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Thread: Si PoLR - Thoughts on Food?

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    Default Si PoLR - Thoughts on Food?

    Last edited by Vex; 02-05-2021 at 09:13 PM.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    I don't know that I'm Si-PoLR, but a number of people have expressed an opinion that I am, so I'll contribute a post to this topic. I would say, first of all, that my relationship with food has evolved over the course of my life, thanks in large part to a medication that I now take. This medication--it's called Abilify--has pushed me to the higher end of the average weight range, whereas, before I started taking it, I was far underweight. So I eat way more than I used to--currently about 1500 calories a day. Do I enjoy eating? Yes, like nearly every living thing, I do. But not nearly as much, I think, as a lot of people. I was recently shocked, for example, when someone told me that they get pleasure out of a few things in life, food being one of them. It would never occur to me to place something as trivial as food enjoyment anywhere near the top of my list of pleasures. Typically, when I do eat, I place more importance on nutritional value than taste. I don't eat candy, for example, because, aside from not having much of a sweet tooth, I know consuming it is a form of self-harm, and the thought of being riddled with disease is not appealing. As far as my diet goes, it is remarkably lacking in variety--there are about five foods that I eat on a regular basis. This doesn't bother me; I could care less about trying new things. Aside from that, I guess I eat super fast. People have remarked on it several times, and I have noticed it myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Do I enjoy eating? Yes, like nearly every living thing, I do. But not nearly as much, I think, as a lot of people. I was recently shocked, for example, when someone told me that they get pleasure out of a few things in life, food being one of them. It would never occur to me to place something as trivial as food enjoyment anywhere near the top of my list of pleasures.........Aside from that, I guess I eat super fast. People have remarked on it several times, and I have noticed it myself.
    I'm the same as you with a lot of this- people say that I eat really quickly, like I'm not really enjoying or tasting my food. I figure that since I'm hungry, I should get rid of the feeling right away by eating quickly. I don't really think about what I'm eating very much and just shovel all of it into my mouth. I'm not a pig though lol.
    But at the same time I do like food- I just wouldn't call myself a gourmand or a food-lover like some do. My favorite is ramen. Oftentimes when I'm eating it I feel disappointed because it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Food always seems to smell better than it tastes.

    When I'm excited about something, like work or a social event, I dislike eating because I don't have an appetite and it distracts me. I feel like I can only eat when I'm "off." I don't think Si PolR is a hatred of food exactly but a reluctance to indulge in it when there are more important things to do.

    I'm pretty good at baking- sometimes when I'm very bored I like to try making something. It's like chemistry; all you have to do is follow the recipe. Usually I cook simply like oatmeal or scrambled eggs, but my mom makes very nutritious but decadent meals. Sometimes I feel like it's too much. She'll also bring me more food while I'm studying, which I understand is nice, but I can't eat and study at the same time. It's extremely intrusive to me. Even when I refuse her she'll sneakily tell me to take "just a bite" so that I realize I'm hungry and give in. That's amazing for her dual but not for me.

    I don't care if something is expired because most times I'm fine after I eat it. It depends on the food and how long it was though. I usually think about whether or not I'd die if I ate it.

  4. #4


    I'm not Si polr but... I'll comment anyways.

    I tend to experiment with cooking, but in the end I realize I prefer not bothering with complexity. Like I used to put cinnamon, brown sugar, and nutmeg on my oatmeal.. but realized that plain oatmeal is just as enjoyable and eating it isn't necessarily interesting regardless, so I eat it plainly usually.

    Sometimes I'll buy random vegetables and fruits and grains to try out every once in awhile to make up for my lackluster tastes. Imo, variety is cheaper than having to put together complex dishes all the time, all the while achieving the same effect.. that is, exciting my taste buds. Shock and newness is something right?

    So basically my point is, I'm a troll with food. I want to just obliterate my senses in all possible directions, and have little to no interest in things tasting "good". I actually don't know what I enjoy the taste of sometimes, because I repress those feelings.

    to my dual: you can't really go wrong with cooking anything... If I'm hungry I'll eat it and not even ask what is in it, unless I want to make it myself for you later.

