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Thread: Predicting and What it Means. Intuition Ni dom Ne Ti

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    Default Predicting and What it Means. Intuition Ni dom Ne Ti


    I was pretty good on my type but I’m for sure intuitive. I was watching an anime right and there’s a Giant and a Fairy, and there’s a different more mature set of also, a fairy and a giant.
    so in the scene the much older fairy slowly gets murdered and psychically talks the younger one with a genuine “you’ll grow stronger than any other fairy” which is cliche so i thought ahead and imagined what the elder giant was gonna say to the younger giant, some sort of goodbye and luck monologue. AND THEN, not shockingly, the elder giant goes on to contact the younger and so on..

    To me this is common and why you cant take me to movies.

    is this Sort of prediction a sort of a Ni or Ne+ thing. I hadn’t seen this before i just sort of expected it, but I’d be okay if it didn’t happen. To me i just imagined it playing out that way, which happens to be the most cliche way...

  2. #2
    I say brilliant things sporadically BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charris862 View Post

    I was pretty good on my type but I’m for sure intuitive. I was watching an anime right and there’s a Giant and a Fairy, and there’s a different more mature set of also, a fairy and a giant.
    so in the scene the much older fairy slowly gets murdered and psychically talks the younger one with a genuine “you’ll grow stronger than any other fairy” which is cliche so i thought ahead and imagined what the elder giant was gonna say to the younger giant, some sort of goodbye and luck monologue. AND THEN, not shockingly, the elder giant goes on to contact the younger and so on..

    To me this is common and why you cant take me to movies.

    is this Sort of prediction a sort of a Ni or Ne+ thing. I hadn’t seen this before i just sort of expected it, but I’d be okay if it didn’t happen. To me i just imagined it playing out that way, which happens to be the most cliche way...
    Some possibilities I'm thinking of:

    - You have been watching a lot of movies/animes for some time and have developed a good mental data of possible outcomes and patterns that tend to repeat.
    (I noticed this started to happen after I started watching movies for an entire year)

    - You and the author have similar/compatible cognition/imagination, just like friends who finish each other's sentences

    - The author isn't a creative person, and most people would be able to predict the scenes, just based on cause and effect

    - The scene was based on some other scene from any other movie/anime and you unconsciously caught that

    - This type of scene has appeared frequently and it is indeed cliche

    - You just got it right by chance and randomness. But you just realize when you get it right, and discard the times you get it wrong.

    - You had seen the scene before but you don't remember consciously

    - It's part of the personality of one of the characters to act that way, and you caught the pattern

    I think this could also be Ni, but not necessarily strong. My father has poor intuition in general, but he can easily predict the outcomes in many movies because he has more or less a developed system that narrows down the possibilities in the movies + the fact that he watches a lot since he was a kid (let's say he's been watching for half a century). And as far as I know, he has Ni HA.

    -Also, crappy movies are either damn ridiculously easy to predict or the complete opposite.
    Good movies generally are in between, and that's part of what makes them exciting.
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
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    I can sometimes predict what's going to happen in TV series a couple seconds before it actually does, without having seen the episode first. I don't really sit there trying to do it, though. I'd rather just enjoy the series as it is in the moment.

    I don't think Ni has anything to do with prediction necessarily. If anything, it's just an awareness of patterns and how they tend to repeat in certain contexts. Humans are often fairly predictable, because we relate to each other based on shared experiences. There's no supernatural ability of Ni to predict anything. If Ne is idea, Ni is ideational process.

    All intuitive types have strong Ni though, so I'd expect them to be able to pick out those patterns quite often.

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    This might be related to the carefree/farsighted renin dichotomy.
    Carefree types tend to solve problems based on the information at hand, and thus do not try to predict what they will "need."
    Farsighted types will solve problems based on a generalized method born from personal experience and thus they'll have an impression of "typical" situations, which is like you described.
    Here's a better description of this:
    All INs are farsighted types, so you could be LII and still think this way. For the record, as an EN type with creative Ni I rarely try to "predict" scenes in movies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pississippi View Post
    This might be related to the carefree/farsighted renin dichotomy.
    Not really. Most situations in popular media are easy to predict.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by charris862 View Post
    But how long will you be into this stuff before you decide to form your own conception of what a type is?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Not really. Most situations in popular media are easy to predict.
    sure, but some people don't even bother trying.

