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Thread: Duschia: How can an IEE submit to Dogma?

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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    I'm sorry, but this sounds like dark-mother speak, like a cosmic monster is trying to gaslight someone into thinking "That's not the real you! The real you wants to shed its body, and merge itself with me! Don't you trust your mother?", even if it's a mother someone has never met before, or had no fond memory of.

    I'm not saying that's your intent, I'm not trying to sound accusatory, but that's where this line of reasoning always leads. It's kind of irreconcilable, trying to convince someone who has his own good as ultimate value that they should shed it in favor of the whole. It can't really be breached in one direction or the other, so it's all talking past each other at this point.
    You're not listening and you're just playing me some cliché slippery slope fallacy. I just said that living without letting your fear of ego death set all your priorities, you would be happier. Happier to live in your own body. The focus on survival needs discards everything that doesn't serve them => Focus is also ignoring. You're ignoring human connection and care. What the f*** has that to do with your neurotic fear of being absorbed?

    Your thought has fermented for too long; but what came out is not some nice booze duh you sicko i'm done

    EDIT: you're basically saying "my programming says survival is ultimate value. my programming does not allow to understand how other humans can contribute to my survival. so any collective is detrimental to survival. I'm a robot and impossible to argue with. Beep Blorp meep"
    Last edited by lkdhf qkb; 09-09-2020 at 10:10 PM.

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