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Thread: In need of a little bit of help differentiating (It looks like I'm Beta NF)

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    RBRS's Avatar
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    Default In need of a little bit of help differentiating (It looks like I'm Beta NF)

    First of all I must say that I don't know if this thread is appropriate here, and I don't want to bother you with my constant nonsense. I hope this thread is not irritating and if it is annoying tell me honestly and I will erase everything I can get erased.

    In case, I entered forums to see if there was a way to find my sociotype through questionnaires, videos and the like. I believe that self-concept can deceive us and in a subject as complex as socionics it is better to receive feedback to make a decision on a type, and that this feedback must come from people who do not have a concrete idea about yourself to maximize objectivity.

    I have already done three threads, in one of them I posted photos of myself, and I was told that I am EIE (!) In the following thread, with a video, I was again told that EIE (
    In the third, in another forum and with a questionnaire ( a-short-amount-of-time-if-requested-40q-philosophical-questionnaire.1351680 / # post-44034107) I have been told that I am IEI.

    The consensus seems to indicate that I am a Beta NF, but the thing is, I think quite a lot of EIE stuff don't fit me (what I said at the end of this thread type-me- (Short-video-inside) ) and neither do some of IEI's, maybe I'm being too self-centered on this topic but I want to find the exact type and stop wandering around socionics theory. What kinds of tangible things differentiate EIE from IEI? What kinds of things can be used to rule out whether oneself is EIE or IEI?

  2. #2
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Perc is a human wasteland. /my maximally objective opinion

    You seem rational type. I think you are EIE.

    You’re searching for tangible things to rule things out. I doubt an IEI would bother asking that.

    An IEI with higher dimensional Ti would also more likely put more effort into learning the system and its nuances by themselves rather than continually asking for others’ input on themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Perc is a human wasteland. /my maximally objective opinion

    You seem rational type. I think you are EIE.

    You’re searching for tangible things to rule things out. I doubt an IEI would bother asking that.

    An IEI with higher dimensional Ti would also more likely put more effort into learning the system and its nuances by themselves rather than continually asking for others’ input on themselves.
    Then it's probable that I'm just an EIE without much social experience then. Or I am a categorically mentally ill insufferable retard with insecurity problems, unable to reach a concrete answer given my mental or experimental inability to get the point of the theory.

    I have read some articles on socionics, and I have read Filatova's book (from which I have not learned anything that I had not read before).

    Some information elements I am unable to translate into practical application. I can transfer Fi, Se, or Ti among others, but I cannot transfer Fe, perhaps because of the trajectory of my life, or perhaps because at some point I may have fallen on the back of my neck and have definitely become mentally retarded.

    The case with Beta is that the general stereotype and the values ​​associated with the quadra fit me, I know that I am weak in Se and I know that I am incapable in Si, (in addition, I refer to the questionnaires) but I am unable to see what kind of role Fe plays in me, that is, I usually do not get what the other person wants to hear specifically, I am a mix between the most infuriating boredom and the most exaggerated cringe in social situations, I am unable to tell a funny story or do the right pacing with my gesticulation in order to make another person laugh at a joke and the few times that I have tried it has gone wrong, and a long list of things.

    It is possible that it is because perhaps throughout my life I have not socialized much and since the last comfortable social situation with more than one or two people that I have been in was four and a half years ago. Not counting a recent one that went disastrously wrong, in which it seems I made a very bad impression through excessively dark remarks. Curiously, a younger version of me could perfectly fit some of the EIE stereotypes (Highly ideological, arrogant, invested in revolutionary movements, etc)

    It may be that I am an EIE. curiously, while surfing the Internet a while ago I came across a quote about the unnameable that could apply to me perfectly (if they reflected reality)

    - "Reinhold Hainish [who was a personal friend of H**** in Vienna in 1909-1912] depicted H**** as a lonely, moody, introverted individual who would, at unexpected moments, break into loud, extended monologues."

    Reinhold Hainish book looks like an attempt to make him seem more relatable, but anyways, that man is supposed to be Fe-Leading individual. If this loving and not at all evil entity of light and peace that once bathed the world in a great embrace of nations and races was EIE, maybe I, even having much less power (and I think that is good for me and for everyone) but maybe more mentally deranged, can be perfectly EIE. It gives me a bit of impostor syndrome, but it is what it has. I will have to learn to be my own type.
    And yes, I know that comparing oneself to the unnameable is at the same time a reach for the highest forms of stupidity and egocentrism, but sincerely it doesn't matter if that aligns the theory and the diagnosis with the practical observance.
    Last edited by RBRS; 08-18-2020 at 04:14 AM.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    OP is my kind of person. I can already tell. I like how you think.

