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Thread: I'm LSI-Harmonizing AMA ..I guess

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I do harbor a secret prejudice that you might be Alpha, @shotgunfingers, but I'm often wrong about people's types and this could be one of those many cases. I believe it is best to not battle-type you, or anyone else for that matter, and so I'll try to keep my snarkiness to myself.

    As good a reason as there ever was.
    I'll say one thing tho <.< the way you handle conflict.. I'm 100% sure you are type 8. I can respect that.

  2. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Andam thinks I'm Alpha quadra and I don't get along with him for reasons I'd rather not mention, which probably reinforces his thoughts that I'm from Alpha quadra again due to the conflict.

    I just don't like him because he is a disconnected know-it-all American democrat.

    do I know you?

    All of god's children are friends of mine

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    there is nothing here, idk what ppl are talking about..

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    Default I'm LSI-Harmonizing AMA ..I guess

    Congrats on your official typing!! I think it’s more common for Ti valuing types to want a more definite answer. I personally hate ambiguity so that’s why I got typed.

    I’ve observed LSIs handle random stuff happening pretty well. PoLR Ne is more about LSI not being able to accommodate or fit in extra/superfluous information because from their perspective, that’s unnecessary. “Too many unknown variables” is not welcomed. That means LSI won’t know where to fit those pieces of info.

    I was describing my mind to some SEE friends earlier today. I said my mind organizes information in 2 file cabinets: what works and what doesn’t. It dawned upon me that LSI would likely only have 1 file cabinet: what works. I figured the Ti Se mind would only store information of what systematically works and purge what doesn’t as “superfluous.” How would you describe how your mind is organized?

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    Last edited by Lolita; 09-28-2020 at 11:30 PM.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Congrats on your official typing!! I think it’s more common for Ti valuing types to want a more definite answer. I personally hate ambiguity so that’s why I got typed.

    I’ve observed LSIs handle random stuff happening pretty well. PoLR Ne is more about LSI not being able to accommodate or fit in extra/superfluous information because from their perspective, that’s unnecessary. “Too many unknown variables” is not welcomed. That means LSI won’t know where to fit those pieces of info.

    I was describing my mind to some SEE friends earlier today. I said my mind organizes information in 2 file cabinets: what works and what doesn’t. It dawned upon me that LSI would likely only have 1 file cabinet: what works. I figured the Ti Se mind would only store information of what systematically works and purge what doesn’t as “superfluous.” How would you describe how your mind is organized?

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    Hmm, imo Gulenko described it very well:

    Besides, the respondent notes that knowledge is not stored in his memory in an orderly manner. Since internal communication and presentation of accumulated data in a more chaotic form what corresponds to the second function rather than the first one, the assumption about rational organization of the respondent's psyche is confirmed. Logic processes and gives solutions to the outer world, quickly addressing the data accumulated by the sensing. The first function (logic) can be compared to the processor, and the second function (sensing) to memory. This is a mental circuit that is used by the logic-sensor types.
    I'm more of a pragmatic problem solver / troubleshooter. Observe --> Process --> Most likely workable solution. While I enjoy talking about abstractions and castle in the sky theories, at the end of the day I'm more at home with simple and effective concrete solutions which are certain to work. I also prefer to "keep it simple, stupid".

    In my typing process here I did not enjoy having all the options thrown at me to be honest as I hate ambiguity as well, so my reason for typing is similar to yours:

    - Partly to shut up the forum
    - Partly because I wanted a definite answer
    - and I guess I can admit it now, I also wanted to shake up the forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Quoting Gulenko:

    The conclusion

    So, the type of respondent is a balanced-stable temperament in the management installation - LSI (Inspector) of a harmonizing subtype. Characteristic feature of such personality: a long search for yourself, philosophical reflection on life, depression control, loyalty, a sense of lost harmony and the desire to regain it.


    Imo.. it makes sense. I was expecting to be some kind of Beta type tbh. Explains why I like EIEs so much and a lot of other things such as relating to LII Fi. It works with E6w5 and I always knew I was Melancholic in temperament..
    dunno about LSI

    This tho makes sense that you'd be xSI where you said this before - "even with Ne, I'm always trying to reduce the options, to find a single meaningful path. Really annoys me when i have too many options."

