Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
I feel like men are supposed to play it cool and let thirsty women do most of them work nowadays. It’s usually only unattractive, socially inept men who resort to chasing/“aggressor tactics”
Men aren't as a group supposed to do anything. We are each individual people. If you mean societies pressure groups to behave a certain way, well, yes, that can happen, but it's not a great trend to get in line with: you'll not draw people who genuinely fit you as well, and youll get people who don't fit you wondering if they do, and that is wasting your time. Women and men are all finding romance a personal challenge.

Gulenko did a craptastic job describing the romance styles. I'm not sure whether you're talking about those. If you are, disregard the creepy comparisons and just read for the dynamics and actual traits.

Confidence is the most attractive trait a woman can have according to a large study on men, and the same result was found about a trait men coud have when women were studied.