    Since I missed the VI there is only what you wrote to go on.
    The complaint about EIE seems to be that its a social extrovert and you are not.. as well as about Fe, which you say is weak in your case.

    You could just look up the difference between EJ and IP:

    Maybe look into romance styles

    Reinin dichotomies are not that useful since they can be rather vague or when you manage to figure it out they may point at a type that sounds nothing like you, such as in my case SLE. Stick to the fundamentals.

    EDIT: I agree, Filatova's book wasn't very useful and VI is strange. Example, ppl say I'm ILE, but I have disagreements & doubts about it being true as well.
    Last edited by SGF; 08-18-2020 at 04:50 AM.

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    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frddy View Post
    Or I am a categorically mentally ill insufferable retard with insecurity problems, unable to reach a concrete answer given my mental or experimental inability to get the point of the theory.

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    Lullabies, broken skies qaz00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frddy View Post
    The case with Beta is that the general stereotype and the values ​​associated with the quadra fit me, I know that I am weak in Se and I know that I am incapable in Si, (in addition, I refer to the questionnaires) but I am unable to see what kind of role Fe plays in me, that is, I usually do not get what the other person wants to hear specifically, I am a mix between the most infuriating boredom and the most exaggerated cringe in social situations, I am unable to tell a funny story or do the right pacing with my gesticulation in order to make another person laugh at a joke and the few times that I have tried it has gone wrong, and a long list of things.
    Obvious weak Fe, you're H-ILI-Ni.

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    Yeah, like sbbds said, as an IEI it didn't even cross my mind to ask for people's help to type myself and if I did, I wouldn't have entirely trusted their answers unless they backed it up really well.
    which means that i would need to know the theory quite well myself. so then just learn it myself
    asking for other people's help for clarification about theory is a different matter though; i do that a lot cuz i need ppl to explain things to me a lot hah

    Fe, to me, is literally emotional atmosphere. Particularly, when I am comfortable and in the right company (other fellow Merry ppl) and everything is all.. working.. it feels like i'm weaving and manipulating the mood of our conversation with my fingers. the MOOD! emotional atmosphere. tone of the conversation. if Fi are words then Fe is font and size. (or smth)

    You are probably Fe PoLR (ILI, like above said).
    As a Te PoLR, even after reading about it alot, Te was the IM that took me so long to really understand what it was, because i'm just so unaware of it even when I'm trying to be, yknow? practically, but also when it comes to theory.

    also the way you write has no Fe at all, and in your responses to things you seem to always be floating within your own context.

    (taken from one of the threads)
    "About the color of my clothes, I'm in my house and wearing whatever thing.

    Frddy is my username simply because it's not my real name, and I don't want other people who might come here for whatever reason to recognize me."

    trong Fe would know how to express this in a way that is less.. jarring and not in the good way to whatever flow was going on in the thread, and less awkward. (pls do not feel bad about this as there are many people who know how and many who don't. it's not necessarily good or bad, it just is.)

    "What kinds of tangible things differentiate EIE from IEI? What kinds of things can be used to rule out whether oneself is EIE or IEI?"
    Te>Ti ?
    As Te PoLR (so an extreme example) I would have no trust in whatever answers i get unless there is some theoretical justification that makes sense to me. I would ask a bunch of things more along the lines of, what is your experience of Ti seeking? what is Te PoLR and how does it feel like having it, and what is your impression when you see ppl with Te PoLR?
    and with the knowledge and multiple perspectives given to me, make my own conclusion.

    Also, you're not self centered for wondering what your type is we have all been there.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Or I am a categorically mentally ill insufferable retard with insecurity problems, unable to reach a concrete answer given my mental or experimental inability to get the point of the theory.

    lmao <3. To me that's like 99.9% of people who go on Internet forums. The annoying arrogant ones are the ones that don't realize this about themselves.

    Celebrities and 'Normies' have Twitter or something but I could never get into it much for some reason.

    ime IRL IeI's will be a lot shyer and EIEs just... won't be as shy? That's probably not very helpful sorry but that is the main difference to me. IEIs have this kind of unshakeable 'softness' even when we're pwning everybody else. Both IEI/EIE seem to come to the same logical conclusions about most things being 'mirrors' and all that. EIEs feel more 'prickly', especially if you compare a male IEI and male EIE.

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