    I've talked to ESI friend about Ni. He says he will think up and envision the path, his plan to do stuff, and he can do this for a pretty long time, staying in his imagination like that. I told him I'd find that really draining after one single second, lol. And I don't need to plan rigidly like he does, either... He plans in a detailed way. For the "perfect" plan. Then has serious issues adjusting if there is a change in the situation. He's ESI-Se btw. I have way lower Ni :shrug

    Anyway I still think ESI for you, but you know yourself best

    I just think ESI primarily because you're too personable for LSI.
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 09-30-2020 at 11:40 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I learn how to fix things, because it is fun. I have a home network and servers that I built myself purely for fun tbh. I tinker with the car, because its fun. I enjoy fixing problems and finding solutions in of itself, less so for helping others, but its nice when ppl appreciate it. Similar deal with psychology, math, philosophy. I also gradually build a worldview , according to which I act.. aka how I think the world is and how I should be operating within it.
    My ESI-Se friend also likes to do this worldview building thing. I find his stuff with that fun somehow (nice Ni). He likes to delve into psychology and philosophy too. Numbers are not his strength though.

    Anyway just my input. Feel free to do whatever with it, I barely play with socionics anymore anyway, life is too much fun for it lol

    Plus I don't need mysterious codewords for normal stuff anymore

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    dunno about LSI

    This tho makes sense that you'd be xSI where you said this before - "even with Ne, I'm always trying to reduce the options, to find a single meaningful path. Really annoys me when i have too many options."

    I've talked to ESI friend about Ni. He says he will think up and envision the path, his plan to do stuff, and he can do this for a pretty long time, staying in his imagination like that. I told him I'd find that really draining after one single second, lol. And I don't need to plan rigidly like he does, either... He plans in a detailed way. For the "perfect" plan. Then has serious issues adjusting if there is a change in the situation. He's ESI-Se btw. I have way lower Ni :shrug

    Anyway I still think ESI for you, but you know yourself best
    hmm, ok. I disagree obviously. I'm as beta as they come, for reasons I can't really get into... lets just say I'm a "authoritarian collectivist" and leave it at that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    hmm, ok. I disagree obviously. I'm as beta as they come, for reasons I can't really get into... lets just say I'm a "authoritarian collectivist" and leave it at that.
    No problem. I'm glad you found a few labels to identify well with such as this authoritarian collectivist thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    No problem. I'm glad you found a few labels to identify well with such as this authoritarian collectivist thing.
    Xd lel that reminds me of how my girlfriend used to get pissed off about how I absolutely categorize and analyze everything and everyone. I can't help it, I like labels.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Xd lel that reminds me of how my girlfriend used to get pissed off about how I absolutely categorize and analyze everything and everyone. I can't help it, I like labels.
    Lol I was not pissed off. So you are off the mark here, sorry. I don't mind people categorising or any of that, either. I really am glad you found some good descriptive labels for yourself. I don't believe it all has to be explained by Socionics is what the real message of my line was. The labels and patterns themselves can still make alot of sense regardless. Is why I said I'm glad you found some fitting ones.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Lol I was not pissed off. So you are off the mark here, sorry.
    I didn't say you were pissed off. I said my ex gf used to be.
    Even without typology systems my way of understanding the world and ppl is as systems to be ripped apart and rebuilt for comprehension. Exceptions exist ofc, but they do not change the rules and there must be an explanation for everything I encounter. Stuff has to be examined, understood, classified and integrated into my worldview.

    Some ppl are bothered by this approach and I often get the phrase "just be yourself, everyone is unique".. but I disagree entirely. Its not how I see the world & I am being myself. I'm not some fucking snowflake lmao. "Closet storm trooper" also kinda fits the bill, I found that very funny.

