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Thread: How to spot an SLE

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    Comparison types appear very similar because the lead function runs the show. It’s not until the lead function gives commands that makes the demo cater to the lead by giving support to the creative. In another words, demo executes the will of the lead but for creative’s reasons. That sort of equation is not readily visible to outsiders so that’s why it takes awhile to register which type is which until further examining the person to get a better understanding. This is why I’m against visual typing. You won’t know who you’re dealing with based off looks alone.

    A lot of people think I “look” SEE when I’m joking around and socializing with people. In reality, that shit tires me out lol and I only make quickie social appearances to show that I’m present and I’m doing what’s socially expected of me. But after that’s accomplished, I’m basically chilling in the back. Granted I’m a social antisocial, but most SLEs do what’s little required of Fe. Mob function works in small doses and for limited time, too much usage of it explodes in your face. Contrast, I’ve watched my SEE friends tirelessly mingle and be the life of the party. I know why and they know why they “put on a show” but others don’t actually know why. SEE’s demo Fe is naturally stronk so it can rival any Fe lead, but it’s specifically purposeful to assist Fi creative function. SEE mingles to create close connections, meet business relations, etc. It’s not done to keep the atmospheric mood going. SEE don’t give a shit about that. Most of my SEE friends actually prefer to stay home and read a book or they’ll call me up to talk. Even my SEE acquaintances prefer to specifically interact with a small few. Demo function fools the audience because it comes out so strong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Comparison types appear very similar because the lead function runs the show. It’s not until the lead function gives commands that makes the demo cater to the lead by giving support to the creative. In another words, demo executes the will of the lead but for creative’s reasons. That sort of equation is not readily visible to outsiders so that’s why it takes awhile to register which type is which until further examining the person to get a better understanding. This is why I’m against visual typing. You won’t know who you’re dealing with based off looks alone.

    Most of my SEE friends actually prefer to stay home and read a book or they’ll call me up to talk. Even my SEE acquaintances prefer to specifically interact with a small few. Demo function fools the audience because it comes out so strong.

    Yeah. I get that. I thought for years that I was weird because I didn't wanna socialise all the time or be expressive, but I realised that 95% of Socionics descriptions are bull or oversensationalised. Or translated wrongly/weirdly. In all honesty, I could stay at home and produce music/watch videos all day as opposed to go party, but when I have to party/make connections, I go for it. I'll get what I want from it connection wise. I make an impression. I start things and the ExEs continue the chaos. I'm getting better at keeping things going. Much better than I was before, to be honest.
    Last edited by DEAD; 09-29-2020 at 06:12 AM. Reason: can't quote, lol.

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    Mos def. Every SEE I’ve ever met have told me the same thing, “Why does everyone act like I’m an airheaded party animal? I don’t even really have fun at the parties.” I get pissed off of the stereotypical nonsense that Se leads are wild, crazy, and loud. SEE is “wild” cuz they’re fiercely individualistic and SLE is “crazy” because they want to dominate and enforce their dominance in every environment. SEE is “loud” because they dress boldly to express themselves. SLE is “loud” because they speak with forceful assurance. That don’t translate to being power hungry, mindless fuckers. Se leads are very serious about what they do, even if the world sees otherwise. Just because our motivations aren’t readily understood by others don’t mean that we live for our projected image. No, we live for our desires.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Mos def. Every SEE I’ve ever met have told me the same thing, “Why does everyone act like I’m an airheaded party animal? I don’t even really have fun at the parties.” I get pissed off of the stereotypical nonsense that Se leads are wild, crazy, and loud. SEE is “wild” cuz they’re fiercely individualistic and SLE is “crazy” because they want to dominate and enforce their dominance in every environment. SEE is “loud” because they dress boldly to express themselves. SLE is “loud” because they speak with forceful assurance. That don’t translate to being power hungry, mindless fuckers. Se leads are very serious about what they do, even if the world sees otherwise. Just because our motivations aren’t readily understood by others don’t mean that we live for our projected image. No, we live for our desires.
    Yea, of course. I tend to get kinda pissy when people want to tell me how to dress. I literally have torn my Mum apart and fought with her over the years about this. So what if I want to wear a black shirt one day, pink the next and then something blue with khaki shorts. Just because it doesn't fit her idealistic mold of what she thinks is "acceptable". I also like to make music and sometimes write to expresss myself too. I'm an artist (idc if that sounds corny) and I take it seriously. I love it. It's my passion and I want to also make money from it.

