Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
Are you guys serious? This isn’t playing off some typology stereotype of intuitives not having five senses is it?
Well let's just say you should never take me wine tasting...

The one thing I know I'm good at tasting is salt. And I think most restaurants put too much of it in their food- especially soups and curries, which makes me feel hesitant to order such food so very often...

Oh and it doesn't help me develop my taste buds when both my parents aren't good at cooking. Everything is dry and flavorless and uninspired... the typical "well my mom knew how to cook but I never really cared to learn from her so here's what you get" deal. My mom cooked alot more but she rarely ate what she cooked so never got better at it. Well unless it was one of her favourite meals like mac n cheese.

And then over time she just stopped cooking entirely so I started adapting by eating things like canned food, straight from the can. Or just microwaveable things like oatmeal.

I have started cooking more, but it takes alot of planning...