discard the stuff not deemed relevant to the immediate problem or issue.

    Se is a knowledge farmer sowing order, while Ne is the hunter-gatherer of knowledge adapting to each situation. Se fears stuff that is not already on the farm while Ne fears not having gathered enough stuff. Se looks upon most Ne as lacking practical knowledge or ability while Ne looks upon Se as intransigent or narrow-minded.
    I like to keep things simple, but I like to accumulate information and pick it up when I have to and understand it. I can be practical as well, and I don't like knowledge for the the sake of it much. But I want to go in depth about the things that I know. I hope that I make sense? I like problem solving, but only when I have to. Not just for the sake of it. When it comes up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    No problem!

    Seems like Alpha or Beta would be most likely then. I thought ExxP > ExxJ, but I could see ExFJ. I'm not really picking up ENTP though.

    What traits would you say you relate to or don't relate to of ESE, EIE, & SLE?
    Which descriptions do you want me to compare?

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    12) How do you usually “hang out” with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

    "I like "doing" things more than just talking because just talking is boring to me and being stagnant sucks. I like to do things with other people because I like to be around them and doing things along is rather boring, you know?"

    probz IEI

    "Speech rhythm (unrelated to this thread and unobservant) is reminiscent of IEI" --Glass

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    so obviously you want to be EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    As in you think OP's purposefully answering questions in a way to get that result?
    Not in a negative way, or self centered. Don't we all do this? Some more then others, and I'm not saying OP is doing it more than others. It could just be using the literature as cues to match up with things he knows about himself. So, I should have cooled down the rhetoric in my first comment and apologize to OP for sounding a bit aggressive.

    The avatar makes me think of Borat. It's like, Se, but a sort of wannabe version of it? Like naked skin, tattoos, some bling, but kind of feminine style, the blehg face with the tongue out, a wink, tweezed eyebrows, cropped hair, just total Turkish balla look. Like brown eurotrash look.

    I'm going with IEE for now.

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    c) To lose your memories
    d) To be poor for the rest of your lifee) Or to never experience passion
    Elaborate on why!
    Not being able to experience taste would be horrible for me because I love food and experiencing it. I find it a very pleasant experience to eat things and try new flavours. It adds a level of intrest and dimension to my life, outside just smelling and touching things. I also find certain foods comforting (i.e. fried chicken, parma ham, certain chocolates etc). and nice to eat after a long day/when hungry. Again, I try not to overindulge so it lasts longer.

    I already believe we are "immortal" to an extent, if our souls live on. So, no point in asking for that. We may not be as "humans" (we are now) in the afterlife, but the essence of our beings (souls) still live on and we never truly "die".

    I'm already "poor" and see no need to have things I can't afford, or ask for more material things. With more money, comes more problems and I don't want to add to the barrel. And does this mean "rich" in blessings, knowledge, material posessions or something else? A very open ended question...

    If I lost my passion, I'd lose one of the reasons for living. I can be a "very dead" person to the outsider sometimes, outside of the warmth I radiate when I'm in the pun-making, cheery, hyper mood. When I feel something in a passionate way, I cherish it. It inspires me to keep going and escape the monotony of every day life.

    I chose "to lose your memories" because they mean less to me now than they did before, they're very temporal. They fade and change as we grow and since I'm young, I can create new ones (I hope) if this means to "lose all my memories up until this point". Memories are only one aspect (not the defining) aspect to people's indentities. They don't totally make you who you are.
    See this part here is Ni ignoring. I say ignoring in a kind of conventional sense. Memories are central to how a Fe (1st block) + Ni (2nd block) type forms the basis of their awareness of time.

    It also leads to many troble areas for a Ni, as they become overwhelmed and petrified by the past, including their own, that takes away from the present, something they are mobilized with by Se. Further supervised by Si, a kind of double blind attack front.

    Perhaps you mean to say you could use some mobilized Se as well? Remove the haunting of your memories? I don't know I'm going out on a limb here to catch both options.