    I think I also come across to others as "aggressive, simple and animalistic" because I'm not concocting a baseless theory or balls deep in logic, but that's not the case. I just function different and am content with not overcomplicating things and just doing them in the moment. Fulfilling the goals and desires that I want to. Overcomplication drives me mad. If I want something, I get it. If I wanna do something, I do it, you know? I can spend hours on one thing, then I can move on. It just depends what arises for me that day.

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    Creative function changes, either contracting or expanding in reference to their lead function. Creative Fi to Se base is visceral and comes off almost like barebones straightforward. You do what you feel that resonates closely to you at the moment. If it doesn’t resonate with you, why would you give a fuck about that?
    Creative Ti to Se base is harder to pinpoint because the very nature of Ti is abstract as in logical abstraction. You cannot teach someone how to Ti. The logical connections that Ti makes isn’t visible so SLE tend to come off black/white because they’re more comfortable with ideological absolutes. I don’t like to say it but I’m very black/white (even one of my LSI ex’s said my black/white thinking can be hard for him to deal with). I don’t give a fuck about the “grey area.” Exceptions don’t invalidate the rule. I’ll gladly update information if it makes logical sense, but if it don’t, I don’t give a fuck.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Creative function changes, either contracting or expanding in reference to their lead function. Creative Fi to Se base is visceral and comes off almost like barebones straightforward. You do what you feel that resonates closely to you at the moment. If it doesn’t resonate with you, why would you give a fuck about that?
    Creative Ti to Se base is harder to pinpoint because the very nature of Ti is abstract as in logical abstraction. You cannot teach someone how to Ti. The logical connections that Ti makes isn’t visible so SLE tend to come off black/white because they’re more comfortable with ideological absolutes. I don’t like to say it but I’m very black/white (even one of my LSI ex’s said my black/white thinking can be hard for him to deal with). I don’t give a fuck about the “grey area.” Exceptions don’t invalidate the rule. I’ll gladly update information if it makes logical sense, but if it don’t, I don’t give a fuck.
    Yeah. For me, I think that if I over complicate things or I try to think about them too much, it pisses me off. Either I do it, or I don’t. Yeah. If I’m not connected, it’s out the window. Forget it. I used to get in trouble for that, but it’s how I function. Too bad. Like, other people function different and they don’t get in trouble for it because it’s “more acceptable” but why should I if it’s how my brain is hard wired?

    I’ve been told that “making connections” is Socionics Ti, but that would depend on the quality of the connections and if they are logical connections or not, right? I was in this group with like a bunch of Ti base/Ti creative typists and I think my thinking really annoyed them, because they stuck to the system too closely and didn’t give it much leeway.

    My issue with Ti is if people stick to it too rigidly. I don’t care if people use it. I have no problem with that, but it’s when they refuse to update information and are stubborn about it. I’m always updating information in my mind about the world around me and about the things I like.

    I think that if people refuse to adapt to a point, they deserve to be left behind. Everything’s constantly evolving and changing.

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    Ti is basically common sense that’s been derived from logical consistency. Of course your mentality would piss off Ti egos. That’s the main thing that pisses me off when dealing with Ti PoLR is they’re stubborn and don’t want to hear about the reasons for why something is the way it is. Just because circumstances change doesn’t mean that logic changes either. There’s still irrefutable framework that has to be enforced otherwise we just go back to living in caves. Logic isn’t something that should be carelessly thrown around or altered. If you have no structure, you have no framework to refer to, nothing to enforce, nothing to live by. All you have is unfiltered, arbitrary emotions which changes on a whim. That’s disastrous and unstable. If you don’t play by the rules, you don’t get the protection of the rules neither. “Oh you don’t like it, well fuck your feelings.” That’s a Beta ST sentiment. Just because you want to be the exception to the rule don’t mean you can destroy the rule. Ti PoLR make the mistake that they live above or outside of the laws. Reality check: no one does.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Maybe, maybe not inspired from the IEI-Fe thread.
    It would be really cool if you could do it with subtypes too.

