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Thread: Type and Nostalgia

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    jason_m's Avatar
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    Default Type and Nostalgia

    I am an intuitive type, and I am nostalgic as hell - but there is a better word for what I like: 'retro.' I love old things, but only from the recent past. And especially things from the 1970s and 1980s, and also especially the things that look or seem modern from those time periods. For instance, I love reading science books from those decades, including books by Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, and Isaac Asimov. Someone would love to call me `traditionalist` for what I like, and there is nothing wrong with traditionalists to me, but I feel my interests escape that kind of narrow classification like crazy…

    Do you like nostalgia? What types are nostalgic and why?

  2. #2
    persimmonism's Avatar
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    As an IEI I can get quite nolstalgic for earlier times in my life. Beyond that, though, humankind's future fascinates me much more than their past. "Retro" is cool though so what is it if you read a scifi book set in the future written a generation or two ago? I always classified that as "future" but it seems you classify it as "past" (with the authors)?

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    jason_m's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    As an IEI I can get quite nolstalgic for earlier times in my life. Beyond that, though, humankind's future fascinates me much more than their past. "Retro" is cool though so what is it if you read a scifi book set in the future written a generation or two ago? I always classified that as "future" but it seems you classify it as "past" (with the authors)?
    Wow, we are different... I see it as 'past' because although it is set in the future, it doesn't contain the actual futuristic elements and the author would be from the past. I would therefore never would think of it the way you do. (To perceive how someone sees it that differently is actually really cool...)

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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    Wow, we are different... I see it as 'past' because although it is set in the future, it doesn't contain the actual futuristic elements and the author would be from the past. I would therefore never would think of it the way you do. (To perceive how someone sees it that differently is actually really cool...)
    Yeah, I feel like any speculation about what the future may be like, regardless of when it was written, is about the 'future'..
    The exception is if so-called future they are writing about has already passed or is present-day, or it was written quite a while ago so that the ideas are noticeably very.. "past".
    I'm starting to understand more and more how you see it, and slightly agree with it.. tbh I never really thought about this before!

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    Time is Ni related. So Ni valued types should to have more thoughts and interests about the history, past, retro things. About far future may to have more interests too, though there also appears the element of possible related to Ne and mb lesser specific.

    A note

    "Tradition" is mostly about irrational. So "traditionalist" is used inappropriately to what did not become objectively better or have become objectively worse. For such cases, as better terms would be "adequatenalist". Or "normalist" in case that is common for the practice of the majority or for ideals of the majority now.
    For example. The main social task of a family is to born and rise children. "Traditional family" is normal family as is thought as best by the majority - a loving pair of man and woman who borns and upbrings their children for whole life. Also it's doubtful from objective side to suppose other kinds of pairs are better for the main social task.
    So for what is called as "traditional family" is appripriately to use just a term "family" and other terms, including with words additions, for other pairs. While when is used the term "traditional" for such family kind - is a lieing and the propaganda of worse kinds of pairs, some of which are even falsly named as families in case of homosexualists which can't born children.

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    I don't experience nostalgia as an emotion very strongly. there are things I like about the 80s and 90s but to invoke such attractions is just a meme to me. it's a set of communication symbols used to extract what was good about those times from their broader context, ignoring a lot of the garbage that would otherwise come along... in a lot of ways what people remember of the 80s is an alternate reality, glorified in certain respects while others are forgotten. but when people talk about nostalgia it seems to me more of an immersed thing, in the sense of returning to those times in their complete, unaltered wholeness. and that is something I've never been partial to.
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    My SEE sister is nostalgia driven as hell.

    I'm not really. I take this stuff as based on what I can do with it. Sometimes simplifying and hiding stuff makes me curse towards the present. I must say that at times I like to explore more and it may take me back to painful memories as I need to go back.
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    NOPE. I'm not nostalgic *shrug* never cared about that.
    The past is to be learned from, not something I'm attached to emotionally.
    I only vaguely remember events and even if at the time it involved strong emotions, my memory is hazy and I can't recall emotions.. so there isn't anything to be nostalgic about.. because I'm not attached to any point in time.
    Last edited by SGF; 08-04-2020 at 08:04 AM.

