Quote Originally Posted by calm View Post
Ok, I got better at this. Here's what I've been doing
Step one:

I ask myself "Am I attracted to this person physically?" Because dual or not, it won't work if the answer is no
Step two:
The bio. Can be hit or miss but sometimes it gives me an idea of what the person is about. For SEE, I look for hella social media promo, YOLO rhetoric, and I can usually tell if someone is intuitive (especially Ne) based on what they put in there. Then again SEEs are known to parrot shit other people say to look smart or insightful, whatever. So I keep an open mind.
Step three, but sometimes two:
I VI the photos as best I can. Is this person dressed for comfort like an Si user? (Tasteful, understated, comfort for the high Si, disheveled/mismatched/quirky for the low Si)
Or is this person dressed to impress like an Se user? (bright colors, flashy, eccentric outfits, graphic tees) (Effortless and well put together like high Se, or basic, lackluster, forced, or inconsistent though dressed with more consideration than childlike si, like low Se)
Does this person have on a flannel shirt? Instant left swipe. I avoid my benefactor like the plague.

If all else fails, but I'm physically attracted to them, I'll just match with them and observe how they talk to me. SEEs are not afraid to use innuendo and be borderline crass. They also use popular slang more often than Si users, especially SJs. They come across as energetic, use emojis, give compliments, and I don't feel the need to carry the conversation. I can give one word replies and they will move the conversation along for me (what a relief).
The more you match with and speak to, the more familiar they become.
And smile. ESFP have the brightest smiles