    There's an SLE I've known (not on a personal basis) for many years, and I used to faintly admire her, but for some reason I simply never thought about her type and realized she's an SLE before recently. I've been told she's somewhat interested in me. apparently I am "socially interesting" because when she talks with me it's engaging and I actually have a personality, whatever that means for her. when i heard that I was surprised because the one time we did talk more personally I thought she was bored out of her mind. apparently she doesn't know how to approach me. neither of us know how to bridge the gap I guess.
    I'm going to maybe ask my ILE friend who's close with her if she can organize something with the 3 of us this summer. I keep forgetting to do it though.. or procrastinating.

    Anyway, my one experience with duality was all the way back in middle school when I was best friends with an SLE. One day her mom brought her to my house and my mom told us "play" and that was that. now that I'm older it's a bit more complicated, lol.
    Although at the time I complained to my diary she was selfish and spoiled (never "mean", hm) and at the time my mom commented that she was always very possessive of me, once I moved away I always missed her very much. Now, I complain that I have nobody who actually forces me to do stupid stuff with them anymore. I bet she loved that I'd always play whatever random game she thought of. Seriously, it was just, Her: hey, we're doing this Me: ok. I've never been as physically fit again as I was when I was friends with her.
    Paraphrase from my diary: "she told me I'm a really good friend, but I don't understand why she thinks that because I'm so boring." I think she just liked having a companion with whom there was no drama. After I left her mom said that she had trouble fitting in with the other girls who just wanted to talk and gossip. She was always just vibrating to go do something. Sidenote, definitely a pronounced Se-subtype (going by memory). Ah, I'm being sentimental and missing her again.

    Back to the subject. my hypothesis is that I confuse EIE with SLE (again, we're talking from at a distance, because do I actually go up to people and talk to them, particularly if they're extroverted and confident? of course not.)

    Yahhh so how do you spot an SLE? Particularly male because I may or may not want to kidnap one for myself (jk I'll just stay in my cave until the end of time)
    In all seriousness, I'm mostly asking just for food for thought because I'm mostly stuck at home right now anyways. and have only been socializing like once a week (sometimes twice!!!) with the same 7 people.

    PS I put the glasses post icon because it's supposed to be the Super-Glasses That See People's Type
    lol your post is so relatable, I thought back to my childhood/teenager years with IEI friends and to the IEI boyfriend I had

    I've also been called "a bit selfish but I like that in you", I've also been told I don't seem to have any meanness in me 99% of the time.

    Yes I sometimes would just click with the IEIs in the right moment and then sometimes would just not know how to approach them, yeah, not sure what that depends on lol.

    Lol alot of the rest of your post is really so relatable too, this was a good read & memories lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Yup. SLE are normal, regular people. I don’t like to admit it, but SLEs are black/white thinkers. There’s some slight room for accommodating new/updated information but ultimately there isn’t shifting going on cuz... there’s no reason to. The stereotypical redneck southern gun toting dude is (sadly) SLE. I’ve met my male counterpart as criminal prosecution attorneys while I was interning. Pretty sure the guy who helped retrieve my iPhone when I got attacked and mugged was also SLE. Very forceful and he showed up in court to testify for me. He told me he was so livid that such a lowlife scum attacked a girl. He felt like I was a strong person and asked how I was holding up, asked me if I was going to the gym (we went to the same gym). I had PTSD as a result and got a bunch of drugs after that. Ahhhhh... life an SLE isn’t all thrills
    lol idk if it's me being female but I'd like to think that I'm more intelligent with more discernment than a redneck lol

    But you're right about the black and white thinking when that's needed for taking action, people don't realise it's absolutely necessary

    And yeah, slight room for the accommodation of the new/updated information, I liked your way of putting it but again I'd like to think of myself as being able to take in the new info whenever needed lol