    I don't mind people categorising or any of that, either. I really am glad you found some good descriptive labels for yourself. I don't believe it all has to be explained by Socionics is what the real message of my line was. The labels and patterns themselves can still make alot of sense regardless. Is why I said I'm glad you found some fitting ones.
    I look at it this way: LSI is a good explanation for why I am who I am.
    Last edited by SGF; 10-01-2020 at 07:12 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I didn't say you were pissed off. I said my ex gf used to be.
    Even without typology systems my way of understanding the world and ppl is as systems to be ripped apart and rebuilt for comprehension. Exceptions exist ofc, but they do not change the rules and there must be an explanation for everything I encounter. Stuff has to be examined, understood, classified and integrated into my worldview.

    Some ppl are bothered by this approach and I often get the phrase "just be yourself, everyone is unique".. but I disagree entirely. Its not how I see the world & I am being myself. I'm not some fucking snowflake lmao. "Closet storm trooper" also kinda fits the bill, I found that very funny.
    I frankly still don't understand why you thought I was bothered by your approach (whether pissed off or not, mood-wise). But moving on. I don't wanna stress your Ne PoLR or whatever about the internal motivations.

    I do think ESIs love explanations for everything. My ESI-Se friend does too. He likes to analyse and take things apart. I do enjoy reading his "essays". He has a little philosopher lost in himself somewhere.

    I look at it this way: LSI is a good explanation for why I am who I am.
    OK that's cool. I never found one single type that was a good explanation for why I am who I am. I don't think types really work like that in reality... some of one type would explain some of me, then another type would explain some other things about me. I think it's really kinda like astrology too on a level. Astronics.

    It's kinda like.... whichever type you like the most for yourself, run with that one. It's not going to be terribly objective beyond a point. And that's fine.

    Maybe one way to pick is in which one you find the most meaningful phrases / patterns. Another way to pick is which one is most useful to you in practice. And so on ... But it's really arbitrary otherwise.

    This duality thing though .... the jury's out on that one still. If I examine what I would be able to rant on and on and on about in people who I got close to and then it didn't work out, went up in flames or such.... that I think is mostly about Fe things. And then some Ni things. But especially Fe things, lol. In a form that's well, supposed to be the IEI stereotype but some of it also links to EIE stereotypes.

    Still digesting all that too.

    Anyway, end of random stream of consciousness. Have fun with your typing and finding duals, that's after all the most fun part of all of it.

    PS: Oh and closet storm trooper. How about *not* closet storm trooper. : P But yeah I find that err, label fun too.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I frankly still don't understand why you thought I was bothered by your approach (whether pissed off or not, mood-wise). But moving on. I don't wanna stress your Ne PoLR or whatever about the internal motivations.

    I do think ESIs love explanations for everything. My ESI-Se friend does too. He likes to analyse and take things apart. I do enjoy reading his "essays". He has a little philosopher lost in himself somewhere.
    As I said, I didn't think you were pissed off. Idk about your friend, unless typed by someone with experience and training I'd disregard the label as its probably wrong.

    OK that's cool. I never found one single type that was a good explanation for why I am who I am. I don't think types really work like that in reality... some of one type would explain some of me, then another type would explain some other things about me. I think it's really kinda like astrology too on a level. Astronics.
    Astrology is bullshit / makes no sense. You determine your type not your astrological sign determines who you are.

    It's kinda like.... whichever type you like the most for yourself, run with that one. It's not going to be terribly objective beyond a point. And that's fine.

    Maybe one way to pick is in which one you find the most meaningful phrases / patterns. Another way to pick is which one is most useful to you in practice. And so on ... But it's really arbitrary otherwise.
    No, that only works if you just want a label and don't plan to actually make use of the information. Just wanting a label is a waste of time imo.
    Its also not my experience typing in something like the enneagram, where discovering that I was a 6 came with a lot of negative feelings.. simply because it was true, it was stuff I didn't love about myself, had to admit fears and anxieties, weakness and so on. One is not the type one wishes one was or wants to be.
    This duality thing though .... the jury's out on that one still. If I examine what I would be able to rant on and on and on about in people who I got close to and then it didn't work out, went up in flames or such.... that I think is mostly about Fe things. And then some Ni things. But especially Fe things, lol. In a form that's well, supposed to be the IEI stereotype but some of it also links to EIE stereotypes.
    IDK about duality, imo making any relationship function requires work from both people. Duality shouldn't be an exception from this rule.

