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Thread: If it's said for shock value or in attempt to keep an individual as a friend with someone then is it still aristocratic?

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    Default If it's said for shock value or in attempt to keep an individual as a friend with someone then is it still aristocratic?

    just wondering.

    i'm an SF and my emotional and physical reactions towards people are usually determined by how beautiful and gentle the person is and the internal sensations i have from them (although i'm misanthropic at times). i do make or subscribe to generalizations sometimes and i'm imprecise in expression, but i just enjoy categorizing everything sometimes. i did make racist comments to my friend just to try to impress him to make relations with him better, to please him. i made racist comments to someone just because i wanted to fight him.

    i never understood the mass arab hysteria back in 2001 through today; i never thought terrorist=arab.

    i don't really think of myself as belonging to any group but rather as a stupid, ugly person really (i've never had much of a sense of group identity).

    so anyway, why don't we think of all the ways in which aristocracy and democracy is understood/misunderstood and where each applies when it may not be obvious?

    i've always been more democratic than aristocratic as i wasn't really able to completely conclude on my own what group a person belonged to anyway.

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    can someone put this in general socionics discussion? Sorry.

  3. #3
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Lumping people into categories of your own design or otherwise (aristocratic) does not necessarily imply racism lmao.
    When you say things you don't really mean, you end up with people who are not like you and regret it later on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post

    Lumping people into categories of your own design or otherwise (aristocratic) does not necessarily imply racism lmao.
    But it can. i have some aristocratic traits, but i relate to some of the democratic ones too.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    When you say things you don't really mean, you end up with people who are not like you and regret it later on.
    well, of course i wind up with people what are not like me sometimes=) and i have never regretted being with him (SLE-Ti are one of my favorite types). he used to physically attack me but i continued hanging out with him because i knew i could just lmao about it later (he was so creative and so funny and charming). it was one of my best friendships (although i had a relationship that was quite a bit stormier with another SLE-Ti.) Thank you. Sorry. I hope you are well in ketchupland. but i'd rather be in a world without psychiatric treatment. i've been having
    strain that needs to be taken care of and i'm not looking forward to my medicine due later on. but nothing's more terribly bitchy to me than me not having enough money and being under guardianship orders.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 08-19-2020 at 08:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    just wondering. .....

    so anyway, why don't we think of all the ways in which aristocracy and democracy is understood/misunderstood and where each applies when it may not be obvious?

    i've always been more democratic than aristocratic as i wasn't really able to completely conclude on my own what group a person belonged to anyway....
    I think about it as individualism or "I" (democratic) vs collectivism or "we" (aristocratic)

    If you tend to think about "the greater good" or "the group" like a team when working w an organization, believe hierarchy + respecting authority figures, and being a good citizen to "move up" into a more noble class u are aristocratic.


    Attending a meeting that's not required, for the sake of the "group morale"

    With ur arab terrorist example... saying "not all arabs (the group) are terrorists" can be an aristocratic statement in itself

    "You are my friend, but my friends don't steal toilet paper from McDonalds!"

    "you don't know shit and you need to learn your place" - hierarchical attribution ("your place").

    Aristocratic types operate with the assumption that certain people are either inherently similar or different. With people to whom they feel they relate or share certain things, they speak easily of experiences that they assume to be mutual, omitting things that the other is assumed to know and making statements or judgments based on what is taken for granted as common knowledge without drawing any attention to it; they assume that people either speak their language, or don't.
    Democratic individuals tend to be more individualistic (on a relative basis), and emphasize themselves ("I") vs society ("we")


    "I am a representative only of my own ideas" "I notice groups, but it's just a game (they are not real, the groups are pretended)"

    "You know how when you shower for too long..." "Have you ever noticed..." "Is x like this for you too?"

    Basically Democrats will assert an experience and put it "to the jury" as to whether or not this is commonplace, expected, mutual, etc.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 08-20-2020 at 12:41 AM.

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