    Overall I think its important to remember that memories are also a function AND product of introverted intuition as they relate to the flow of time (which really is the unfolding of events and space they occur within, partly why Ni gels with the discreet moment by moment reality awareness of Se).

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Anyone else help? :/
    I can see SEE based on that questionnaire.

    You say you value honesty, authenticity, being yourself - Fi valuing. Fe valuers use different words, and use those words you used in other contexts.

    Alot of what you wrote (again, an impression since I don't know you) seems like you are someone who knows what they want and how to position yourself wrt to that even if you might not see that as your strength. You seem to value individual, internally felt feelings and develop your personal values based on that. Se, Fi, which are also probably strong, and not only valued.

    You appear a bit unstructured in how you express your thoughts, nevertheless you express them. This looks to me like Ti polr. Remember Ti often works by structuring information in a hierarchal fasion, for example with categories and sub categories and just by the style of the questionnaire I don't see information presented in that manner. Ti polr doesn't mean illogical, but you present your thoughts in a free flowing, haphazard way that reminds me of SEEs.

    You seem oriented towards society and people, how to impact them, etc, which would point more to a sensing and feeling type in terms of strengths.

    You also seem to value action alot, IEEs and Ne valuers in general don't talk about it much. Also you seem to lack the focus in your mind that Ne egos have. I can't really see IEE.

    So I would say SEE, but I think Sol is right in that a questionnaire might not be enough. You could try taking Sol's IR test - I thought it was interesting but you need to have a free day or two.

    Also @valhalla for the record I would add that saying that memory is related to Ni is a pretty big leap of fantasy. Neuroscientists don't fully understand how memory works, nor is there evidence of how functions correlate to brain activity outside of Lenore Thompson's research, at least not to my knowledge. I don't want to derail this thread into a debate about Ni and memory but I would be more conservative about making such statements, but ok.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    As in you think OP's purposefully answering questions in a way to get that result?
    I don't think it should matter.

    Quadra values, functions, and IM strengths should stand out as being obvious to more experienced typers even when someone is trying to skew the result (not saying OP is doing this btw).

    So long as the questions asked are relevant, often the respondent won't know what is being asked of them, and will reveal things about themselves they didn't think even related to type, where things they thought related to their type are often not as relevant. I'm not a big fan of the questionnaire the OP used for the record, questions about your political views for example won't reveal much IMO, except that the respondent might say more than what the question is asking for and will reveal relevant info.

    Just my 2c.
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    Exclamation Long ass reply? (Quoted all quotes for ease)

    Quote Originally Posted by valhalla View Post
    so obviously you want to be EIE.
    Nope. I'm just answering the questions honestly. Why do you think that I want to be an EIE? I don't. What's the point in answering these questions if you're not doing so honestly? It would just be a roleplaying thread at that point, to be honest.

    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    I'd actually be interested to know what PoLR descriptions you think fit you best.
    If we're still going off the basis of IEE, EIE, SLE etc., then I gues that I can explain below how/why I relate to these PoLR types, from the basis that :

    xEE (relevant parts bolded)

    IEE and SEE (Ti PoLR) feel very uncomfortable in a situation that forces them to admit:
    - That they do not understand something;
    - That their words do not match with the facts;
    - That they are incapable of explaining something clearly;
    - That there are inconsistencies in their worldviews, theories, concepts;
    - That they are not able to consolidate data in order to bring it to a common structure;
    - That they have nothing to say on the subject matter in question.
    I don't like not understanding things. I can understand things well most of the time, and they make considerable amount of sense to me, according to how I understand them, but sometimes (not always) explaining them to other people can take a moment. I want to make sure that I make sense before I discuss things, or it just ends up a trainwreck. I'm not sure if it's related to Ti PoLR; the SPEED of understanding versus the LACK of understanding. Does it make me feel uncomfortable? Not really anymore. I like to understand things and explain them clearly, but if I don't understand, I'll research more and I'll also ask questions. I do, however get frustrated when I can't find the answers. I keep digging deeper and deeper, until I can't go any further. Inconsistencies do annoy me and I can pick them out, so I try my best not to have any. Same with facts.

