Nah it's just obviously, a tall and (objectively) physically attractive man can get away with being more sexually aggressive whereas an uglier man cannot. But truly objectively handsome males don't do creepy things like that to offend women anyway, it's usually warthogs like Harvey Fierstein who do that type of stuff. So they are allowed to both 'play it cool' and be more forward. Of course it's unfair and cruel =/ but... that's life?

Also INFp women are like your very generic female based type woman. An INFp male is ultra 'weird' and an INFp female is ultra normie. Society pays attention to an INFp female being fucked by an ESTp male so much because it's easy to pay attention to it the same way it's easy to pay attention to a skinned knee. It's not the only type of relationship tho (even tho its probably the relationship that started it all in a primitive sense, heterosexually speaking)