Quote Originally Posted by Lord Panda View Post
It's a matter of perspective then. To me, it looks like ESE is an attractive person who can just gather a large group of people and create social cohesion. From my perspective, that's how it appears. I'm not convinced that Fe types are pure volatile emotionality. I think some of them appear really calculated in how the conduct themselves. Maybe I'm mistyped because I absolutely hate the idea of having to "manage" other people's emotionality. It always feels like a monumentally exhaustive task. I don't want to get into it.
Yeah, emotional volatility might be how I perceive their ignoring Fi. But that's not really what I wanted to say, it's kind of difficult to put into writing. Maybe a more accurate way of describing it would be that Fe doms automatically look at a situation and determine what needs to be done to make the environment reflect their own feelings. Their feelings have an anchor in the outside emotional situation. Like they are geniunely happy if everyone else is happy so they make people confortable. That's also why they can get really angry when someone breaks the mood, while I would be 'do I have enough reasons to be pissed?' first.