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    here's some nostalgia for yall

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    ehh.... I like Nostalgia when I come upon it. It's just that, I'm rarely thinking about the past until I'm physically involved with the past, like if I happen to come across old photos or music or just sporadically remember something.

    I'm more focused on things that are timeless. Like timeless music is much better imo than time/ful/ music, which focuses on a specific circumstance or the year it was created.

    Specifically when thinking about my personal past... it's like, whatever. That was a circumstance involving me, not me, so I need not pay attention to it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    NOPE. I'm not nostalgic *shrug* never cared about that.
    The past is to be learned from, not something I'm attached to emotionally.
    I only vaguely remember events and even if at the time it involved strong emotions, my memory is hazy and I can't recall emotions.. so there isn't anything to be nostalgic about.. because I'm not attached to any point in time.
    But then why be attached? One must have some interests of some kind... Can one be a 'logical type' and have some attachment to a specific field or sphere of interests? What about strong interests? In socionics, how do we differentiate then between these different spheres in terms of what is 'logical' and what 'isn't'? That is my basic problem with the theory...

    Even in my own life. I stopped picking up subjects like psychology and philosophy because they 'aren't the hard sciences' and 'aren't Ti.' I obviously like the hard sciences more, but I find my old reasons to be intellectually pretentious, and I have recently reneged on it And that is another point: why can't someone Ti sometimes like some of the softer fields? Why does every book have to be chemistry or biology? Is there really nothing logical about a philosophy or psychology book at all? This part of the theory just bothers me...
    Last edited by jason_m; 08-20-2020 at 09:08 PM.

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    Some people would type 'nostalgia' as 'Fi', but that is not my kind of nostalgia. If you think of feeling vs. thinking along the Big Five agreeableness axis, some of the types that like nostalgia fit a certain kind of agreeable person - someone with a sunny disposition, who associates the past with fond memories of their childhood and their family, and I find someone like this is always a specific feeling type - maybe someone 'Fi.' Mine fits more along the 'openness' category - can you be open enough to find something you like in a decade in which you did not exist? Do you associate the past more with things like 'time travel' and movies like 'Back to the Future'? That is more the kind of nostalgia I have. I even imagine going back in time with something like a time machine to visit all kinds of different places and times. Now, with respect to feeling types, I tend to be much more agreeable than disagreeable with people. I also test as feeling type in the MBTI. And I can like people who feel fondness for their childhood and family. I therefore could be an ethical type, but that is beside the point. To me, people who don't like the past are sensing types who relate to the present and therefore don't like things like time travel. (However, a good argument could change my opinion...)
    Last edited by jason_m; 08-20-2020 at 06:09 AM.

  13. #13
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    But then why be attached? One must have some interests of some kind... Can one be a 'logical type' and have some attachment to a specific field or sphere of interests? What about strong interests? In socionics, how do we differentiate then between these different spheres in terms of what is 'logical' and what 'isn't'? That is my basic problem with the theory...

    Even in my own life. I stopped picking up subjects like psychology and philosophy because they 'aren't the hard sciences' and 'aren't Ti.' I obviously like the hard sciences more, but I find my old reasons to be intellectually pretentious, and I have recently reneged on it And that is another point: why can't someone Ti sometimes like some of the softer fields? Why does every book have to be chemistry or biology? Is there really nothing logical about a philosophy or psychology book at all? This part of the theory is just pretense...
    I do have interests and ideas as well as ppl I feel strongly about. I gradually incorporate ideas and values into my worldview for sure. They say I'm ILE, however I find anything I'm not currently using be "forgettable trivia or passing interest". I have a use it or lose it approach to these things I can't incorporate into my worldview. Stuff and skills I learn and know have to be useful now and interrelated, otherwise why acquire the knowledge in the first place. They will serve nothing in the future, only passing curiosities.

