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Thread: Bestow Judgement Upon Thee (Questionnaire)

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    Tzuyu's Avatar
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    @Nymphaeales Thanks! I like you're avatar and username, very chic

    Sorry about the video guys It's probably weird to normal people but I'm a bit camera-phobic, it makes me very nervous and I hate myself for being such a pussy but it is very difficult for me.

    About EII, I used to type as that because I vibed with feeling like belonging to a small quiet contained bit of the universe and feeling like the "world", people, events, happened to just pass by, an outsider looking in. Feeling a bit invisible and "boring" I suppose. But I came to the realization that my Fi is god-fucking-awful. Some EIIs could be considered as having poor people skills because they're uncharismatic, unlikely to work a room, not super gregarious and poor banter, but I think all EIIs are quite skilled interpersonally. They have a quiet emotional strength and are a comforting, soothing presence. They have a great connection with their inner spirit and living their life by their values. I offend people, sometimes even my close friends, too much to comfortably be a Fi god honestly. With Fi people it's usually sexual jokes, being awkward and cold when someone is in distress, and not obeying certain etiquette like being honest about disliking certain foods instead of "lying". With Fe peeps it's even worse because they judge my facial expressions when I have no conscious control over them, and it feels your mode of existence is wrong. I suck ass at banter, tone control, and catching people when they're acting "off". I used to spend hours just staring at a mirror and practice smiling good, but it just made me feel gross and miserable and misanthropic inside. I never did get better at photogenic smiles

    ILI is more tricky. Also used to type this because the description on outward behaviour was dead on. Slightly monotone, sleepy lethargic movements, and spending great times on the internet. Not really caring about minor stuff like messy hair and a preference for dressing comfortably even if it made me look like a grandpa. The Ni never vibed with me but it never felt completely wrong either. For some reason Se was a complete turn-off. Not just the theoretical blah blah descriptions, but in real life my best friends are 70% Delta, 20% Alpha, and maybe 10% Gamma. The only Se people I have ever gotten great with are SEE. Even then I find their Se kind of tacky, dunno.

    What do you guys think of SLI-Te? I'm not looking for validation, in fact the opposite. Is there anything glaringly wrong about thinking ISTp? Maybe I'm a suppppper obvious closeted SLE or some shit. I know your occultist lesbian semi-autistic freak isn't an average Delta ST, but fuck it whatever.

    *also filled out the questionnaire a couple months ago when i was having a "socionics is a lie none of these descriptions fucking fit me" mental crisis. at the time didn't have any type bias, to be clear. dug it up recently
    Last edited by Tzuyu; 08-03-2020 at 05:30 AM.

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