    Still digesting all that too.
    Anyway, end of random stream of consciousness. Have fun with your typing and finding duals, that's after all the most fun part of all of it.
    PS: Oh and closet storm trooper. How about *not* closet storm trooper. : P But yeah I find that err, label fun too.
    The reason I typed has nothing to do with duality tbh. Xd
    >b-but 16types is a dating site!
    Rule for dating over the internet: Don't do it, ppl on the internet are not normal in the head.

    ^^' haha.. move along citizen, loitering = one week in the isolation cube.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    As I said, I didn't think you were pissed off. Idk about your friend, unless typed by someone with experience and training I'd disregard the label as its probably wrong.
    Well he was typed by someone who has experience so that's alright then.

    Astrology is bullshit / makes no sense. You determine your type not your astrological sign determines who you are.
    Oh the idea is that if you are given a description to read you will find what fits you in it because you think the description supposed to apply to you. Same with astrology. I don't mean the Forer effect btw, what I mean is that your belief causes you to find patterns that do fit you on a level and it can be useful that way. Cold reading by "psychics" also works a bit similarly probably. Sorry to burst the bubble but this system of Socionics is not some magic infallible thing. It's OK to use it if you are aware of the above caveat, though.

    No, that only works if you just want a label and don't plan to actually make use of the information. Just wanting a label is a waste of time imo.
    I don't even know what it's supposed to mean, "just want a label". My point was, don't believe in this system being all that magically good and objective because that would be misleading. It is more objective to admit it when something is not entirely objective.

    Its also not my experience typing in something like the enneagram, where discovering that I was a 6 came with a lot of negative feelings.. simply because it was true, it was stuff I didn't love about myself, had to admit fears and anxieties, weakness and so on. One is not the type one wishes one was or wants to be.
    I wasn't trying to describe picking a type that you want to be. This was something else, see above.

    The reason I typed has nothing to do with duality tbh. Xd
    >b-but 16types is a dating site!
    Rule for dating over the internet: Don't do it, ppl on the internet are not normal in the head.
    Seriously, this site is a dating site?

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Seriously, this site is a dating site?
    Its a psychiatric ward where the mentally ill willingly check in and stay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Its a psychiatric ward where the mentally ill willingly check in and stay.
    That actually seems very accurate. I feel like buying too deep into Socionics invites mental illness and/or mental illness is a prerequisite to doing so.

    For me, it just hurts my head to try and go too deep. So I better escape this psychiatric ward ASAP I guess. : p

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    That actually seems very accurate. I feel like buying too deep into Socionics invites mental illness and/or mental illness is a prerequisite to doing so.

    For me, it just hurts my head to try and go too deep. So I better escape this psychiatric ward ASAP I guess. : p
    Just imagine it the following way: the types exist as patterns in the population, but the Ti logic that is used to describe each type is arbitrary. You can come up with many models that essentially depict the same thing.

    This way you don't have to autistically drill into the Ti theory and its a nice and flexible way to understand it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Just imagine it the following way: the types exist as patterns in the population, but the Ti logic that is used to describe each type is arbitrary. You can come up with many models that essentially depict the same thing.

    This way you don't have to autistically drill into the Ti theory and its a nice and flexible way to understand it.
    Oh I already described how I imagine it as above. I do find it a flexible way to approach it that way. Where I explained how beliefs and pattern-finding work for this theory/the types in it.

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    Here's one instance I came across about how this is Astronics.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Based on Filatova's description of ILE Fi, I have to agree with the following:

    Fi – Vulnerable function. The ILE feels nervously in the sphere of human relations. He usually interprets his relations badly, therefore he allows relations to develop with care, he waits until he learns something for sure rather than assuming. Thus he behaves with restraint in front of people he doesn’t know. <== imo this is true.

