This is great! It falls in line with how I view Ni too.i personally just jump from point to point (Ne) but there's always a pattern that emerges from it. I do have flexibility but it's always important that the data points fit the pattern, and then I can see a narrative emerging from it.

As for the time aspect of it, I'm really really stubborn with "my time". I know this is an annoying habbit of mine, but I can't be urged or hurried. I keep my own clock and if it doesn't sync up with others oh well. I used to have difficulty respecting the "time boundaries" of other people and didn't care about being late but I'm a bit older now, and I've been working as well so I don't really have a choice. It's like the world has a beat of its own, and I have my own beat. Sometimes it annoys me that other people don't really get it. I ignore things that don't fit into my rhythm, so it can appear like i don't have a good sense of time. I get super annoyed with people who talk about time management, because I already know how much time something will take so why bother? Conscious time managent makes things unnatural. It's bizarre to me that people can work like that. "I'm going to start studying at 3 pm and I'm going to study for 3 hours. I'll divide the time into these 15 segments and I'll take two bathroom breaks!" That has always been the wasteful and unnatural use of time. Because, if that person had followed the natural clock inside, he might not need the 3 hours. Does that make sense?

I also have a good grasp on history. I can take different events that happened around the world in a particular time period and make a narrative emerge. With Ni, there's always a focus on this larger story that is already there. Sometimes it feels like I already know everything, and I just need to discover my knowledge by playing around with ideas. In that sense, i can't really escape my Ni, even though I'm an Ni devalued type.