Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
I feel like men are supposed to play it cool and let thirsty women do most of them work nowadays. It’s usually only unattractive, socially inept men who resort to chasing/“aggressor tactics”
I think the stereotypical interpretation of the "male aggressor style" is becoming less socially acceptable with time for many people. With all the "consent is sexy" stuff and asking permission going on, there's less room made socially for guys who want to be forward with potential partners, and less room socially for women (or others) who prefer an active advance. Asking permission and consent are nice things, but if it has to be as overt as some people want it to be, it's just going to kill sex & romance for some people. I personally like it when guys I like don't ask permission to do stuff. The more impetus they show on their own, the more attractive they are to me.

Sometimes my personal perspective is, "No, because you asked."

I don't think, though, that Se necessarily leads one to be aggressive in the way it's portrayed in Socionics articles.

There were two guys one night that I was attracted to at the club. The first one pursued me enough to get into a conversation and tried to get me back to his place. The second guy leaped off the side wall, and kissed me on the lips as his way of introducing himself to me. I went home with the second guy.