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Thread: Si egos protected from physical pain?

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    Default Si egos protected from physical pain?

    I've personally always felt rather protected from physical pain in life. There is always a way around it, and that may include prescription drugs. I don't fear dying in intense physical pain (like from cancer) because I know how many drugs are out there and I know opiods in particular knock out all my receptors. It doesn't take much. A tiny bit of a substance has a large effect. But it's also my mind. It finds a way to stop feeling physical pain when it's too intense. It's like one of the few secure feelings I have, that the world will hold me when I'm in physical pain, and it will save me from that pain. My psychological pain OTH has no savior. I must suffer constantly all day, every hour. That hurt is constant in my reality.

    It's basically if I'm suffering physically "God" will come to save me. If I'm suffering psychologically I'm alone. No one, no god, no human can ever help. The darkness of the universe screams in my head, and I feel it. So all the people suffering inside psychologically, I feel for them too. We all hurt so much. And it breaks my heart. I want to save, but I can't even save myself, so I can't do anything but suffer as well.

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    In indirect sense.
    Si type makes to pay _more attention_ on sensations. So such people make more efforts to be protected from negative sensations. They think and care more about the health and good body state, having higher interest may know more about that.

    To force yourself to do something while having negative sensations - Se ego should be best.
    If to take the presense of a pain in the consciousness - it's not clear. Mb strong S allows to control better own attention on sensations - to arise and to supress sensations in the consciousness when a human wants. Meanwhile, N types have better skills to concentrate on an imagination and such to supress any sensations in the consciousness.
    Last edited by Sol; 07-26-2020 at 09:06 PM.

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    I have a bad body state and don't feel/know my body because i'm too afraid of what it could tell me. I fear it will tell me i will die soon, so i'm too afraid to look. also I was a hypochondriac when i tried to pay attention to it. i couldn't in good conscience waste the time of others on something i was being delusional about, so i stopped looking for an answer. but still i feel there is always some entity to take me away when there is physical pain. it could be as simple as when my wisdom teeth were impacted and pulled it hurt so bad, i couldn't blot it out, but the dentist that did the procedure was incredibly sexist and thought i would be too hysterical so he prescribed me really strong opiods. i wanted to fight him, but what he did became a blessing, it saved me. it always works out this way, in my mind or outside of it. i'm safe from physical pain just as i'm safe from dying in a falling elevator. there are some things i am granted. but reprieve from psychological pain isn't one of those things.

    but that's kind of a tangent to my initial post. the initial post was about balancing it inside the mind, finding a place safe from it. that didn't work in the wisdom teeth example as i didn't want to take those opiods but i was screaming out loud because it hurt so bad, so i took the pill. but it connected me again with the part inside myself that can have a say on physical pain. the suffering of just existing as a person in the universe OTH has nothing to save it. it's alone in the cold like everything else.

  4. #4
    I say brilliant things sporadically BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I've personally always felt rather protected from physical pain in life. There is always a way around it, and that may include prescription drugs. I don't fear dying in intense physical pain (like from cancer) because I know how many drugs are out there and I know opiods in particular knock out all my receptors. It doesn't take much. A tiny bit of a substance has a large effect. But it's also my mind. It finds a way to stop feeling physical pain when it's too intense. It's like one of the few secure feelings I have, that the world will hold me when I'm in physical pain, and it will save me from that pain. My psychological pain OTH has no savior. I must suffer constantly all day, every hour. That hurt is constant in my reality.

    It's basically if I'm suffering physically "God" will come to save me. If I'm suffering psychologically I'm alone. No one, no god, no human can ever help. The darkness of the universe screams in my head, and I feel it. So all the people suffering inside psychologically, I feel for them too. We all hurt so much. And it breaks my heart. I want to save, but I can't even save myself, so I can't do anything but suffer as well.
    I don't think so. You could die alone in a forest half eaten by wolves

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    I would say that being aware of pain killers is not an Si ego thing, anybody can use them and think about pain in this way.

    You might want to look at dissociation as well:

    It basically says that during times of trauma your mind is capable of removing or detaching you from your body and the experience. Anybody can experience it, and it could probably lead to reduced sensations as a whole.

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    Even though I made fun of him in my book, Eckhart Tolle kind of talked a lot about that before. Males are ego/ideals/mind-based whereas the female reality is often one that is very physical. ("Father sky and Mother earth in the campiest of examples lol") So much so where you just get super used to it the same way you get used to the temperature of water by being inside it. And it is also mixed in with super ego notions that society in the 'God' way are more likely to overly protect you being in physical pain than they would me. I think thinking of 'God' as positive society super ego is a good way to describe God. It seems like when people talk about 'God' that's all they are really saying most of the time to me, anyway. (and likewise it seems to me the most people who have the most kinship with 'God' seem to me either the most protected by society super ego stuff in general or so outcasted from it that they have no choice but to believe in the opposite)

    So yeah I think it is a mixture of a Si thing and you really identifying as female. And I know it might piss you off when I put a pretty ribbon on things or put a positive spin on things too much (cuz I'm male yang energy ? lol) but I think you DO save people enough already. <3 You don't just suffer in the shadows, or maybe it's more like your suffering enables you to sift through your own shadows enough to truly do the right thing whereas most people are just behaving more out of a false sense of righteousness... but just remember that vice signaling gets as annoying as virtue signaling does after awhile. (well maybe not AS bad but still pretty bad?)

  7. #7
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I've personally always felt rather protected from physical pain in life. There is always a way around it, and that may include prescription drugs. I don't fear dying in intense physical pain (like from cancer) because I know how many drugs are out there and I know opiods in particular knock out all my receptors. It doesn't take much. A tiny bit of a substance has a large effect. But it's also my mind. It finds a way to stop feeling physical pain when it's too intense. It's like one of the few secure feelings I have, that the world will hold me when I'm in physical pain, and it will save me from that pain. My psychological pain OTH has no savior. I must suffer constantly all day, every hour. That hurt is constant in my reality.

    It's basically if I'm suffering physically "God" will come to save me. If I'm suffering psychologically I'm alone. No one, no god, no human can ever help. The darkness of the universe screams in my head, and I feel it. So all the people suffering inside psychologically, I feel for them too. We all hurt so much. And it breaks my heart. I want to save, but I can't even save myself, so I can't do anything but suffer as well.
    If any function could be said to experience pain, that's Si.

    but some of the stuff you said could be related to other things.

    As an Si base I try to avoid all pain and discomfort, but I am very confident sensing my internal state, no big deal. But that's not the same as handling pain.

    There is always a way around it,
    this sounds like intuition. Maybe you are Ni type?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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