    He cannot always discern the state of another person; he may therefore offend others in the manner by which he expresses what he’s discovered for he doesn’t seem to take into account other’s feelings in regards to the situation. But this is never the consequence of evil intent, envy or arrogance. ILE simply believes that he is speaking about something objectively, and that the truth will not offend anyone. <== this isn't. I'm always fully aware of these things, there is clear intent there if I'm not being diplomatic. Accidentally hurting someone rarely happens, I'd have to be careless and usually I'm not. I do however have imo at least better moral breaks and conscience than most ppl I know, even if I push boundaries a lot.

    ILE places vast value on the decency of a person. The criterion of decency, as a rule, is overstated. If someone seeks his company he assumes that mutual respect exists. He strongly suffers offense and injustice. He will not reconcile with others, unless the offender apologizes before him. <== this is true imo.

    ILE frequently has a wide circle of friends. He loves to consider different problems with them. They, alongside reading, radio and television, provide him with an excellent source of information. <== I like bouncing ideas off ppl and discussing things even if those things are taboo subjects, but I don't have a wide circle of friends. Friends I count on 1 hand, knowing someone doesn't make them a friend.
    The stuff you bolded could seriously apply to ANYONE really in some situations.

    What a colossal waste it is to spend money on socionics experts really

    I always had the principle of not spending a single cent on any of this bullshit Lol

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    I'm currently reading the Fi PoLR thread and keep bumping into your posts so I'll comment some more if you don't mind (if you do feel free to say).

    "yeah, this literally never happens to me. I'm always internally hyper aware of these things. IF the way I act in these situations is disruptive, it means I'm consciously and intentionally doing it for whatever reason I have. Fully conscious of how it will or is affecting ppl. Usually its because I'm pushing ppl's buttons to test / get reactions out of them."

    That sounds like high Ethical function. Actually Gulenko wasn't so bad for 120 usd if he got one ego function right for you. I mean, this is Astronics but he got some traits of you right Iguess. But I don't think he got it right that you are detached and not aware of feelings of people/how people are affected, because based on this post of yours you are very aware. And not actually detached either

    "1. I doubt almost everything I personally think or believe & the sad reality is that no matter how hard I try the tendency in me always is to try and find some external source of objective truth or authority that can lay my doubts to rest.. aka I'm never convinced that I'm right, I just think a lot, compulsively. This is stereotypical for a 6 tho."

    Standard Te suggestive.

    LSI are not this doubtful about their thinking tbh. They actually are very self-assuredly certain in their thinking.

    "2. If I were that much of a jerk, then IRl ppl wouldn't say that I have a calming effect on them and that they feel they can say anything to me, because I won't judge them. (which is not true, but most ppl are decent folk). In relationships with other ppl I'm extremely selective tho and only rarely do I engage in something more than surface level interaction, which is why I have less than 5 friends IRL and like to keep it that way.. so there is never any real wide circle of people to "piss off" really as I'm more of a lone wolf / social recluse. I thought maybe once I had the social anxiety thing resolved I'd magically turn into an extrovert and other people's complaints about my reclusive nature would vaporize in thin air... but no e_e shit stayed the same, I just don't feel nervous in public anymore."

    That's all very ESI tbh. They are the type who easily get Avoidant PD-ish social anxiety, and know who they want to be in a relationship with. And they do judge (usually silently) when people are not decent lol. I find ESIs flexible on the surface though as they are realistic so they don't make a big deal out of small things, but they do know what's decent and what isn't.
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 10-03-2020 at 06:15 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Lol, grumps, shotgunfingers reminds me of a sane, straight version of my ex. My ex also even went to a "so-called" professional typer... although much less credible than Gulenko. But if you wanna see a LSI rage, keep arguing about something they find to be true about themselves.
    About themselves, like?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Like their typing, sexuality, religious beliefs, etc. If they view it to be true and people keep arguing with them, they tend to take it as a sign of major disrespect, regardless of contradictory information. Especially they want all the information, logic, and order to be neatly contained so when too much new information comes in or they are bombarded by arguments, they tend to short-circuit aka LSI rage.
    Oh yeah the LSI friend I know is a lot like that. I mean I have never seen him actually RAGE, he's way more contained than that emotionally, but he does get personal and then starts to say bullshit lol. I like your wording about how it's about LSI getting short-circuited, I never understood his issue around that one. But yeah that makes complete sense.

