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Thread: knowing your subtype strength?

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  1. #1
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    i think it does seem to correlate with instincts..I am harmonising secondary subtype..(harmonising and secondary together sound a bit like so/sx descriptions?? i think?? but could relate to other stacks too but maybe more closely to some more than others) and wait what if contact/ distancing, terminating/ initiating, connecting/ignoring relates to your tritype 946 sounds like it matches with contact/initiating/connecting based on the descriptions in the article. oh god how am I gonna concentrate on anything else today lol. i'm also really confusing myself and keep editing..

    and maybe for duality to work (well?) need compatible DCNH subtypes..(creative with harmonising, normalising with dominant) including maybe having one person with primary and one person with secondary? which in my head means me being with sp/so dual..which for me is a stack which typically lacks a bit of chemistry/depth in my interaction/relationship with them..but then that does sound like some duality descritptions..and for there to a be a big spark with a dual..maybe you are both going to be secondary subtypes or both primary subtypes right? or something? which doesn't sound healthy..haha oh no

    ORRRR maybe matching instincts is best/ 'perfect'..with compatible DCNH and both being secondary or both being primary..which in my head is 793/ 792/ 794 tritype (in those particular orders) for me..which seems so unlikely to find haha. Socionics is silly. (and btw I worked this out through staring at all of the ennegram 7 tritypes for ages and noticing some sort of pattern whilst thinking about enneagram duals I'd met and what their personality type combos could be :s)
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 08-17-2020 at 02:10 PM.

  2. #2
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    'instinct stackings? how could that be though. i don't rly think primary/secondary (or DCNH) overlaps with instincts but that is my personal opinion.
    like say,
    I'm an SO dom so here would be my interpretation of what a primary/secondary SO is. also don't quote me on this lmao. i'm like you, thinking aloud
    primary: concerned with rising in community for concrete matters, an influential position that gives power (although it may be more subtle), so they have a lot of say in things idk
    secondary: concerned with leaving a lasting imprint for a while, wants to be abstractly respected and have some sort of effect on community by the ppl'

    I like this description..gonna mull it over. I think maybe there are some links but only sometimes. Like I think sp/so could often be primary subtype/normalising subytpe. Or if we picture the subtypes as exisiting on a spectrum then a sp/so would have a big chunk of primary/normalising in them, though they might be say creative subtype. I dunno though, as I'm saying that I'm not sure what I mean at all. OR for example a sp/so creative would likely be a primary rather than secondary coz they care about sp stuff..(it says in the DCNH primary is about home, family etc right?) so they are like a sp/so with some added 'sx' (I'm basically designing my ideal ESTP lol). I'm pretty sure I've seen DCNH 'creative' as being a beta thing somewhere too.. or an inherited beta 'streak' or 'pattern'..sorry if my logi c is out the window.

    Regarding DCNH/instincts:

    I am starting to think yes, that DCNH compatibility is very important. For the instincts I have just absorbed a whole load of info..have read quite a bit on it. I am now just using this table which helps a little to spot people's stacks. (at the bottom of the page).

    Btw I think my so/sp friend is in a relationship with sp/sx guy. And he is good friends with my sx/so sis. I think I'm starting to accept that sx/so for me is better as friends. I've noticed there is a lot of chemistry with people who have a tritype that almost mirrors mine. So mine 946 with 639 or 739..(the 3/4 are in the same position and the 9s are opposite each other- not getting more technical than that for now haha). I know for sure that I've met 739/749 sx/so estps with a lot of chemistry there..and they probably were creative for DCNH. I could picture it being too intense though- didn't know them for long.

    Thanks for the chat! The DCNH stuff was throwing me and I was about to give up looking for a dual. Not yet lol. Btw I was thinking about my ESTP female friend. Not sure of her subtypes (don't think perfect match) but the chemistry is there. She is my only long term ESTP person I've known. And it is exactly how they say. We had ups and downs and now she lives in another country. But the bond is special and strong and whatever subtype she is, it doesn't matter, I don't have to think about our relationship too much, it just works. Based on that I think the subtypes don't need to be some perfect combination, at least maybe not haha.

    Also I've been thinking that I'm giving sp/so a bit of a hard time in general. I think as friends they can hold back a bit, bit actually in relationships the bond gets much deeper. Also, sp/so 7s seem to have similar interests to me- like I went on date the other day with a SEE sp/so who likes raving like me (I had thought he might be ESTP from talking on the app).

    Maybe for certain types it's better to be with matching subtype (sx/so I'm thinking..) and others it's better to be with different. I like so/sp a lot for friends btw
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 08-19-2020 at 05:47 AM.

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