    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Creative function changes, either contracting or expanding in reference to their lead function. Creative Fi to Se base is visceral and comes off almost like barebones straightforward. You do what you feel that resonates closely to you at the moment. If it doesn’t resonate with you, why would you give a fuck about that?
    Creative Ti to Se base is harder to pinpoint because the very nature of Ti is abstract as in logical abstraction. You cannot teach someone how to Ti. The logical connections that Ti makes isn’t visible so SLE tend to come off black/white because they’re more comfortable with ideological absolutes. I don’t like to say it but I’m very black/white (even one of my LSI ex’s said my black/white thinking can be hard for him to deal with). I don’t give a fuck about the “grey area.” Exceptions don’t invalidate the rule. I’ll gladly update information if it makes logical sense, but if it don’t, I don’t give a fuck.
    xLE are actually supposed to be good at explaining in an explicit manner and supposedly they like to explain for hours...

    Your last sentences are refreshing after me having had to deal with some people who insist too much on the grey crap, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by seare825 View Post
    How do you differentiate Te commands and Se commands? I've noticed that I've been able to find extroverted STs very easily, but I can't differentiate between an Se command or a Te command - I know both are fairly forceful, both tend to be fairly possessive, and there's very much a clear cut response by their respective duals (EIIs ignore instructions and do what they want anyways when commanded, and IEIs tend to slip into an advisory role and subtly guide SLEs to what they want in the end), but it's hard to decide whether the command I'm being given is an Se thing or a Te thing? Also, how do you generally differentiate between those quasi identicals and SEEs?
    Really don't try to figure out if it is Se or Te... you need to know without Socionics whether you are okay with the "command", lol

    There's nothing mystical about any of this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    @grumpyvic81 glad u enjoyed =)

    SLEs explain things perfectly for me lol.

    For example, towards the beginning of the pandemic, I complained that my face mask was too big and had holes on the sides, and that shouldn't they be airtight?? (in my mind, shouldn't all spots be perfectly sealed, since air is wiggly. but then everyone seems to ignore it since everyone has holes so why am i the only one thinking about that.. but that ignores the fact that the mask itself doesn't block everything anyway..)
    Then, in a single sentence, SLE casually says-- not even viewing it as an explanation but just was an offhand comment before continuing onto something else-- "well the point is that it blocks most of what's coming directly in front of you" (i forget what she said exactly.. prob more clear than that) I was distinctly hit like, Oh. and then a smaller oh, when i realized i had been annoyed to begin with about this little thing that didn't seem to line up. and i think a little light shined from above.
    Interesting anecdote lol. It sounds like you really need spatial infos.

    Yeah the cloth masks are just to help with avoiding people sneezing/coughing directly on you/preventing you from doing that to others. The smaller aerosol shit they don't block out, and in the most quoted scientific studies they always used masks that do block those too, but the generic cloth masks are still good at least for that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Spatial infos?
    Spatial information (supposed to be Se stuff, lol)

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    That video of him shows Se lead more clearly. He’s telling them that they train fighting for years (Se lead) and should competitively fight. It doesn’t matter what area they fight in as long as they compete (Te demo sees the end goal). “If you can’t make it to training 8am, go to 9am, 9:30am.” That’s flexible, creative Ti saying that you have to keep up the discipline by training consistently but you don’t have to be so regimented that it’s always the same time.

    I saw a giant billboard of him in Vegas for his upcoming fight against Gaethje. For sure that’s to be an awesome show!

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    Default How to spot an SLE

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    lol idk if it's me being female but I'd like to think that I'm more intelligent with more discernment than a redneck lol
    I’m female, too. Lol you thought I was a dude? I separate myself away from rednecks but if it boils down to core values and views, I tend to agree with them as opposed to city folks (although I quietly agree because I don’t want attention drawn on me). Besides, in the pool of rednecks, it’s mostly Si types. The gun toting aggressive nationalist rednecks are the Se types.

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    But you're right about the black and white thinking when that's needed for taking action, people don't realise it's absolutely necessary
    Mos def. That’s because quick decision is based on efficient assortment of information. Shoot first, ask later (maybe).