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    This thread reminds me of something my LIE friend said over the phone recently, that her two favorite words are “free” and “food” lol. She is a big foodie and is also big on fitness and aesthetics, compulsively almost. She has struggled in the past for many years with eating and self-esteem, even though she’s always been objectively good-looking. It’s quite common for teenage girls to struggle with these things (I definitely did too), but I think this actually intensified for her in her 20s as she is a bit of a “late bloomer” with regard to relationships and sexuality. Her main topics of interest when we talk, besides her work ambitions are fitness and trying to learn more about sexuality and such dynamics. It seems that she subjectively struggles a lot with eating too much and guilt with food consumes her easily. She also uses it for comfort.

    The couple EIE guys I went out with were not good cooks. I assumed responsibility there and they exited the kitchen lol. OTOH I know another EIE guy who has been a chef for many years, but I’ve never tried his cooking.

    I feel that xIEs I’ve known always seem really satisfied when they can provide their friends or family with material comforts and those are appreciated by others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken of the Sky View Post
    I actually don't know what I enjoy the taste of sometimes, because I repress those feelings.
    What? Why?

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    TFW no Si PolR

    My grill

    My food:

    My cat:

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    What? Why?
    I guess it's because so often, when I'm not taking time out of my day to prepare and cook something special, I just eat to satisfy a requirement, which is basically the food equivalent of loving to read books but then being told I need to read a bunch of short harry potter fan fic novels everyday in order to live- I will skim over it all and be over it.

    I think if I spend more than 15 minutes on a meal I will enjoy it, but I still have trouble tasting the intricacies of the dish.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
    Kind of segues into this next part.
    Wish I could constructive this post 10 times for correct usage of segue.

    And when people try to get me to slow down to "really taste the flavor", it mildly stresses me out because I can't discern anything that they describe, and it also just doesn't feel relaxing for whatever reason.
    I hope you don’t mind me highlighting this, I was just curious. I think it’s kind of cool by the way.
    So you can’t taste food at certain levels of nuance? Or do you think maybe other people are just adding their subjective bs about what they’re tasting?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken of the Sky View Post
    I think if I spend more than 15 minutes on a meal I will enjoy it, but I still have trouble tasting the intricacies of the dish.
    Are you guys serious? This isn’t playing off some typology stereotype of intuitives not having five senses is it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken of the Sky View Post
    I guess it's because so often, when I'm not taking time out of my day to prepare and cook something special, I just eat to satisfy a requirement, which is basically the food equivalent of loving to read books but then being told I need to read a bunch of short harry potter fan fic novels everyday in order to live- I will skim over it all and be over it.
    I’m not like this at all btw, unless the food available to me just sucks. I eat something I want to eat every day given the choice and opportunity. It extremely bothers me when I don’t have control over my health/lifestyle or don’t have access to certain foods or something like that. I think I used to feel differently as a kid with little to no control over my own life .... but I always remember my mom and sometimes other family members restricting my food choices over stupid reasons and me often not liking the food I was eating that much or thinking the nutritional composition was poor. Also when I was really small, the first time I refused to eat broccoli, my parents locked me in our pitch black garage for a few minutes lol. All obese Amurrican kids with picky palettes should receive this treatment IMO. Since then I learned to really like vegetables through other family members’ constant more gentle encouragement and just grew into liking the taste.

    I guess I do relate in the sense that I want to put nutrition in my body in the most efficient and palatable manner and not really linger on the experience too much though. However our allocation of levels of focus on this is clearly flipped as it should be for duals.
    Last edited by sbbds; 09-01-2020 at 04:06 AM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Are you guys serious? This isn’t playing off some typology stereotype of intuitives not having five senses is it?
    Well let's just say you should never take me wine tasting...

    The one thing I know I'm good at tasting is salt. And I think most restaurants put too much of it in their food- especially soups and curries, which makes me feel hesitant to order such food so very often...

    Oh and it doesn't help me develop my taste buds when both my parents aren't good at cooking. Everything is dry and flavorless and uninspired... the typical "well my mom knew how to cook but I never really cared to learn from her so here's what you get" deal. My mom cooked alot more but she rarely ate what she cooked so never got better at it. Well unless it was one of her favourite meals like mac n cheese.

