Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
Yes. I'm actually willing to think to see a fixed/set/dogmatic IEE is extremely unlikely. It literally goes against their type. They may be in higher ranks of various religions (as often religions are a social thing), but you see how they run away from 'set rules' here and there. It's similar for SEEs. Both types may nevertheless use their faith (if they believe) to 'spread some good message and deeds', but there is no dogma and anything-more-than-basic in rules.

I actually know one IEE who is a 'strongly faithful' Catholic. She was born into a family of people practicing - in her case faith is strongly correlated to her (minority) culture and identity. I, myself, truly believe she is a strong believer and beliefs in good will and helping others. But, if you run into some 'questions' with her, you see how far she goes away from literal dogma sometimes. Examples below.

'What do you think about how the church treats LGBT+ people?' It's awful. I have many LGBT+ friends, both non-hetero and trans. I think I could date someone trans. I accept everyone and cherish them.
'Don't you think priests here make way too much money?' Oh, of course they are! The church and swimming in riches is just wrong.
Do you think there should be a separation of church and state?' Yes, I do. I have many non-believing friends as well and I share their opinion on this. I think the church's influence in our country is too strong and sick, especially with how they mingle with our conservative government.
'What do you think about abortion?' It's a complicated issue. I personally would never abort, but some cases are very sad and maybe there should be some sort of compromise. Maybe each case should be treated individually.
'There are many awful things in the Bible...' Yes, sure they are. I also think some of these are awful. But I don't think it's 100% literally true, just written under God's influence... So you have to be more careful with some passages and see the spirit. I also think New Testament is a better source than the Old one.
'Pope dogmas and various historic things?' Not infallible. People are people, not God.
'Damnation?' I think there should be punishment, and maybe some souls... But no, I think rehabilitation is more important. Goodness will prevail in the end.

And so on and so on. To the question, 'okay, so why don't you switch to some protestant faith that better matches your actual beliefs and has only those core things you agree with' I was answered with a baffled expression 'yeah, but my family is there and I was always there, I've actually found many alike friends and so on'. Understandable she doesn't want to upset anyone and is used to her own social circle (which I assume is pretty similar). She cares about kindness in the most natural way you can expect.

This is a very different approach from citing dogmas and expecting someone to fit them, or accept them.
I had earlier responded this much in the other thread so I will repeat it here to keep it all in one place:

Wow! I got a lot from that. Yet this one would be easier to respond to first, so I might start by (later) responding to this one first. Like how I would answer those Q's, and why I think she answered them that way. I want to explain that. I get it. I see just where she is coming from. And yes, that sounds like an IEE response.

It is a grace that filial and social affection keeps her coming to the Lord's House. But the truth is there is a stench - the Catholic Church founded by Jesus is overwhelmingly (but not completely) infiltrated - like "deep state", there is a "deep church" - and she is not yet woke to the fact that the most life-giving truths of our faith have been systematically hidden from her. She has been ROBBED of her rightful heritage. I will pray now for her, with confidence, that she be given the graces to someday answer your final question with:

"Because Jesus HIMSELF is there! ALL of Jesus - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity! If I don't partake of his Body and Blood, I will have NO LIFE in me! And anyway, to whom would I go? He has the words of eternal life!" *

*See John 6:66 (Find it here in context. Context is always key! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage...+6&version=KJV )