    I personally only see arguments with me about something I view true as disrespectful if they start to make it personal. I don't need the logic to be neat and I'm tolerant about arguments unless it's complete bullshit lol then I obviously don't engage deep with it. So that's why I didn't understand this with him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    Here's one instance I came across about how this is Astronics.

    The stuff you bolded could seriously apply to ANYONE really in some situations.

    What a colossal waste it is to spend money on socionics experts really

    I always had the principle of not spending a single cent on any of this bullshit Lol
    Then why are you here if you consider it BS?

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    That's all very ESI tbh. They are the type who easily get Avoidant PD-ish social anxiety, and know who they want to be in a relationship with. And they do judge (usually silently) when people are not decent lol. I find ESIs flexible on the surface though as they are realistic so they don't make a big deal out of small things, but they do know what's decent and what isn't.
    That is just stereotypical type 6 behavior, to be attached to systems outside of yourself of systems you create for yourself. Every 6 regardless of their type will be like this. Type 6 has always described me very accurately:

    We have named personality type Six The Loyalist because, of all the personality types, Sixes are the most loyal to their friends and to their beliefs. They will “go down with the ship” and hang on to relationships of all kinds far longer than most other types. Sixes are also loyal to ideas, systems, and beliefs—even to the belief that all ideas or authorities should be questioned or defied. Indeed, not all Sixes go along with the “status quo”: their beliefs may be rebellious and anti-authoritarian, even revolutionary. In any case, they will typically fight for their beliefs more fiercely than they will fight for themselves, and they will defend their community or family more tenaciously than they will defend themselves.


    I guess the difference between Gulenko and you is that I don't trust you one inch as I don't know you. G at least has a reputation and 30 years experience. Tbh imo my videos that I sent him were rather ILE-ish and I described all this doubting and thinking stuff to the guy, that I was messy and chaotic and made intuitive leaps between data and so on.

    the thing is that was just Ti apparently... to be intuitive requires something much more it seems... wild creativity and mystical insight maybe.

    In terms of Fi & Fe, ESI has 3D ignoring Fe and 4D Fi. I'm terrible with keeping in touch with people, I don't trust people tbh and often abandon the relationship for this reason IF they are not capable of easing my very shitty Fi.

    It just doesn't fit tbh... plus I kinda dislike gamma quadra in general, made a huge thread about why as well.
    Last edited by SGF; 10-04-2020 at 06:23 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Like their typing, sexuality, religious beliefs, etc. If they view it to be true and people keep arguing with them, they tend to take it as a sign of major disrespect, regardless of contradictory information. Essentially they want all the information, logic, and order to be neatly contained so when too much new information comes in or they are bombarded by arguments, they tend to short-circuit aka LSI rage.
    I guess that's why sbbds and the others are still on /ignore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Then why are you here if you consider it BS?
    Because some patterns I read about make me think. As explained earlier. It's just not something I would ever pay for

    That is just stereotypical type 6 behavior, to be attached to systems outside of yourself of systems you create for yourself. Every 6 regardless of their type will be like this. Type 6 has always described me very accurately:
    I'm not talking about being attached to systems. I'm talking about doubting one's own thinking. Not the same thing.

    I guess the difference between Gulenko and you is that I don't trust you one inch as I don't know you. G at least has a reputation and 30 years experience. Tbh imo my videos that I sent him were rather ILE-ish and I described all this doubting and thinking stuff to the guy, that I was messy and chaotic and made intuitive leaps between data and so on.
    Lol, I don't need you to trust me. I just added my input and said that you can let me or anyone else know if you are no longer up for hearing about typings in your type thread.

    the thing is that was just Ti apparently... to be intuitive requires something much more it seems... wild creativity and mystical insight maybe.
    Lol it does require more yeah

    It just doesn't fit tbh... plus I kinda dislike gamma quadra in general, made a huge thread about why as well.
    That's cool, I was simply giving my input.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I'm not talking about being attached to systems. I'm talking about doubting one's own thinking. Not the same thing.
    Doubting one's own thinking is again type 6 related, also imo healthy. I may come off at times as absolutely certain about some things, but I mainly got there through questioning both myself and the thing for a while.

