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Thread: Prehuman civilizations "The Silurian Hypothesis"

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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Default Prehuman civilizations "The Silurian Hypothesis"

    So could researchers find clear evidence that an ancient species built a relatively short-lived industrial civilization long before our own? Perhaps, for example, some early mammal rose briefly to civilization building during the Paleocene epoch, about 60 million years ago. There are fossils, of course. But the fraction of life that gets fossilized is always minuscule and varies a lot depending on time and habitat. It would be easy, therefore, to miss an industrial civilization that lasted only 100,000 years—which would be 500 times longer than our industrial civilization has made it so far.
    It's possible that one or more prehuman civilizations existed and we wouldn't know it. Is your mind blown yet???

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    The article is not about a pre-human civilization, it's about climate change.

    It’s not often that you write a paper proposing a hypothesis that you don’t support. Gavin and I don’t believe the Earth once hosted a 50-million-year-old Paleocene civilization. But by asking if we could “see” truly ancient industrial civilizations, we were forced to ask about the generic kinds of impacts any civilization might have on a planet. That’s exactly what the astrobiological perspective on climate change is all about.
    Xerxe, you know this. It's disingenuous to share information in this manner, it borders on clickbait.
    Last edited by Ave; 07-21-2020 at 05:42 PM.
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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post

    I 100% agree that it's clickbait, but it's still clickbait about the possibility of prehuman civilizations.

    The effects of climate change on geological features as a proxy for detecting ancient industrial activity is fascinating stuff. One candidate era is the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, during which temperatures rose by 5-7 degrees Celsius. That happened over a period of 100,000 years, unlike human-driven climate change, which is happening over a period of 100-200 years. Evidence of civilization? Probably not, but it's still pretty interesting.

    Here is the full paper for anyone who's interested:
    Last edited by xerx; 07-21-2020 at 08:52 PM.

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    Time being a line of one-off events strikes me as crazier than a constant flux.

    I like gamma-rays as the trigger for the Ordo-Silurian dieoff.

  5. #5
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I read the whole article and it was very interesting, thanks!
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Have you heard of Graham Hancock?

    Seriously check him out. This is his topic. He research and writes about pre-ancient civilizations all the way up to ayahuasca.

    He is the real deal to, travels the world for like three decades with his wife. Was on Joe Rogan's podcast.

    I type Graham Hancock either ILE, or LIE, would have to know more about his personal life to see further. At any rate excellent Ne.

    He discusses the younger dryad event, a thousand sudden freeze and then an instantaneous melting that tossed us out of the ice age in a matter of years. It's a mega mystery in earth science, how and why did it happen?

    The running theory, mainstream, was shifting climate, for unknown reasons.

    This catastrophe was so bad, that all large Land mammals in North America, over a couple hundreds of pounds, went extinct, mysteriously. The main stream theory was that hunter gathers killed them all... Lmao.

    Graham discusses that hunger gatherers would never have the potential to kill millions of prey of all species, from the giant short faced bear, to the giant beaver, to the giant sloth, the great giant birds that once flew over this continent. Logistically it would have been impossible, and further, spiritually, hunter gatherers societies do not murder every living creature to the point of extinction, they live more harmoniously with their prey.

    So what happened? The evidence, and there is so much of it, was that the cataclysm came from the skies.

    Graham and hundreds of other scientists think that a large stream of meteors hit the north american continent on the ice sheet 12,611 or so years ago. This tossed up untold amounts of ice, debris, and liquid into the atmosphere that upset the world's climate and plunge it into a deep 1000 year long freeze. He thinks this killed all the world's mega fauna. And this isn't some far fetched fantasy, geographic evidence abounds. There is strong of tens of thousands of off shaped craters off the eastern coasts of America, and inland in Wisconsin, Idaho, ect. They are known as the Carolina bays.

    These are thought to be impact craters from ice from the original impact that were tossed from the ice sheets in northerner Canada, or Greenland.

    This catastrophe would have been witnessed by human beins. Graham explores the cultural remenents of the meteor. Cultures in all parts of the world share similar flood stories ... He discusses modern science as being afraid to explore this potential, as science has a bad history with anything having religious connatations.

    After a thousand yeats, Earth again hit the same stream of meteors, the Lioneads. These hit the Earth's oceans and began a process of heating that transformed our planet into the world we see today.

    It's a provocative idea. We so much evidence it's sick. But we are tiny humans who going to our ideas of reality. Graham's says we are a species with amnesia.

    12,600 years ago, Graham and a growing body of archeologists are finding clues about an ancient sea faring civilization. The proofs here are to many to mention, but the real mystery lies in the Sphinx of Egypt. Once upon the Sphinx was not a figure of a man, it was a lioness. And she was oriented to the night sky. And she was facing at that time the constellation of Leo. Graham discusses how man back then did everything with a purpose. They built the lion to face the sky when the sun rises in leo.

