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Thread: What's HIS type?

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default What's HIS type?

    I don't know where else to put this post. This is not a famous person. It's a person being interviewed, telling his story, and I really want an opinion on what type he is!

    This is an episode of The Journey Home program, which is one of my favorites. The host Marcus Grodi interviews one guest each week, who tells their story, mostly Protestant pastors of every stripe who become Catholic, but also laypersons, including atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists and more. It follows the same format each week, with the guest telling their story of why they became Catholic, starting with telling their faith (or faithless) background as a child growing up. I love this show, as I truly enjoy hearing people tell their stories, and I like theology, and I am an unexpected convert myself.

    So I tuned into this episode and I was rather SHOCKED as I listened, because he reminded me SO MUCH of one of my brothers. The way he holds himself, speaks, his direct way of looking, his mannerisms, gestures, the way he engages a listener, his way of telling a story or describing an event, and his particular kind of sense of humor. A match! It was like a visit with this brother, who lives so far away.

    They must be the same type but I want to hear what people think his type is. You can listen anywhere on this interview because the man, R.J. Snell, does by far the most talking. At about the 1 min., 40 sec. mark he starts telling his story, where he is from, where and how he grew up. (Not much at all like how my brothers and I grew up.)

    Obviously you don't need to listen to the whole show to figure out his type. You can tune in anywhere. At about 1 min. 30 he begins telling his story. And from the beginning, I "saw" my brother*. If you think you are pretty competent at typing, please tell me what type you think he is! And why! (It can be one thing or many!). Later in the thread I will tell my brothers type. I am wondering if anyone of you guess the type first!

    *Although my brother is more worldly. He is othe only one of my three brothers who goes to church, with his wife and kids, but he never talks about church, God, religion, theology, or matters of faith, whereas this man grew up steeped in it and never left it. Snell's entire talk here is theology, which I have never heard my brother talk about. Yet, the sameness between the two is remarkable!

    [And if you figure out Marcus Grodi's type,l or have any suggestions what it is, I would like to know! I can't believe I have been watching this show for years and it hasn't come to me yet. I think some Delta or Alpha. He has a very relaxing, comforting demeanor. He was some kind of scientist before he became a pastor, converted to Catholic and started his Coming Home Network, an organization to help protestant pastors who are becoming Catholic, and also hosts this show. ]
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Not your echo chamber. qaz00's Avatar
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    R.J. Snell - EIE-Fe
    Marcus Grodi - ESE-Si

  3. #3
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    N, E

    it's for famouses section

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    R.J. Snell - EIE-Fe
    Marcus Grodi - ESE-Si
    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    R.J. Snell - EIE-Fe
    Marcus Grodi - ESE-Si

    Grodi - I think this could be right. I don't have reason to say it is not, anyway. I looked up subtypes and I also leaned toward ESE-Si, of the two. I have never pinpointed which subtype my ex is, but he does not seem the same type. Just saw some recent shots of my ex in a wedding album, and like ALWAYS, he has the MOST exaggeratedly-outgoing, expressive face of everyone in all the epics, engaging with the crowd and cameraman. Whereas Grodi is much more calm and mellow. he seems caregiver-type and perhaps that Si thing makes me feel calm and comfortable with his presence. I wonder if that difference in camera presence has to do with subtypes or with the fact that my ex is a narcissist and being a crowd-charmer is necc. for him? I would like your opinion if you have one!

    Your guess for Snell's type is really interesting but it is not what I think. I am not yet ready to divulge what type my brother is in this thread but I have to say, it's not an "E"! EIE have a different kind of outgoing-ness; they draw in everyone with their personal charm; you just think they are delightful and a joy to have around. It's like their charm points to THEM, rather than the topic at hand. This guy's humor is more on-topic, on the ironies of the topic, i.e., and not on him, except at times when he points to himself and then it is wryly self-effacing. It's not a type of humor I have experienced from EIE).