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    to feel something to happen - Ni. to imagine something as possible - Ne
    this may match to some degree

    if you doubt in your type - you may make a typing theme with an videointerview

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    Quote Originally Posted by charris862 View Post

    I was pretty good on my type but I’m for sure intuitive. I was watching an anime right and there’s a Giant and a Fairy, and there’s a different more mature set of also, a fairy and a giant.
    so in the scene the much older fairy slowly gets murdered and psychically talks the younger one with a genuine “you’ll grow stronger than any other fairy” which is cliche so i thought ahead and imagined what the elder giant was gonna say to the younger giant, some sort of goodbye and luck monologue. AND THEN, not shockingly, the elder giant goes on to contact the younger and so on..

    To me this is common and why you cant take me to movies.

    is this Sort of prediction a sort of a Ni or Ne+ thing. I hadn’t seen this before i just sort of expected it, but I’d be okay if it didn’t happen. To me i just imagined it playing out that way, which happens to be the most cliche way...
    ILI and I (IEI) always predict things in movies and we're usually right. though we mostly seem to predict things that the other wouldn't have guessed at it's not something that happens on purpose

    when i watch things with Ne types they don't really predict much things, and if they do they don't vocalize it.

    for example my LII brother (since you said you think you may be LII) isn't great at prediction. he gets stuck on things and lacks perspective. that Ni perspective.
    this isn't for movies, but in the case of board games that require strategy.. (sorry, can't think of any examples for movies, but i think this might illustrate well too)

    ILI is the best and I'm sorta a close second depending on the game..
    LII could be good but he gets stuck on one thing with no flexibility (maybe more of a Ti/Ne thing than Ne by itself) and doesn't account for any changes that happened in-game (dynamic/static?) or he doesn't stick to one plan. or he tries to do these really elaborate plans that hinge on so many unstable elements. (so do you see how this way of seeing things could carry over to watching movies and trying to predict things?) maybe if the game existed in a void, he'd be good. stuff like tetris or rubix cube, he's good at.
    And ESI sucks, lol. if she wins it was a fluke.

    well, that's just my personal experience
    Last edited by persimmonism; 08-22-2020 at 07:50 PM.

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    I also think prediction is about pattern recognition. Ne and Ni have its own ways to do so. Ne can make predictions because it helps to see parallels in different subjects/objects, Ni can make predictions since it helps to see how one object/subject leads to another. I am sure other IEs may have different way of doing so, however, some IEs would be prone to be better at it than others. Such as Ti is making generalizations, being accurate etc.

    I am also good at predicting the end or the other events on movies/tv shows etc. Just to note that I watch a lot of movies and tv shows, that means more data for pattern recognition. I generally like to watch movies that are mind bending, puzzle like or at least have a plot twist because of that. There is even a thread about LIIs predicting movie plots :

    The way I process a possible outcome differs than a Ne-dom or Ni-ego. Ni demonstrative generally makes me self doubt one possible outcome, Ne-doms generally commit to one or two possible outcomes, let it/them go on the way if it is incorrect. Ne creative allows me to increase the number of possible outcomes even by adding hypothetical concepts or layers to it. Ni/Se valuers try to alter the possible outcome or maneuver it. I may also try to change the outcome if it is a one-time thing. However, I generally don't act on it until self-doubt disappers, but there were times that I have been sure and attempt to act on it immediately, but that is not common for me. However, my predictions are mainly about things that are static and they are generally general rather than spesific. According to my own thought process, even I successfully alter it one time or few times, I think what will happen will happen anyways. If it is an unwanted outcome, I prefer to change the environment, object, subject rather than altering or maneuvering the unwanted outcome. Because eventhough I was able to successfully change it all the time, I am putting an effort, focus to control something, there must be a place, a condition, an object or subject that doesn't lead to that outcome naturally which is what I seek, I don't want to impose anything (Se-polr).

    I also think about various hypothetical scenarious in my mind most of the time, some are even impossible to occur in real life, however, when roughly similar things happen in the moment, they help me to understand how I or other people behave under those circumstances.