    That only happened 12,600 years ago, meaning, the ancient Egyptians of the old kingdom did not build the Sphinx, a now lost precivilizations did it. The Equations only added to the great structures of Eqypt as they found them. It sounds put there, but you can look at the difference between the skill set, old Eqypt had greater skill and workmanship and the Eqyptians tried to copy it. The proof is actually undeniable and there are plenty of people out there showing the world. But you know paradigms difficult to break and we have a narrative of x, y, z and nothing can ever challenge that.

    This is why we need the socionic NT, the researchers.

    Its all very elaborate, and I haven't even discussed 1/20th.

    Graham goes on to say how our ancient people were more spiritual and awakened, how they used mind altering drugs extensively in their societies.

    It all came down to a meteor.

    So, plenty of crazy schizophrenic people believe that a comet striking earth will be used as a false flag event..

    The fact remains that if it ever happened again like it did 12,600 years ago, every part of our own global civilization would be wiped clean and the small bands of survivors would have to start all over. What spoken legends and artifacts would be left behind of our world?

    The Earth is just constantly changing.

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    Graham also teams up with Randall Carlson a lot, who I think is in the SEI, LII realm. Very heavy Si type realm for Randall. Look him up, geologist who has many classroom online videos of the younger dryas impact hypothesis.

    Every so often I follow alphas little explorations, especially if it's about Earth science and history of us and this Earth.

    I have to step away from to much Ne Ti though cause it causes burn out for me. To many fun facts, to much Fe "neato".

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    There can be life forms and even known animals even at now which are developed comparably or not lesser than humans but differing from us so we don't notice this.
    Also. Millions of years... How animals existed so long ago would perceive today humans? How would do more evolutionary primitive kinds? The universe exists billions of years and may to have more differing forms than we know and may understand.

    A possibility exists about many things. But we can't say about existence of something until will get good objective basis. About the past there are more possibilities of unknown. But it's only doubtful possibilities.

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    Whales and dolphins are the descendants of a primitivist cult from an ancient, space-faring aquatic civilization. Someone needs to write that Sci-fi epic.

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    Homo sapiens. The wise man that forgets its wisdom from thousands upon thousands of years ago and must start over.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Whales and dolphins are the descendants of a primitivist cult from an ancient, space-faring aquatic civilization. Someone needs to write that Sci-fi epic.
    star trek iv

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    star trek iv
    It really bugs me that we never learned the origin of the whale probe. It would have been more interesting to revisit that than all the Star Trek we got in the past 11 years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Whales and dolphins are the descendants of a primitivist cult from an ancient, space-faring aquatic civilization. Someone needs to write that Sci-fi epic.
    Startide Rising, by David Brin

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    I don't wanna be all new agey but the whales and dolphins were more intelligent for longer. But we don't respect them as the elders of our species. Even now they help us despite what we do, and I feel like we need to listen. We need to listen to every other species and stop this stupid separation.

    Maybe it's really E9 of me to say, but I think it's the truth.

    I don't think it's anthropomorphizing. I know how big those brains are.

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    What gets me is that evolution. Created all whales and dolphins in some 10 million years.

    Something about that number seems off. DNA mutation for protein synthesis, mistakes I. Sexual reproduction, this isnt enough to make new evolutionary adaptations, new information that works, and would have had to ha e worked I multiple individuals at multiple places in order for the gene changes to carry forth.. a blow hole from simple changes, it's seriously stretches realistic common sense, but current evolutionary biologist s totally believe in random magical chance in order for the evolution paradigm to continue to exist, even as gene protein synthesis studies are showing just how many gene switches are required to happen simultaneously for simple physical changes to occur.

    Their best answer is monkeys in a cage typing forever will make Shakespeare.

    I don't buy it and hundreds of others are calling out natural selection as not enough of a physical force to get where life is at today. From land creature to Whale in only 10 million.

    I think the sciences need to speak to each other more, because other fields like quantum physics has something to say to biology, but no one is brilliant enough to ha e bridge those yet with conclusive answers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    but current evolutionary biologist s totally believe in random magical chance

    Their best answer is monkeys in a cage typing forever will make Shakespeare.
    How so? When I learned about natural selection it wasn't about chance (unless chance is nature as everything is trying to survive in ever-changing nature). The monkeys in a cage typing forever leading to Shakespeare example reminds me of Larmark's ideas which don't fly with natural selection.

    Although maybe you're referring to something like this:

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    It's nothing more than mental masturbation.
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