    ILI and SLI (Fe PoLR) feel very uncomfortable in a situation that forces them:
    - To express their emotions;
    - To explain intricacies of relationships that exist between people within certain group;
    - To create a positive atmosphere, to get along with the right people, to make oneself agreeable;
    - To conform to social expectations.
    Yeah, I don't really enjoy being forced to emote, especially when I don't have any emotions/am not looking to emote. I don't like it one bit. I also don't like being made to conform to social and societal expecations. That makes me really uncomfortable. But I guess this definition is/can be quite vague because I think that generationally, this generation (and the one previous) are very individualistic, me-centered and activists compared to 40+ (and some 30) year olds. I think this is more cultural than outright "Fe PoLR". Society has changed and evolved a lot over the past thirty years and so have general values.

    Other threads/POV

    If PoLR= "Why the world is flawed/bad" then I guess I can relate to these things:

    ExTp's think the world is bad because people are too concerned with political correctness, politeness, and manners, that people are too sensitive and fragile, instead of being concerned with being insensitive and to-the-point.
    Yeah, I think that although you should definitely respect people and their opinions/viewpoints and discuss matters in a respectful manner, sometimes people go too overboard. There is a boundary that people should have (mutual respect), and it shouldn't be crossed to an extreme i.e. (being too respectful of the other person and not getting back or being too disrespectful of the other person and not giving them equal respect back). Now, I get defending or standing up for yourself when the boundaries have been crossed too far/not enough, but I also know that its counterproductive to fight and have nothing come from it, so that's a bit of a catch 22.

    ExFp's are suspicious of theoretical models, unproven theories, and mathematical/logical information that doesn't have a physical manifestation. ("There is no way that can be true, that's just overly complex, ridiculous, and unrealistic.")
    Yeah, I get that as well. Sometimes theories can be really disconnected from the real world and pushed in a non-organic way by people who have nothing to back them up with (i.e. in regards to primary/secondary sources that say the same thing). If you have enough to back it up and enough witnesses, then that's fine. Conpsiracy theorists especially seem to get very carried away and it's just dumb. They're goods fun to take the piss out of, though.

    ENxj's are suspicious of following the past, traditions (whether societal or individual), and taking it easy. ("Just because it has worked before doesn't mean it works good or can't work better.")
    Yeah, but I also feel like this one is more societical based, due to advances in technology, alternative methods and less people being bound by traditions. We have a lot more freedom of information, expression and technology (even compared to ten years ago) these days and therefore a tonne more problem solving methods. Do I take things easy though? When I can. No sense in being stressed out.

    Also, if you're interested in the HA aspect of things, I relate the most to:

    ESFp, ENFp => to know
    ISFp, INFp => to understand
    I know that knowing and understanding are two different things, but both are beneficial to each other. It's good to know things (fun fact: my status 'el que sabe, sabe' means 'he that knows, knows'. It's from a Tego Calderon song, and I just like it because it's a truth) but it's also beneficial to understand what you know.

    Quote Originally Posted by valhalla View Post
    Not in a negative way, or self centered. Don't we all do this? Some more then others, and I'm not saying OP is doing it more than others. It could just be using the literature as cues to match up with things he knows about himself. So, I should have cooled down the rhetoric in my first comment and apologize to OP for sounding a bit aggressive.

    The avatar makes me think of Borat. It's like, Se, but a sort of wannabe version of it? Like naked skin, tattoos, some bling, but kind of feminine style, the blehg face with the tongue out, a wink, tweezed eyebrows, cropped hair, just total Turkish balla look. Like brown eurotrash look.

    I'm going with IEE for now.
    No, you're fine.

    That description made me laugh, so props for that. I think the dude in my PFP is probably an ESE/SEI, which I guess if ESE, would have Se demonstrative (if I remember correctly) and strong Fe/Se.

    But yeah, I see what you mean about the Eurotrash look. He;s half Italian and half Egyptian, so living in Italy would probably do that to you:

    (No idea how to resize these so sorry).