    And then over time she just stopped cooking entirely so I started adapting by eating things like canned food, straight from the can. Or just microwaveable things like oatmeal.

    I have started cooking more, but it takes alot of planning...

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    That’s fascinating and amazing @Pyre .

    The last stuff would also deeply irritate me unless it were some gourmet chef tv show or something. Like wow your life is so boring you have to center it around your tastebuds @ that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken of the Sky View Post
    Well let's just say you should never take me wine tasting...
    Good, I also hate that. I will take you butthole tasting instead.

    Oh and it doesn't help me develop my taste buds when both my parents aren't good at cooking. Everything is dry and flavorless and uninspired... the typical "well my mom knew how to cook but I never really cared to learn from her so here's what you get" deal. My mom cooked alot more but she rarely ate what she cooked so never got better at it. Well unless it was one of her favourite meals like mac n cheese.

    And then over time she just stopped cooking entirely so I started adapting by eating things like canned food, straight from the can. Or just microwaveable things like oatmeal.

    I have started cooking more, but it takes alot of planning...
    Interesting. My LSE mom was not a very good cook (successful career woman instead), but my ESI grandma who raised me a lot was amazing. I was exposed to a great variety of good food from my childhood in spite of my mom’s home cooking.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    That’s fascinating and amazing @Pyre .

    The last stuff would also deeply irritate me unless it were some gourmet chef tv show or something. Like wow your life is so boring you have to center it around your tastebuds @ that.

    Good, I also hate that. I will take you butthole tasting instead.

    Interesting. My LSE mom was not a very good cook (successful career woman instead), but my ESI grandma who raised me a lot was amazing. I was exposed to a great variety of good food from my childhood in spite of my mom’s home cooking.
    I'll go butthole tasting as long as it's not grape flavoured. Ideal flavor would be pina colada, but I'm not sure how you can make it taste other than a butthole... unless you're applying the extract oil of a fruit like you would lipstick to your lips.


    yeah my LSE mom definitely prefers success, reading the bible, and talking on the phone with her small group of friends over a glass of wine, much more than cooking. She seems ok with eating a chicken salad and yogurt, and then a bunch of nutritional smoothies lol.

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    I can Cook decently...simple stuff usually but the taste Is fine.
    I dont Like to spend much time eating or long preparations execept for special Events.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    I once had an SEI housemate who would just eat bread with hotdog wieners and ketchup for seemingly every meal.

  17. #17


    ew... thank god I'm not Si lead?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I haven't found a thread about this exact subject yet, my apologies if there has been a thread like this started in the past. Feel free to direct me to it if that's the case. But I'm very interested in the relationship between Si PoLR and food.

    While eating is usually seen as a social activity in many cultures, eating is also quite a personal ritual for many. I'm quite interested to hear what Si PoLRs thoughts are on food.

    You don't have to answer any of these obviously but some random questions to get the mind going:

    What is eating and drinking like for you? Do you enjoy cooking or baking? Do you prefer take-out? How do you handle food past the expiration date? Do you ever try to be economical with your food? When other people talk about food, how does it make you feel?

    Any thoughts, theories, and experiences would be appreciated.
    I don’t put energy into it and see it more like a normal thing. Usually, I go for hours without eating or drinking and then realize I’m too hungry/thirsty. So I’ll pop in somewhere for a snack if that’ll sustain me until I get home.

    I don’t mind cooking, if there’s others to cook for. I can make some elaborate stuff but it’s not practical when it’s normally just me so I can make do with simple stuff like egg avocado toast, cook some marinaded chicken and throw it in some noodle soups, etc. I’m good at baking, but I don’t do much of it lately other than turn on the oven and pop in some frozen waffle fries. I have an internal alarm clock that somehow I know it’s the right time to take something out. I learned from watching my parents, maybe. They’re Delta STs.

    I usually finish stuff before the expiration date. I tend to clear out my pantry and organize once every two weeks so if I find something expired, it’s going on the trash even if it’s expired day of.

    Economical like portion control? I generally cook for the amount I know I’ll eat.