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    And yeah, slight room for the accommodation of the new/updated information, I liked your way of putting it but again I'd like to think of myself as being able to take in the new info whenever needed lol
    Resourcefulness, Ti in service of Se.

    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    xLE are actually supposed to be good at explaining in an explicit manner and supposedly they like to explain for hours...

    Your last sentences are refreshing after me having had to deal with some people who insist too much on the grey area crap.
    Yes, but for different reasons. ILE like to explain because it’s their way of piecing information together due to Ne perceiving info. like pieces of a puzzle with the goal to inform others for the sake of discussion/bouncing ideas around. Whereas, SLE explain things to inform others but do it in a definite, forceful manner in order to establish their Se dominance and make quick decisions. Se wants to cut the crap and get down to what is, whereas Ne is concerned with what could be. Both long-winded because of Ti creative.

    Yeah, I hate grey area shit, uninteresting and waste of time. Dealing with the known is always better than unknown.
    Last edited by Lolita; 10-10-2020 at 12:27 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    I’m female, too. Lol you thought I was a dude? I separate myself away from rednecks but if it boils down to core values and views, I tend to agree with them as opposed to city folks (although I quietly agree because I don’t want attention drawn on me). Besides, in the pool of rednecks, it’s mostly Si types. The gun toting aggressive nationalist rednecks are the Se types.
    No, no, I figured you were a girl lol, you were referring to rednecks and that's why I mentioned that.

    Yeah, I hate grey area shit, uninteresting and waste of time. Dealing with the known is always better than unknown.
    I'm glad we don't need to be PC here lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    No, no, I figured you were a girl lol, you were referring to rednecks and that's why I mentioned that.

    I'm glad we don't need to be PC here lol
    Lol probably only gotta be PC around Fi and Ni types.

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    SLE observations
    Constipated smile in photos, sometimes looks like peter griffin smile :L, the smile doesn't reach the eyes
    Handsome eyebrows, piercing look to the eyes (similar to ILE physiognomy)
    Usually broad shoulders, big calves, casual branded sports clothes
    Has unexpected bursts of seeming flamboyant (overtly enthusiastic) while talking
    Make things simpler rather than more complex. They are like a full stop •
    Abrupt and jerky movements like a dog. Sometimes their head is tilting around a lot like they have an eye on the back of their head trying to see around
    More talkative in a group, can be silent and not know what to say one on one, unless you carry the conversation or think of questions to ask them
    Asks you a question, you answer, they respond with "Ok" or "Ok, that's fine.", they don't prod eternally with, "You sure?" (like SEE)

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    If you cannot spot an SLE in the first 0.2 seconds of being around one then just quit Socionics. It's not for you.

  20. #60
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    SLEs appear to share a common trait of saying inflammatory sh*t just to get people riled up. Offending the easily offended is a game to them. A competitive streak is also noticeable and they aren't shy about touting their accomplishments or showing off in a rather obvious way, in general. They remind me of dogs, personally, in their overall vibes.

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    Based on Se subtype mostly as I lack data on Ti sub and not always applicable of course but here it goes:

    Strong facial features (think Hercules in Disney's film) for both men and women
    Some overlap between SLE and EIE in static images
    They can sprawl when they sit down or lie down.
    Something I've come to call ‘Beta pigmentation’ @Yesein touches upon that perception with the ‘eyebrows’ comment, but it’s also probably about Se and Fe valuing in the eyes that complete the image. (The whole of beta seems to have a pleasant liveliness to their faces in the eyes of other intraquadra memebers. Deltas seem strangely greyish even if they look nice. I suppose to Delta, Betas must look like oversaturated ugly peacocks).
    Sort of domineering in relationships but in the ‘cool’ and social oriented way (at least most of the time). In contrast, ESIs are also agressors but their brand might be perceived as callousness by Betas. And I’ll avoid the gendered expectations so let’s say that two women in a relationship, the SLE women will grope and squeeze with more enthusiasm regardless of which one initiated contact. A bit more bold and if an element of fantasy or playfulness is involved, the SLE will manage to magically land themselves the more dominant role.
    I'd venture that there's a link between some nervous energy in SLE and outward manifestations. It can be jerky movements as mentioned but I've also seen them get sweaty hands when nervous. And I'm not talking just one person.
    Last edited by Rusal; 03-30-2021 at 01:40 AM. Reason: Corrected subtypes
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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    They remind me of dogs, personally, in their overall vibes.
    Throw anything, they will fetch. Sometimes their hormonal overdrive is just too much so remember to castrate them in time.
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    So people call me robotic, this guy is a machine. Holy heck. Greatest worker ever. Has a tendency to blow up over little stuff, but I know he doesn't take it seriously because socionics says he doesn't. Pattern is extreme anger, which makes me uncomfortable, but he's just stating his frustration, then leaving me alone. Real easy to see. Just be quick about fixing it. Values your ability to run around like a mad man, and will correct you if you are wrong. Does not actually value you running around like a mad man, and does not consider working hard running around like a mad man, because they work orderly as heck. Uses structure to figure out patterns of behavior and uses them to choose action.

