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Thread: SEE and ESI mirror relations

  1. #1
    Surreal's Avatar
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    Question SEE and ESI mirror relations

    Has anyone seen a couple like this? What was it like?

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I know a female ESI who has an SEE father. He was always taking pictures and videos of her and posting them on his social media page.* The ESI became a women’s self-defense / martial arts instructor and only sleeps with women.

    When I visited her, she asked me if I could advise her father on how to start a real business, because he was composing and playing music at local parties and wasn’t really making any money. His wife supported the family. The ESI seemed really frustrated with her SEE father, as if his failure to make money placed the ESI in the position of the adult and him in the position of an irresponsible child.

    The ESI’s parents have since divorced and the ESI seems to be completely estranged from her SEE father.


    I am reminded of SEE Trump’s comments about his daughter, Ivanka. “If she wasn’t my daughter, I’d probably date her.”

    Definitely an example of unhealthy and misplaced sexual aggression.

    When the ESI last visited me, her face was turning from an ESI-Se to an ESI-Fi and I asked her if I could take a picture of her. I’m visually oriented and I like to collect pictures of people for records of VI’ing. She instantly flashed an expression of fear, revulsion, and dismay before getting herself under control and telling me “No.”
    At the time, this really surprised me, but now I think I know what happened.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-26-2020 at 01:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    They seem to be congenial enough in public and often exchange glances of mutual understanding. Their understandings of the world can be uncannily similar; however, they don't seem to communicate that well with one another - perhaps because they're usually polar opposite on what should be done. They're rarely on the same path but when they are, they tend to stand in each other's way so both tend to view the other as somewhat incompetent or naive. There's an old saying that likely applies to mirrors: "familiarity breeds contempt".

    a.k.a. I/O

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