Bad timing or breaking their ethical code, from what I've seen. My mother is an EII and her favorite cousin is an LSE. The two get along like wildfire and have almost a psychic connection. At a family gathering she will whisper something like, "These people, they never live up to their obligations. They promised they would do something about it."

Then I would say, "Then tell them."

And she will go into a long explanation about how it would be rude to complain in front of the rest of the family.

A few minutes later, her LSE cousin will approach those very same people my mother was complaining about and tell them about how they never live up to their obligations. Exact same thought. My mother will then proceed to cheer her on quietly, but then afterwards she will say something like, "She was so right back there! But I wish she could've brought it up at a better time."

If it were up to her, she would never bring it up, and this always happens with her.