    I don’t mind people talking about food. I participate in the discussions.

    Lobster roll, blood orange mimosas, steak/poached eggs and home style potatoes with a friend in an outdoor brunch.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  19. #19


    I have an unhealthy relationship with food.
    Since I was young I developed the habit of overeating to cope with negative emotionality which has carried on into further addictive habits. The major issue being that I look to pleasures to fulfill or heal something, and then they never do. I'm always always disappointed with what I'm eating in the end. I hardly ever take time to enjoy or focus on nuances in tastes, I mostly just eat continuously with no pauses until it's all gone. Often I don't stop until I feel sick because I want to feel something as opposed go nothing. My parents always remarked that I never tasted food properly. "Do you have a train to catch?"

    The other extreme is that when I am preoccupied with anything i'm passionate about, socializing, working, I forget about nutrition entirely for long periods of time and end up making myself woozy in the end. Some days I might only have a cup of coffee and bread and not notice until the evening until someone says i mb dehydrated. To counter the hungry feelings that suddenly surface then, I usually eat a lot and unhealthy which fucks me up again lmao. It's impossible for me to tell what the appropriate amount is to eat.

    When it comes to the actual food, I overseason it with spices because I cant tolerate any dullness. I dont taste nuance in food, it just doesnt register. My mouth is always burnt or sore in some way from what i've been shoving into it.
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    I'm staring at these beautiful fish scales--silver and black and oily contrasting with beautiful peachy poached salmon and oozey yellow-brown oil floating on the water I poached it all in in the microwave.

    When I shovel it in my mouth, my eyes roll back and I think about how surprisingly good it is. I enjoy acting on the food, tearing into it and engaging it.

    But when it comes to how I approach food in my life....if you were to ask about how I bought it...I relate to Jada Pinkett Smith...I eat to live. I don't live to eat. Hunger is pain my body experiences if I don't take care of it. And I can have a better life if I eat some things and don't eat others. I hunt through the groceries buying by macromolecule category, price per unit, and antioxidant/anti-inflammatory diet standards. Then I don't make plans for meals. I just kinda act like a kid and grab things.

    I have some of the same issues Thor mentioned, too about emotions. When I go to bed, if I'm stressed, I feel the same anxiety and doom I felt when I was suffering from hunger as a poor kid, and I get the urge to eat in order to relax enough to sleep. Usually, facing my emotions instead of sevenishly running from them, helps me calm down instantly. I also can get so caught up in work that I don't feel hungry. It's worried me that I have traits of bipolar, but supposedly all my mania and depression have reasons but for ppl with bipolar they are cyclical. Mine aren't like that, so I don't seem to qualify.

    When ppl used to try to give me food and make a big deal about it like that it's nice for me and watch me for signs of pleasure or something...I often felt like they handed me an alien object they love and want me to rub it on myself and do some ritual dance I don't know. But I recognized it's important to them and to our relationship, so I would say how much I enjoy it, unless they're predatory, in which case I spurned the food as an extension of them. But that was a long time ago.

    I think I resent the attention shift from my lines of inquiry and planning that food and hunger and satiety have on my system.

    Buying food and eating can get boring for getting haircuts..because it's all these small decisions that have little meaning for me, and once we're beyond the systematizing fun part that includes's just like a Loop in coding, so I'm glad I have point of performance cues in the form of hunger and social prompts that I need a haircut.

    If I don't have coffee filters, I just pour coffee grounds into a cup with water and microwave it and drink and slightly filter it. I end up eating some of the grounds which horrifies my EII buddy I told about it. I do things like this a lot.

    If I'm not doing well, I can get too intense and hurt myself with excesses like very strong acidic or spice or too fatty a food.
    Last edited by nanashi; 09-30-2020 at 04:39 AM.

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    I wanna learn to cook more but in practice it kind of irritates me and I get impatient and I view it as a kind of xSxx/xSFx thing in a mbti-ish way but still true. I make home-made cookies once or twice every year as tradition and maybe like one new meal or up to three new meals per year but other than that I'm not a big fan of it. This year ... I'm going to attempt to make a beef pot pie from scratch I think when the weather turns a bit cooler.

