Quote Originally Posted by andreasdevig View Post
Not everyone belongs to your idea of masculinity. People are different. We're all individuals. I, for one, am one of those spiritually effeminate EIIs. I have Se PoLR and all of that. If someone physically attacked me, there would be no happy ending to that. Believe me. I would not be cooler with that person. I would hold a grudge forever, and never be abled to forgive or forget.

It's their body. They have the right to have it remain unharmed. Even if they're assholes, I do believe they have the right to speak their mind without getting beaten up. I do believe in freedom of speech. We can't just punch people just because we don't like what words come out of their mouth.
I even do completely agree with you here.
Also i am not someone who subscribes to traditional masculinity in any way.
Its not about speaking their mind, it was about bullying and suppressing people, publicly humiliating every surrounding that dares to challenge this person in any way, even it is just a subjective whim only to establish some kind of vain 'dominance'.
When you want to behave like this super tough guy who likes to hurt other people for no good reason and to attack the dignity of everyone around only for your own feeling of self importance you deserve everything thats coming to you.
This is not a situation where you have an right to cry and play the victim, if you get a reasonable and even soft rebuff according to the harm you have caused.

Also spiritually effeminate probably tried to describe something else than what you think about.
I like ethicals and am a very soft person myself that could not care less who wants him to act 'manly' and suppress their sensitivity.
It's about having no - and i mean absolutely no - code of honor, responsibility for their own actions and ability to face the consequences. It was meant to describe a person that has about all bad female traits to an extreme degree. Probably simply what comes out when having an ESE with a very bad character, it is not about the gender its about the means a person has to be shitty and as a FeSi those are stereotypically female in their manifestation.