    Lol, I don't need you to trust me. I just added my input and said that you can let me or anyone else know if you are no longer up for hearing about typings in your type thread.
    You kinda do, see you are slowly circling the drain and when you annoy me long enough I'll get rid of you too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Doubting one's own thinking is again type 6 related, also imo healthy. I may come off at times as absolutely certain about some things, but I mainly got there through questioning both myself and the thing for a while.
    The descriptions say that LSI doesn't doubt their thinking because Ti leading isn't like that and so on and so on.

    You kinda do, see you are slowly circling the drain and when you annoy me long enough I'll get rid of you too.
    Lol please learn to communicate in an assertive way instead of that bullshit. That there btw was very ESI. Very feelery.

    Again, to be assertive, all you need to say is you'd like people to not give input on your typing. Don't be so ambiguous.

    But yeah it's hard to explain to many feelers how to be assertive...

    So please, feel free to put me on ignore right away. Not my problem if you are unable to be assertive instead of pulling this bullshit.

  30. #150
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    Lol. Gotta say I do think shotgun is kind of healthy in a sense compared to LSIs who are so full of themselves that they can never even question themselves. I agree with grumpy though that lapping at people’s heels for input one day and then dismissing them and blocking them the next when he doesn’t like what he hears is ambiguous and contradictory (and I think that aspect is unhealthy), and those things are definitely not what one would stereotypically associate LSI with. I do agree that he is LSI at this point however.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    The descriptions say that LSI doesn't doubt their thinking because Ti leading isn't like that and so on and so on.

    Lol please learn to communicate in an assertive way instead of that bullshit. That there btw was very ESI. Very feelery.

    Again, to be assertive, all you need to say is you'd like people to not give input on your typing. Don't be so ambiguous.

    But yeah it's hard to explain to many feelers how to be assertive...

    So please, feel free to put me on ignore right away. Not my problem if you are unable to be assertive instead of pulling this bullshit.
    Drain circling complete. Hmm, nr 4 was it? Welcome to the blacklist.
    Back to back PMs and wasting my time isn't appreciated, esp after first warning salvo and clearly stating that Gulenko's typing of me isn't up for debate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    He is the "triple reactive" tritype AND core e6 which I think plays into the vacillative behavior. E6 tends to feel uneasy with contradiction and ambiguity so they can have an adverse reaction to it
    The irony too is that this behavior in itself is ambiguous and contradictory through being vacillative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    ESIs are pretty assertive. If you think that shot lacks assertiveness, it's a sign of an N type, maybe devaluing Se as well. SxIs also can be 'not assertive'.

    Ofc it's all pointing towards, not settling type. Some Se-egos are 'type 6' and you are going to see that type of behavior. And shot is not a Fi-valuer.
    Look, compared to common misconception, aggressiveness is not assertiveness. That above was rude and uncalled-for aggression. Really overboard for the issue. If he had had the ability to be assertive, he'd simply tell me what he wanted without stirring bullshit drama first.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Drain circling complete. Hmm, nr 4 was it? Welcome to the blacklist.
    Back to back PMs and wasting my time isn't appreciated, esp after first warning salvo and clearly stating that Gulenko's typing of me isn't up for debate.
    Not my problem if you couldn't say even when I asked if MENTIONING a different type is okay. NOT debating it, just mentioning it. There was no clearly stated warning from you on that. And lol at your trying to twist in a dishonest way what the PM was about..... Nice moral character there. Okay, good riddance lol.

  34. #154
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    @shotgunfingers. Do you still have your video in the forum? It would be enlightening to watch it again now with the LSI typing.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    @shotgunfingers. Do you still have your video in the forum? It would be enlightening to watch it again now with the LSI typing.
    I deleted it, because I'm type 6 and "paranoid"..

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