"Someone who encourages and motivates you to succeed and accomplish your goals and aspirations; someone who stimulates you to action." <== major problem of mine. I often lack the motivation or simply lack meaning in life, no idea what "road" to go down on or wtf to do. If I go outside to do stuff I get bored and demotivated. Kinda lost.

"Someone who helps make you comfortable and can provide positive sensory stimuli for you such as good food or comfortable surroundings." <== I think I can effortlessly do this myself / has never been a problem. I'm messy and disorganized tho. Never in my life did I ever doubt my ability to produce delicious food, not even the first time I was tall enough to use the stove. Making food always relaxes me. creating a comfy environment isn't really a problem either.


Chiken wings.. >) who needs a SEI, not me.

Mushrooms with onion and cheese, potatoes, leavened cucumber (idk how to translate this)

Mici (3 types of meat, seasoning an other stuff, kind of a Romanian secret recipe >) )