    Note, Gulenko probably thinks this is SEE. Fair if it is. IDK.

    My main example is a racist trump supporter. We work well together, but, he's the one person I feel uncomfortable discussing politics with. Probably would go okay, but no. Please god no.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alomoes View Post
    So people call me robotic, this guy is a machine. Holy heck. Greatest worker ever. Has a tendency to blow up over little stuff, but I know he doesn't take it seriously because socionics says he doesn't. Pattern is extreme anger, which makes me uncomfortable, but he's just stating his frustration, then leaving me alone. Real easy to see. Just be quick about fixing it. Values your ability to run around like a mad man, and will correct you if you are wrong. Does not actually value you running around like a mad man, and does not consider working hard running around like a mad man, because they work orderly as heck. Uses structure to figure out patterns of behavior and uses them to choose action.

    Note, Gulenko probably thinks this is SEE. Fair if it is. IDK.

    My main example is a racist trump supporter. We work well together, but, he's the one person I feel uncomfortable discussing politics with. Probably would go okay, but no. Please god no.
    That is interesting, @Alomoes. I think I can see SLEs in your description.

    I know a few SLEs, and the only one whom I know is with a Dual is also a racist Trump supporter. I guess there was a 42% chance of him being that way, if you look only at the statistics of Trump supporters. His IEI GF is also a racist Trump supporter.*

    Actually, I know the politics of another SLE, and he's a complete liberal. So from two data points, we can draw no conclusions.

    *On the other hand, my IEI cousin (who knows this couple) told me that the reason why people will support Trump and Qanon is because they are too stupid to think for themselves.
    Which is just another reason why I love my IEI cousin. She's smart and compassionate, and she's nobody's fool.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-30-2021 at 01:12 PM.

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    I do it completely based on if I catch feelings, I know it sounds weird, but I do find SLE understands me.
    If they ever tryna neck, I'll put my foot up in your caca
    Call your mama and your papa
    Like I'm finna take your dadda
    Turn that bitch into a soccer ball and rocka, rocka, rocka (brrr)
    Get into it like a suit
    And fuck a stack up like a broker

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    Tone of voice: In my experience, SLEs are very blunt. They say what they say; they don’t use flowery language.

    Behaviors: I find that SLEs are often involved in physical activity and/or interested in things such as politics, competitions, etc. Not all SLEs are this ambitious commander type that Socionics descriptions just love to paint them as. That kind of description describes a SLE-D.

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    Loud, direct, confident, black and white thinking, all or nothing attitude, impulsive, calm in a crisis, competitive, charming or manipulative. The bad ones have broken moral compasses.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eiemo View Post
    Tone of voice: In my experience, SLEs are very blunt. They say what they say; they don’t use flowery language.

    Behaviors: I find that SLEs are often involved in physical activity and/or interested in things such as politics, competitions, etc. Not all SLEs are this ambitious commander type that Socionics descriptions just love to paint them as. That kind of description describes a SLE-D.
    I remember Socionics say that EIE is the "leader" of Beta quadra, when SLE is more of a "doer".