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    Another one about values from a book from the 1970s I purchased that I think hits spot on: "It is discouraging that recently scientists want to say that science is value-neutral, while indeed they are practicing beautiful personal and social virtues: honesty, accuracy, adventurousness, perserverence, humility, statement in due form, concern for public replication. Their science is rich with these virtues as well as truth, elegance, and possible utility."

    In other words, just like there is no value-free science, there is no value-free socionics; to have an interest in something is to like it, and to like it is to have at least some personal value attached to it - PERIOD. Even if it is for another reason that you like it, then the value-driven purpose just gets pushed back by one iteration. It is simply not possible to like something and have no personal value attached to it. This applies both to nostalgia and an interest in the past, and to futurism and an interest in the future in the same way - and really anything else one is interested in... Sorry, I simply cannot think of any other way around this...

    EDIT: someone's point of view: 'I know this because I am an expert on likes and dislikes.' Take the statement: "A bachelor is an unmarried man." Now suppose someone's argument is that they are a bachelor and married. And I point out that this is impossible, because a bachelor has to be unmarried. Their argument would then be that I know this because I am some kind of 'marriage expert.' Preposterous!
    Last edited by jason_m; 09-06-2020 at 06:39 AM.

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    Aren't you like Raver's brother or something? Your spirit lives within him and in a way people don't ever die. <3

    I can be somewhat nostalgic - but often times when I try to go back to something it's not quite as I remember it. For example I used to like Joss Whedon's style of writing when I was younger but now that I'm older- it's WAY too over the top Fe , even for me. I couldn't even watch that agent of shield show cuz the main bad guy was so cringe-y.

    Some pop culture things in the 80s especially were great, downright magical I think. I also think it has to do with the general thinking of everybody in the time. During a period, there is a time where most people are in a more healthy-ish state of mind to me, more free and artistic and creative and loving and less harsh/negative/punitive or something and this can influence what I think about it. Life in the 80s/90s was often more sadder and more 'emo' and I was down more, but I also was UP more, too, and more genuinely happy - in the 2000s the world's energy got a lot more convoluted and kind of sadistic/stuck. This plays a part to how I feel about things.

    Also it feels there was better writing in the past in some stuff, more subtle and less campy in the bad way- and relied less on shock value, even though stories could still be shocking. And it didn't like masturbate to the villain too much, it didn't glorify the villain as badly. You could still like the bad guy if you wanted to, but I didn't feel like I was 'forced to' like in so many things now. Maybe in a way it was 'too simple' but it also seemed purer and more righteous and deserving of love in a way too, for me. But the ironic thing is my life is better now then it was then- even though people's taste in pop culture stuff was kind of the opposite in tone.

  16. #16 robertcladner84's Avatar
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    Made me think that dropping video gaming,which becoming increasingly nostalgic

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    I knew an LSI-Se guy who was nostalgic. I'm quite nostalgic at times, but my mother isn't and we're both ESI-Fi (she cares more about/likes modernity and doesn't really care about history or her past much other than to not repeat it). Her EIE-Ni youngest brother is often nostalgic and cares deeply about history although he also cares to appear modern. My EIE-Ni father has been nostalgic and his EIE-Ni mother verbalized her childhood in idyllic terms; my mother had the impression that she was acting like someone from another time.

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    Nostalgia is often a sad and strong feeling for me, I try to avoid it and focus on the future. It's associated with lost potential, what could've been in a situation or what was good in a situation that is now lost. At the same time, change is a constant in life, and you end up feeling nostalgic for times where you were already nostalgic, so it doesn't make much sense to pay attention to.

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    I used to get strong feelings of what I think is nostalgia from around 11-14 years old. I think it was because a lot of stuff was happening at that time frame that triggered it. After that, I haven’t felt nostalgic.

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