I hope to share theories and insights with you all, though I am still learning and kind of shy, so please go easy on me.As for some background, I grew up with an interest in interpersonal dynamics. It was when I picked up a book on Jung psychology at my local library at the age of thirteen that it sparked my interest in the nature of humanity and discovering the true self. I even wrote a silly fantasy story about duality.Life and school happened and my studies fell by the wayside. Skip to this year, I stumbled onto Jung psychology once again and have been devouring knowledge on the subject, which led me to socionics. You can imagine my excitement at the discovery of a system that explains how different people interact. Ever since, I have been studying those around me and seeing the underlying connections between type relations and the people I know.I will try to share in my experiences, but feel free to correct me if I make mistake.Thank you for reading. Here is to psychological growth and understanding one another.