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Thread: Hello and thank you for having me

  1. #1
    Jo Lande's Avatar
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    Default Hello and thank you for having me

    I hope to share theories and insights with you all, though I am still learning and kind of shy, so please go easy on me.As for some background, I grew up with an interest in interpersonal dynamics. It was when I picked up a book on Jung psychology at my local library at the age of thirteen that it sparked my interest in the nature of humanity and discovering the true self. I even wrote a silly fantasy story about duality.Life and school happened and my studies fell by the wayside. Skip to this year, I stumbled onto Jung psychology once again and have been devouring knowledge on the subject, which led me to socionics. You can imagine my excitement at the discovery of a system that explains how different people interact. Ever since, I have been studying those around me and seeing the underlying connections between type relations and the people I know.I will try to share in my experiences, but feel free to correct me if I make mistake.Thank you for reading. Here is to psychological growth and understanding one another.

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    > I even wrote a silly fantasy story about duality
    > TIM INTj

  3. #3
    Jo Lande's Avatar
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    You are making me blush, Pyre. I appreciate the warm welcome @Sol, you are suggesting I make a type video, right? I am sorry, I would die of embarrassment if I did something like that, but thank you for trying to help. I will be posting here from now on, so maybe you can get a better gauge of my personality then? Either way, I hope to get along with everyone.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jo Lande View Post
    you are suggesting I make a type video, right?
    Your behavior has traits of F, there are often mistakes in types and I recommend to check your type additionally. The best way is to get the help from others where video is important and then to check your type by IR (intertype relations) effects with people near you.

    Try 8-functional tests.

  5. #5
    Jo Lande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Your behavior has traits of F, there are often mistakes in types and I recommend to check your type additionally. The best way is to get the help from others where video is important and then to check your type by IR (intertype relations) effects with people near you.Try 8-functional tests.
    I can definitely agree on the F statement. I actually typed myself as INFj when I started out, until I realized that those traits belong more to my mother who is no doubt a Fi-dom, which might have helped develop my Fi-role in a way. However, I am more focused on analyzing scenarios as opposed to emotions like she is. I am piecing together a post on that dynamic, though I still have to work on that. Regardless, I will look through the link you provided just to be sure. I am always up for reevaluating my type.

  6. #6
    Jo Lande's Avatar
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    Okay, I finished a bunch of tests. Sorry if I took long. I had to get in the right mindset to answer as accurately and objectively as possible. I had a bit of trouble with accessing some sites and understanding the Russian translations, but otherwise I think I got most of it. Either way, the results are similar to my past tests, with F being pretty close to T.

    Thank you for providing the links, Sol. I haven't tried these tests before, so I was able to do them without prior bias to the answers. Still, maybe to help confirm, I will also try out the questionnaire on the "What's My Type" side to help everyone get a better grasp of my personality. Though I will take a bit of a rest first. Answering those questions were draining.

    Here are my results from four of the tests provided.

    Ru.Laser.Ru Test

    Section A
    1 - 3
    2 - 3
    3 - 3
    4 - 3
    5 - 3
    6 - 3
    7 - 0
    8 - 3
    9 - 2
    10 - 3
    Total: 23
    Section B
    1 - 1
    2 - 3
    3 - 3
    4 - 3
    5 - 3
    6 - 0
    7 - 0
    8 - 0
    9 - 3
    10 - 2
    Total: 16
    Section C
    1 - 0
    2 - 0
    3 - 1
    4 - 0
    5 - 0
    6 - 0
    7 - 0
    8 - 0
    9 - 0
    10 - 0
    Total: 1
    Section D
    1 - 0
    2 - 1
    3 - 3
    4 - 0
    5 - 0
    6 - 2
    7 - 3
    8 - 0
    9 - 0
    10 - 1
    Total: 10
    Section E
    1 - 3
    2 - 3
    3 - 3
    4 - 3
    5 - 0
    6 - 0
    7 - 0
    8 - 3
    9 - 1
    10 - 0
    Total: 16
    Section F
    1 - 1
    2 - 3
    3 - 3
    4 - 3
    5 - 3
    6 - 3
    7 - 3
    8 - 3
    9 - 2
    10 - 3
    Total: 27
    Section G
    1 - 2
    2 - 3
    3 - 1
    4 - 3
    5 - 1
    6 - 2
    7 - 0
    8 - 3
    9 - 3
    10 - 3
    Total: 21
    Section H
    1 - 3
    2 - 0
    3 - 3
    4 - 3
    5 - 2
    6 - 2
    7 - 2
    8 - 3
    9 - 2
    10 - 3
    Total: 23

    Results: Ti>Fi=Ne>Fe>Ni=Te>Si>Se

    Guelenko Questionnaire

    The most probable TIM according to the test results: LII ("Robespierre")

    Indicators by dichotomies:
    Logic / Ethics: 0.444
    Intuition / Sensory: 0.556
    Rationality / Irrationality: 0.778
    Introversion / Extraversion: 0.778 The

    severity of TIM: 0.655

    Test by A. Tolstikova

    The most probable TIM according to the test results: LII ("Robespierre")

    Indicators by dichotomies:
    Logic / Ethics: 0.200
    Intuition / Sensory: 0.200
    Rationality / Irrationality: 1.000
    Introversion / Extraversion: 0.600 The

    degree of TIM severity: 0.600


    Introversion (I): 15 versus Extroversion (E): 0
    Sensing (S): 2 versus Intuition (N): 18
    Thinking (T): 5 versus Feeling (F): 5
    Judging (J): 4 versus Perceiving (P): 7

    Making your MBTI code:
    I N X P

  7. #7
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    You sound like a LII to me.

    I am also a big fan of Jungian psychology. I have read quite a lot, but it took me a long time to get into the subject and there's always more to learn.

    Have you made any discoveries?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    You sound like a LII to me.

    I am also a big fan of Jungian psychology. I have read quite a lot, but it took me a long time to get into the subject and there's always more to learn.

    Have you made any discoveries?
    Hi, sorry I took a while to come back, and thank you. Socionics is quite a deep subject, but that's what makes it interesting. I actually looked into Gulenko's DCNH article again and I think it might explain my Fi tendencies. According to that, it would make me a Normalizing subtype, which emphasizes Ti and Fi. That, along with my upbringing could be the reason for me coming off with strong F vibes.

    Here's a link to one from this site and another one I picked up earlier.

    Regardless, I don't think it's worth driving myself mad over what type I am. If I think I am an INTj, then I am an INTj and nobody can tell me otherwise, and I would say the same for anyone on this forum. If you did the research, know your functions and did everything to deduce your type beyond just using tests, you don't need anyone to tell you what your type is. Like some on here have said, socionics is one aspect of personality. We're all different, so why not celebrate that and not fit ourselves into boxes?

    Anyway, I'm moving on from this. I'll still keep this topic open if anyone else wants to provide a comment, but I'll be roaming other topics on the forum, so keep an eye out for me.

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