    I have watched Grodi interview so many people, and I can't recall a time I have ever watched him interview an EIE.I think it has somethign to do with that type. Their lovely outgoing social presence does not seem to be connected to their personal deeply held beliefs and feelings. Once at a social event at an EIE's home, where there were also a lot of Catholics (it was a very large after-Christening party at her home), she seemed demonstratively avoidant of ANY talk of theology, as if she were afraid it would lead to controversy, and she didn't want that at her party. So she came to sit with out groups and was being delightfully friendly and engaging as only an EIE can be, and someone brought up a controversial theological point and which engaged my mind and I was about to form a comment when I saw her exchange meaningful looks with her good friend, and they both got right up and left to avoid the whole conversation! This fits with what I know of EIE, who does not want to be social/public about their religious or possibly controversial personal views. They seem to be closed in that department, wanting to keep that part of themselves to themselves, and to keep social connections lighter and all-encompassing, laughing about and engaging in topics everyone around can also laugh at and engage in. They seem to have an attitude of "don't dig into my private thoughts and beliefs, please". Which might explain why I cannot recall an EIE discussing their faith and beliefs on this show. They have a wide social circle that they value already, and don't want to invite this social circle into this private part of their life, which would be hard to hide from them if the talk about it on a national show. They can be actively involved in the life of a church they belong to, but if teaching it will be using a prescribed curriculum and format, or attending events that are meant to be social fellowship, not an exchange of personal views.

    It would be interesting if an EIE, or someone who knows one well, will confirm those observations I have about EIE.

    It was interesting to see Snell be all about theology when this is not a topic my brother would talk about, but my then brother did not grow up steeped in a religious family and culture like Snell did, nor study the topic in college and post-grad like Snell.

    Snell is extremely outgoing in this show, which is why I think many after a short look at someone being so outgoing, because he is speaking much, will guess an "E" type. However, all I's can be quite talkative when the topic is strictly their area of interest and thought. This is not a social conversation, but limited to the topic that happens to be his lifelong interest and his career, the career of a thinker. Also Snell, besides being a writer, is/has been a university professor concerning the topic of the show and so he is used to talking on this all the time. Also my brother, though "I", when he is talking about his work or something he studied or experienced can really carry a conversation in an engaging and interesting way.

    Yes, so I think Snell is also a "thinking" type, not a feeling. He never says "I feel" or "I like", it's all more "I think". You never get a sense of anything he is feeling. He talks about how thigns are and how they work. You might think he is some kind of "F" because "F" is ethical, and morals are ethical and religion is ethical, and Snell is all about religion here. But religion is full of all kinds of T types. Which I can say for sure, being religious most of my lie, even it I didn't grow up steeped in it like Snell. Certainly theologians tend to be maxed-out "T's". Think Thomas Aquinas.

    Here is an example of his "T" orientation from the above conversation. Snell tells an interesting story of being at Bob Jones University when a well-known evangelical preacher came for a week-long revival, pretty much the whole school attended every night. Even though everyone who went to Bob Jones U. were obviously practicing Christians, and SO committed to it that they chose a super-religious Christian college to attend, AND they all had to sign a statement of faith to get in this college, this revival speaker was convinced that 90% of people who thought themselves Christian actually WEREN'T, so, EVERY NIGHT at the end of his revival preaching he called people forward, out of their seats, to an "altar call" in order to make a statement of faith (and be saved!!). Talk about preaching to the choir. By the last night this preacher REALLY emphasized this LAST CHANCE to come forward, saying that 90% of everyone there, including those who had gone forward all the other nights(!), probably weren't saved, or hadn't really believed, so they should do it now! So there was a MASS EXODUS of the seats as the massive crowd surged forward for the altar call. Snell says, laughing at himself, that his now-wife looked back and saw TWO PEOPLE (retrogrades!) in the entire stadium left sitting in their seats in the stadium - Snell and his buddy!

    Because Snell and his friend weren't going to be moved by the motivational speaker because the words that did not make sense to them. They knew they already believed, and walking forward because everyone else was did not move them. It needed to have logical meaning to them.

    So maybe consider that, if you are willing to think any more on Snell's type.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    N, E
    Thanks for responding Sol. My thought is opposite on those, but then, you consistently express thoughts on typing opposite mine. (Perhaps others here have different responses your typings, though).
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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