Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I don't know about the "sexual market value", but I am most attracted to a woman when she has some trait that I really admire. Some trait that makes her better than me in some area. That doesn't have to be sexual market value. I think, for me, it's beauty and intelligence, and both of those things are very individualistic.

I remember this one guy commented disparagingly on my first GF's looks when he didn't know we were going together. My reaction was, "How would you like a fist in the face?"*

For example, I can tell when a woman is objectively beautiful, and when I think she is beautiful and desirable, and the two don't overlap much. My ex-wife could look both stunningly, classily beautiful, and she could look mannish and slightly weird. And that's OK. And to those two characteristics (beauty and intelligence) I'm looking for, I've now added "a slightly low key sexuality". A look that says, "Hey, buddy. That door is open to you." But isn't stated explicitly. Rather, it's just thought.

"My hair is pale blond and wavy and I'm pretty. Not beautiful - Praxiteles would not have given me a second look - but real beauty is likely to scare a man off, or else make him quite unmanageable, whereas prettiness, properly handled, is an asset."

- Podkayne of Mars, Robert Heinlein.
Why are you violent? What exactly do you feel punching people in the face is gonna accomplish?