    Here are examples to one-time spesific predictions:

    I was looking for place to move in with my ex. My ex and one of his friends insisted we could leave some of some of my stuff(one small suitcase and two large boxes of books) on his friend's place. His friend was living with his sister and his sister's girlfriend. We stayed their for 2-3 days. They were constantly smoking weed, seemed like an addict than causal user. I told him that I didn't want to stay there and I insisted my ex to help me carry my stuff to his car at least, he asked why, I didn't want to answer at first. I had a strong belief that they are going to steal my stuff. I told him: I know I am sounding crazy and I know this is a big accusation, I am embarrassed to say that, I don't know exactly why but I know they are going to steal my stuff to buy more weed. He told me how they come from a wealthy family, how he knows his friend for years, etc. I still had this belief, but I questioned why I think this awful thoughts since they offer to help me and I try to brush it off. I found a new place that exact day, we went there to get my stuff, however, my books were gone. They said their mother came from another city, threw them out because she thought it was garbage which was an apparent lie ofcourse. Later, his friend admit that his sister sell my books to get more weed, offer to make amends. For this example, noone stole from me or anyone I know before, but I have seen how addicts behave for short amount of time, there were nuances in their behavior, but it would sound trivial.

    One of my friend was dating a guy. She told me how they start to date and how it was progressing. I instantly thought that he was gay and told her. I had lots and lots of gay friends in that period and they told me how they started to date girls before they came out of closet (again data for pattern recognition). She told him what I think about him from the start and he tried to find more about me and couldn't, hence, we never met. Besides all, her boyfriend was also egocentrically competitive and attacking her self-esteem and they had lots of problems, she talked about their problems and I always told her, he was gay and also egocentric etc. I tried to explain why I think that but I didn't have any concrete proof since human behavior may seem similar due to various variables. They dated for years and years later, he told her. I knew that it is a bizzare thing to make this kind of claim about someone eventhough, you never met them. I wouldn't say anything if I didn't care about her or if I wasn't sure which I am generally prone to some level of self-doubt, but not in this case. I also knew I was annoying her. I accepted the fact that me saying these kind of things could end my friendship. However, if I were her, I would like to know, so I kept saying it.

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Predicting is remembering backwards. Is pattern recognition involved in recalling, for example, what you had for lunch yesterday? Probably not. Whenever you recall something from the past, what has happened, most likely, is you were simply drifting along on a current of thought that moved seamlessly from one topic to another until, suddenly, you found yourself thinking of the previous day, seeing it as though someone had shined a sudden light upon it. Future sight is, in that regard, no different. It is a simple envisioning of the future, either prompted by the free association of thought or, in rarer cases, spontaneous. What it certainly isn't is a matter of continuing a pattern in one's head. The future is precisely where established patterns break down. If I count 1,2,3... there is an expectation for me to say "4" in a future moment. But the 4 hasn't come; there has been a break. And it is precisely this kind of break that gives us a sense of the future. Those who are good at seeing the future do not see where the patterns continue, but rather where they end and how they end.

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    INFp/INTj both appear chill on surface but they have significant differences:

    1) INFP or Ni/Fe- seeing how things unfold over time (long-term) + influencing the longer-term (because of Ni influence) emotional state of others towards the individual, and is reflected in trying to be on good terms with those he interacts. Compare this to an SEI, who on the short-term, uses Fe to affect their external environment by cracking jokes and such.

    2) INTj or Ti/Ne- building/organizing an internally consistent logical system + looking at the bigger picture/generating different outcomes to their systems (often an idealized system, or how things should be, due to influence of their Ti)

    I agree with others here on being well-versed in animes that can influence your prediction. Obviously watching a lot of animes/getting "the repetitions in" sharpens that skill.

    In summary,

    The key differences between them is:

    building a logical internally consistent system vs influencing the long-term the emotional states of those around them
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 08-23-2020 at 05:02 AM.

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    I see what you mean i should’ve been more detailed with my perception. It was more of an awareness of how I’m separated (in this case not invested in the show, but rather patterns?) from how something is playing out. When i seen that it came true, It was more of an awareness that I’m an anticipatory in verbal ways, rather than “whoa did i just get that right?!” Lol

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    intuition is more like a form of "just knowing" that comes out in a form of a feeling. like pieces suddenly come together and just "clicks"

    for example,

    --girls will know right away whether a not something is not right with a guy based off tonz of past social interactions she'd had. or

    --your body intuitively "just knowing" how to drive your car without thinking too much about it. or a

    --a "gut reaction" that "something's off" in your external environment (cheating spouse, danger on the horizon)

    In contrast

    predicting based on thinking is being well-versed in patterns, but not so much in a form of a feeling, but by logically/verbally thinking through what has been consistent/inconsistent in the past

    both aren't mutually exclusive.... I know my intuition def helps my thinking and vice-versa

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