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    Si-PoLR's feed on raw hatred and thanatonic energies of death and decay. LIE's suck blood; esp. from the poor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Si-PoLR's feed on raw hatred and thanatonic energies of death and decay. LIE's suck blood; esp. from the poor.
    I've actually been wondering if taking blood from poor young people and infusing it into old rich people might be a profitable enterprise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor Mkbr View Post
    I have an unhealthy relationship with food.
    Since I was young I developed the habit of overeating to cope with negative emotionality which has carried on into further addictive habits. The major issue being that I look to pleasures to fulfill or heal something, and then they never do. I'm always always disappointed with what I'm eating in the end. I hardly ever take time to enjoy or focus on nuances in tastes, I mostly just eat continuously with no pauses until it's all gone. Often I don't stop until I feel sick because I want to feel something as opposed go nothing. My parents always remarked that I never tasted food properly. "Do you have a train to catch?"

    The other extreme is that when I am preoccupied with anything i'm passionate about, socializing, working, I forget about nutrition entirely for long periods of time and end up making myself woozy in the end. Some days I might only have a cup of coffee and bread and not notice until the evening until someone says i mb dehydrated. To counter the hungry feelings that suddenly surface then, I usually eat a lot and unhealthy which fucks me up again lmao. It's impossible for me to tell what the appropriate amount is to eat.

    When it comes to the actual food, I overseason it with spices because I cant tolerate any dullness. I dont taste nuance in food, it just doesnt register. My mouth is always burnt or sore in some way from what i've been shoving into it.
    EIEs are weird af, entertaining tho.

    for me making and enjoying food is the easiest thing in the world.. I often get complimented on my grilling and cooking "skills".. but really I just improvise and have experience, because I find cooking fun. I enjoy good food, but I'm also prone to cleaning out the fridge and eating all the leftovers. I hate wasting food. I can also go without comfort and food for a long time if need be *shrug*. Can subsist on the same food for a long while as long as I logically meet nutritional values.

    The other EIE I'm chatting with has this very fucked up sleeping schedule, she is amusing lmao, Si PolR is weird af. I get the feeling that Si demonstrative in me would give an xIE some Si stability, by simply being within my field of influence, but I'm unlikely to trigger their Si PolR, because Si is not something I take seriously.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-30-2020 at 04:40 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I've actually been wondering if taking blood from poor young people and infusing it into old rich people might be a profitable enterprise.
    dons an accent: that's bad

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    dons an accent: that's bad
    No, it's potentially very good. Or are you talking about some moral aspect of this? I can't tell.

    Young people would get paid for just living. Furthermore, they could get bonuses for clean and healthy living. Blood untainted by social disease or drugs or even too much stress could carry a price premium, and old people typically have more money than they need but can't regain their youth, and so would be willing to pay. A lot. For blood.

    Of course, you'd have to arrange society so that large numbers of young, healthy people need money but can't easily get it, but most of that work has already been done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    No, it's potentially very good. Or are you talking about some moral aspect of this? I can't tell.

    yes...we'll just expose the vulnerable poorest to exploitation by the most cruel death fearing wealthy. You'd have to be incredibly careful about popularizing something like that and make it a medical procedure like organ donation with some protections. It'd be a great thing to do if you had single payer govt medical care. Also....did you see this article on elderly who exercise and putting their blood in other elderly? so cool. Exciting

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post

    yes...we'll just expose the vulnerable poorest to exploitation by the most cruel death fearing wealthy. You'd have to be incredibly careful about popularizing something like that and make it a medical procedure like organ donation with some protections. It'd be a great thing to do if you had single payer govt medical care. Also....did you see this article on elderly who exercise and putting their blood in other elderly? so cool. Exciting
    I didn't see the article, but I'm aware of the benefits of transfusions of blood from young, healthy people into old people.

    The article said that you can get some of these benefits from exercise, but that sounds like work. Better to just buy a transfusion.

