Here's one instance I came across about how this is Astronics.

Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
Based on Filatova's description of ILE Fi, I have to agree with the following:

Fi – Vulnerable function. The ILE feels nervously in the sphere of human relations. He usually interprets his relations badly, therefore he allows relations to develop with care, he waits until he learns something for sure rather than assuming. Thus he behaves with restraint in front of people he doesn’t know. <== imo this is true.

He cannot always discern the state of another person; he may therefore offend others in the manner by which he expresses what he’s discovered for he doesn’t seem to take into account other’s feelings in regards to the situation. But this is never the consequence of evil intent, envy or arrogance. ILE simply believes that he is speaking about something objectively, and that the truth will not offend anyone. <== this isn't. I'm always fully aware of these things, there is clear intent there if I'm not being diplomatic. Accidentally hurting someone rarely happens, I'd have to be careless and usually I'm not. I do however have imo at least better moral breaks and conscience than most ppl I know, even if I push boundaries a lot.

ILE places vast value on the decency of a person. The criterion of decency, as a rule, is overstated. If someone seeks his company he assumes that mutual respect exists. He strongly suffers offense and injustice. He will not reconcile with others, unless the offender apologizes before him. <== this is true imo.

ILE frequently has a wide circle of friends. He loves to consider different problems with them. They, alongside reading, radio and television, provide him with an excellent source of information. <== I like bouncing ideas off ppl and discussing things even if those things are taboo subjects, but I don't have a wide circle of friends. Friends I count on 1 hand, knowing someone doesn't make them a friend.
The stuff you bolded could seriously apply to ANYONE really in some situations.

What a colossal waste it is to spend money on socionics experts really

I always had the principle of not spending a single cent on any of this bullshit Lol