    Quote Originally Posted by valhalla View Post
    See this part here is Ni ignoring. I say ignoring in a kind of conventional sense. Memories are central to how a Fe (1st block) + Ni (2nd block) type forms the basis of their awareness of time.

    It also leads to many troble areas for a Ni, as they become overwhelmed and petrified by the past, including their own, that takes away from the present, something they are mobilized with by Se. Further supervised by Si, a kind of double blind attack front.

    Perhaps you mean to say you could use some mobilized Se as well? Remove the haunting of your memories? I don't know I'm going out on a limb here to catch both options.

    Overall I think its important to remember that memories are also a function AND product of introverted intuition as they relate to the flow of time (which really is the unfolding of events and space they occur within, partly why Ni gels with the discreet moment by moment reality awareness of Se).
    That's interesting. Memories? I thought memories and creating mental imaging based off the world around you/comforts was Si. But I guess it can help someone find their awareness of time. But if Ni is troubled by their past, would they not want to also erase it? Wouldn't they want to focus more on the present, since they seek it and would see the Ni in a sense be distracting them from going forward? (Or am I off track too?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I can see SEE based on that questionnaire.

    You say you value honesty, authenticity, being yourself - Fi valuing. Fe valuers use different words, and use those words you used in other contexts.

    Alot of what you wrote (again, an impression since I don't know you) seems like you are someone who knows what they want and how to position yourself wrt to that even if you might not see that as your strength. You seem to value individual, internally felt feelings and develop your personal values based on that. Se, Fi, which are also probably strong, and not only valued.

    You appear a bit unstructured in how you express your thoughts, nevertheless you express them. This looks to me like Ti polr. Remember Ti often works by structuring information in a hierarchal fasion, for example with categories and sub categories and just by the style of the questionnaire I don't see information presented in that manner. Ti polr doesn't mean illogical, but you present your thoughts in a free flowing, haphazard way that reminds me of SEEs.

    You seem oriented towards society and people, how to impact them, etc, which would point more to a sensing and feeling type in terms of strengths.

    You also seem to value action alot, IEEs and Ne valuers in general don't talk about it much. Also you seem to lack the focus in your mind that Ne egos have. I can't really see IEE.

    So I would say SEE, but I think Sol is right in that a questionnaire might not be enough. You could try taking Sol's IR test - I thought it was interesting but you need to have a free day or two.
    Maybe. I just think that society doesn't have enough honesty sometimes. It comes across as a bit plastic. Lacking substance. It all seems nice from the outside and clean cut, but on the inside, nothing's really there. Nothing deeper. It all seems superficial, especially emotionally. Never liked that. Always been gritty.

    Interesting. Decisiveness is my strength? Yeah, that's true. I do try to be as decisive and to the point as I can be. I don't see much point in beating around the bush. Yeah, I might go in depth and get a bit 'carried away' sometimes, but I still want to be 'to the point' with my information and cut out all the fat. Well, in a sense intense feelings are nice. Passionate. But I also don't think that they're important past the self-motivation and growth part.

    Yeah, mostly because I don't see the point in arranging things in such depth on a forum post. You don't really need sub-categories there, but yeah, I like to let things flow. Go with the flow. Keep writing. It's a lot easier and makes more sense that way.

    Yeah. Society is more important than just theories. Society is who we deal with on a daily basis. They make up the world we live in. They make the facts and figures and the lies. I like to do things, when I'm bothered. Think about how to take action.

    Yeah, tell me about it? One moment I'm on here typing and the next I'm reading something, replying to a text, then wondering what I'm going back to. And sometimes I'll even watch YouTube and wonder what's going on with the other stuff. I forget a lot of things, which i think makes me come across as more ethereal than I really am.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cactagon View Post
    12) How do you usually “hang out” with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

    "I like "doing" things more than just talking because just talking is boring to me and being stagnant sucks. I like to do things with other people because I like to be around them and doing things along is rather boring, you know?"

    probz IEI

    "Speech rhythm (unrelated to this thread and unobservant) is reminiscent of IEI" --Glass
    That's really interesting. You see some Se as well?

