how much do you guys relate to the below description? (I fully relate to this wtf)

Gamma: Integrity-Seeking and World-Rejecting. Includes ESI, SEE, LIE and ILI. Thought to have a “mature” mentality. Combines harsh judgment with strategic thinking. This means that Gammas prefer to remain independent from the controls and influences of other people, striving to fulfil their own ambitions as a matter of personal achievement. They prefer to look at facts in the long term, doing what is prudent for their future and sacrificing daily concerns for what will be best later on. Socialising is a pragmatic means of meeting people who can be trusted and form meaningful relations with. New people are quickly judged, with a strong emphasis on individuals being essentially good and trustworthy. More pragmatic, working relations can be formed, although scumbags will be rejected with vitriol. People are thus treated as individuals who could either be allies or enemies, depending on their set, inner nature. Gammas will tend to consider their own opinions towards issues carefully and when necessary, will prefer people to speak their mind harshly and disagree rather than try to stay friendly. They can be extreme in their attitudes towards other people, forming long-lasting grudges against those they deem 'evil'. To envision a Gamma setting, think of a business meeting or else the lone entrepreneur, trying to solidify a profitable future.