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    Um I have had a few dates with different SLEs. Something cute I noticed is that they like to give you a hug at some point on the date. (These are SLEs that I didn’t know before the dates.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Um I have had a few dates with different SLEs. Something cute I noticed is that they like to give you a hug at some point on the date. (These are SLEs that I didn’t know before the dates.)
    Jeez. The first time I took an IEI out on a date to an outside fair, I gave her a hug.

    Is this SLE behavior, or do IEIs just invite hugs?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Jeez. The first time I took an IEI out on a date to an outside fair, I gave her a hug.

    Is this SLE behavior, or do IEIs just invite hugs?
    Ha it’s just something I’ve noticed on my dates over the last year- it’s usually at the end of the date. LSI tried to kiss me, I think ILE just waved, SEE kissed me on the cheek, SLE x 2 hugged. Most recent SLE didn’t hug til second meeting but it was a better hug than the others lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Ha it’s just something I’ve noticed on my dates over the last year- it’s usually at the end of the date. LSI tried to kiss me, I think ILE just waved, SEE kissed me on the cheek, SLE x 2 hugged. Most recent SLE didn’t hug til second meeting but it was a better hug than the others lol
    Lol. I did hug her at the end of the date. I have no idea if my hug was "better" or worse that other hugs she's gotten, but she did kiss me then.

    We are, however, now just good friends. Mostly because I know all about being married to a Supervisor, and I wouldn't want that to happen to her. I like her too much.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-10-2021 at 04:39 PM.

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    I’ve always hugged women as the first form of physical contact. It’s satisfyingly close and possessive, with maximal body contact. Especially Ni leads seem to like it. It’s the better the harder you squeeze.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I’ve always hugged women as the first form of physical contact. It’s satisfyingly close and possessive, with maximal body contact. Especially Ni leads seem to like it. It’s the better the harder you squeeze.

    Personally, I like to shake hands right away on a first date. It immediately establishes a touch-contact and says "We're on the same page here."

    With COVID, this has been harder. I'm just going to have to go with some other approach to get ESIs to like me. Throwing money, maybe. Or a picture of an ILI crypto machine pasted on my forehead., since ESIs immediately go for ILIs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. I did hug her at the end of the date. I have no idea if my hug was "better" or worse that other hugs she's gotten, but she did kiss me then.

    We are, however, now just good friends. Mostly because I know all
    about being married to a Supervisor, and I wouldn't want that to happen to her. I like her too much.
    aw it’s nice you get on though. I don’t have a close LIE friend but if one came along that’d be nice My parents are supervision I also know that dynamic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I’ve always hugged women as the first form of physical contact. It’s satisfyingly close and possessive, with maximal body contact. Especially Ni leads seem to like it. It’s the better the harder you squeeze.
    Can confirm. Please crush me to death or don't touch me at all. Overly light touches/hugs are irritating to me
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I’ve always hugged women as the first form of physical contact. It’s satisfyingly close and possessive, with maximal body contact. Especially Ni leads seem to like it. It’s the better the harder you squeeze.
    Thanks for reminding me why I stay away from SLEs, lol.

    Edit. I was more drunk when I wrote that so didn’t say much more, but it genuinely surprises me that anyone is supposed to like this. The only people I’d be OK with hugging me like that are people who are dating me or raping me. Thinking about this kind of hug makes me want to take a shower. Would especially not stand for this from a stranger; would barely tolerate it from someone I knew well.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 06-18-2021 at 10:05 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Thanks for reminding me why I stay away from SLEs, lol.
    Healthy E8 SLE are hot. But only when healthful.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I’ve always hugged women as the first form of physical contact. It’s satisfyingly close and possessive, with maximal body contact. Especially Ni leads seem to like it. It’s the better the harder you squeeze.
    Outlet to plug. Electrifying liveliness.. Transmission of frequency.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    If you wanna spot an SLE, we're loud, coarse, and blunt as fuck. People have told me that I yell when I talk. However, if you get to know SLE better, they are actually smarter than they actually look. If you argue politics or talk typology with us, we could break thing down, categorize, and organize topics logically via Ti. In fact, someone in one of the Socionics discord told me that I am very low-key intellectual despite acting like a meathead.
    Last edited by Tim; 06-18-2021 at 04:17 PM.

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