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Thread: Spotting the types on dating apps!

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    I learned that I am an emotionally avoidant mofo. And when I really want to I can get inside certain guy's minds. I have had countless men tell me within a matter of a few hours how strong of a connection they feel with me and then I run away like a scared little shit. Maybe they were just trying to fuck me but it seemed they like felt empty and I was providing them an emotional drug.

    The weird thing is that my EIE male friend has a similar effect on emotionally vulnerable women but on steroids.
    This is very interesting, @Stance. It's a good thing that LSI's have very, very narrow filters on what they allow as input into their heads.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Can you explain that to me?
    LSI's run on pure system logic. Everything has to fit together before they will accept it as true. And they are looking for socially generous people who are easy extroverts.

    If you meet an LSI, the easiest way to get along with them is to tell them the truth in all things. Be completely up front about who you are and what you do. If you are a crack-smoking drug addict with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery, say so. They won't believe you, of course, and they will constantly question you and fact-check your story, but if you absolutely never lie to them, you will gain their respect and some trust. They have an amazing ability to not pass judgement on you, but they really, really do pass judgment on the reliability of your information.

    The "logically fitting together" part is what they do when you tell them something. They consider it and see if it fits into a likely scenario. If it does not, or if your story has any inconsistencies, then you might find your freedoms around them restricted.*

    LSI's basically filter facts, and only allow the ones that fit into their internal structures to add to those structures. If you tell them that the sky is green, that just doesn't get in, and you're not so much stupid as you are a source of unreliable data, and therefore are of little use to them.

    *I know a male EIE who married a female LSI technical writer. The EIE has been living off his parents all his life and is fantastic at emotional manipulation. I mean, I like the guy, but he's not using his powers for good.
    After he was married for a while, I guess he felt like his wife wasn't enough or something and he cheated on her with this HS ex-GF who was just a routine deed, and then after lying about it, he told his wife what happened. He probably thought he'd get some drama, some excitement, and then he'd lay on the emotional stuff and everything would be good again and he'd have some affirmation that he was wanted. That's not how it played out.
    She kicked him out.
    He begged to come back.
    She told him to get fucked, she was totally done with him.
    He complained about the situation to everyone he and she knows. It doesn't matter. She's done, and he's fucked.
    Let me just say that he's probably never going to find someone like her, ever again.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-10-2020 at 12:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Oh hell no. My ex was pure hell because of this and it turned out he was lying to me/left out the extent of the shit he did to his exes for most of the relationship until after the fact. The more honest I tried to be, the more controlling he tried to be. And then I bullshitted him because I couldn't respect him or take him seriously as a man after that. His logic was based on his emotions...nutty.

    But if a LSI can just understand my perceptions change and I am blunt, I wouldn't mind being an open book... just don't blow up at me and interrogate me if you're hiding shit yourself.
    Everyone's logic is based on their emotions.

    But I think I have seen what you are describing. When I first met the second LSI, she told me some pretty unlikely stories, which I just ignored. Eventually, as I was consistently truthful and she came to trust me a bit more, the stories were repeated and they had a kernel of truth but had less dramatic spin.
    I chalked it up to her not being Dualized and needing more drama in her life. She'd had a crappy life, but was emotionally fairly healthy.

    But your perspective on this is also good. And yes, LSI's can be super-controlling. It's something that I, as an e8, find very avoidable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    In my situation, the details became more unnerving as we got further along. He got violent with someone else TWO MONTHS IN and found a way to put the blame on me and somehow expected us to be emotionally close. As much as I tried, I couldn't trust him to be logical and stable after that point.
    The more I read about the types, the harder it is for me to generalize behavior, because it varies so much with health levels.

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