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    You saying that you don't like to emote when you don't yourself feel emotions & don't care to conform seem Fi > Fe to me or at the very least not an Fe dom type. At least imo. Also, the thing about respecting others viewpoints & not crossing certain lines could also be Fi > Fe. I think sometimes ExTp types like to agrue/debate just for the fun of it/to win & can be unaware of not crossing others lines or at least not being too concerned about it. They rather be right than to worry about each individuals sensitive spots.
    But what is "being right"? Factually correct? Even still, that's hard.

    I mean, I like to have fun sometimes and push buttons. Totally random, but I came across this when I was looking at things and I [think] this guy is ESFp. I sort of relate to the passion aspect of the article:

    Would this be Fi in this article?

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    Do you want to be honorary ESE? We don’t have many of those
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Do you want to be honorary ESE? We don’t have many of those

    On an actual side note: Does it make sense to be one though?

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    I feel like you could be IEI hum
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    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    I feel like you could be IEI hum
    You're the second person that has said that. Why do you think that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    You're the second person that has said that. Why do you think that?
    Idk you said you do things when you feel like it and passion means a lot to you so you come across very to yourself
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Idk you said you do things when you feel like it and passion means a lot to you so you come across very to yourself

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post

    Also @valhalla for the record I would add that saying that memory is related to Ni is a pretty big leap of fantasy. Neuroscientists don't fully understand how memory works, nor is there evidence of how functions correlate to brain activity outside of Lenore Thompson's research, at least not to my knowledge. I don't want to derail this thread into a debate about Ni and memory but I would be more conservative about making such statements, but ok.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    Passion = to yourself?

    Extroverts aren't passionate?

    Seems like a minuscule thing to base an entire type on.
    He’s definitely SLE so the deal is sealed and done
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    He’s definitely SLE so the deal is sealed and done
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I’m IJ today
    Throw the book at it and move on lol

    How are you Uncle Ave? Life treating you okay?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
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    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    How are you Uncle Ave? Life treating you okay?
    The fuck do you care

    But I'm actually doing great, fyi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    The fuck do you care

    But I'm actually doing great, fyi
    I’m glad you’re doing well.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Anyway I noticed when you enter the chat room you seem to want or have a strong presence
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
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    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    lotsa bling bling bloat. You are BBB (The blood-brain barrier).
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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    Curious on why you'd say SLE > SEE? OP doesn't seem to be Fi poLR to me.
    But seems to value Fe since the OP highlighted this

    “Inclination for comfortable and pleasant group atmosphere, in the emotional, sensorial, and intellectual aspects. ”

    On the opposite end SEE are very attached to memories. I don’t know why maybe something sentimental
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 09-09-2020 at 07:32 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    You sound fun to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Anyway I noticed when you enter the chat room you seem to want or have a strong presence

    But seems to value Fe since the OP highlighted this

    “Inclination for comfortable and pleasant group atmosphere, in the emotional, sensorial, and intellectual aspects. ”
    So, I'm an attention seeker then?

    I thought that was more alpha (Fe+Si) than just Fe. Maybe that's just me. I thought comfort was more Si than Se.

    Quote Originally Posted by CoViD Spurdo 007 View Post
    lotsa bling bling bloat. You are BBB (The blood-brain barrier).

    Big Bling Boi.

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    You remind me of myself when I first joined the forum is all I can say. Maybe that can assist you?
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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    You remind me of myself when I first joined the forum is all I can say. Maybe that can assist you?
    Yeah, I feel like I'm too merry to be a serious type. I do that thing where after doing/saying something serious, I just end up defaulting back, sorta like this:

    I think this dude is an Alpha or Beta. And an introvert. Probably XEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LMFAO View Post
    I haven't thought of LSE for you What made you think maybe LSE? I'd go with SEE but that's just my opinion so far, so take with a grain of salt.
    I dunno. I don’t see myself as an ethical type and I also think that my Ni isn’t strong enough to be an LIE. And I also think that my Te is pretty strong.

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