    Speaking of work, and returning to the topic of this thread, I was eating some oatmeal this morning with cinnamon and maple syrup on it and I was thinking of how much effort went into that bowl of cereal. The grains are grown and harvested and separated from the chaff, the maple syrup is tapped from trees and boiled down, and the cinnamon is scraped from the bark of trees, I believe, that grow on the other side of some ocean. If I had to prepare that breakfast myself from scratch, it would take months and thousands of dollars.

    But I just scarfed it down and retreated to my computing machinery. Which also is a marvel that I take for granted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I didn't see the article, but I'm aware of the benefits of transfusions of blood from young, healthy people into old people.

    The article said that you can get some of these benefits from exercise, but that sounds like work. Better to just buy a transfusion.

    Speaking of work, and returning to the topic of this thread, I was eating some oatmeal this morning with cinnamon and maple syrup on it and I was thinking of how much effort went into that bowl of cereal. The grains are grown and harvested and separated from the chaff, the maple syrup is tapped from trees and boiled down, and the cinnamon is scraped from the bark of trees, I believe, that grow on the other side of some ocean. If I had to prepare that breakfast myself from scratch, it would take months and thousands of dollars.

    But I just scarfed it down and retreated to my computing machinery. Which also is a marvel that I take for granted.
    NO. OLD rats exercised. THEN the scientists put the protein that was in their blood into SEDENTARY OLD RATS, and it changed their learning and health or something
    Last edited by nanashi; 09-30-2020 at 07:30 AM. Reason: A previous version said 'ppl', but I meant the subjects, and they were rodent subjects

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    EIEs are weird af, entertaining tho.

    for me making and enjoying food is the easiest thing in the world.. I often get complimented on my grilling and cooking "skills".. but really I just improvise and have experience, because I find cooking fun. I enjoy good food, but I'm also prone to cleaning out the fridge and eating all the leftovers. I hate wasting food. I can also go without comfort and food for a long time if need be *shrug*. Can subsist on the same food for a long while as long as I logically meet nutritional values.

    The other EIE I'm chatting with has this very fucked up sleeping schedule, she is amusing lmao, Si PolR is weird af. I get the feeling that Si demonstrative in me would give an xIE some Si stability, by simply being within my field of influence, but I'm unlikely to trigger their Si PolR, because Si is not something I take seriously.
    Cooking and eating can be a fun unifying communal experience. I like that about it.
    also yeah, sleep is the bane of my existence
    EIE-Fe Creative 7w8 748 Sx/So VELF

  31. #31
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I know an EIE who is a great cook. (I've eaten his food). Everything is well thought out and tasteful in every aspect. He owns several cook books. He is a Normalizing subtype.

    I'm not sure if it relates to Si polr. Maybe it gives the EIE the necessary "neurotic" relationship to the sense experience with the ingredients. Everything has to be perfect. The coffee he makes is also great, he has the best coffee machine and the best beans.

    I once took part in a picnic with some friends and he was also there. I had brought a salad consisting only of Lemon balm, nothing else. He was like "Interesting, I have always wondered how I should use Lemon balm, and never thought of using it plain like that in a salad".
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    Watermelon fruit drink with cheese foam on top

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  33. #33
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    I love new new cooking foods, ways of combinations novelty items and I do eat slowly sometimes but nowadays I have a toddler and I just shove food in my mouth for energy
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 10-02-2020 at 09:21 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  34. #34
    * I’m special * flames's Avatar
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    I have a complicated relationship with food. Mostly, I view it as a chore and I skip meals as often as I can. I don’t have a favorite food so whenever I’m asked what it is I get very puzzled and just name the first thing that comes to mind. I also don’t know how to cook and have no interest in learning. I remember one time I went out to eat with a group of coworkers and one of them joked that they had never seen me eat before. Eating out as a social activity is also strange to me, because I view eating as a solitary thing and mostly eat by myself; I also grew up in a family that didn’t eat together at a table and also could not afford to eat at restaurants. On the other hand, sometimes I get strong and random cravings for specific things that must be fulfilled. I might come back to this topic again when I organize my thoughts on it more.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    Default Si PoLR - Thoughts on Food?

    While traveling to my Vegas vacay, I finally got to experience what all the rage is about with this chicken sammich and yes, it’s amazing! Mac n cheese in the bag but I’m full so I’m saving it for later.

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