Quote Originally Posted by Surreal View Post
Hello there, I realized that I have a hard time recognizing IEI-Fe types. I think maybe it's because they blend in a lot due to creative Fe, and I can't really seem to recognize them on sight. I don't think I can distinguish them from IEEs, SEIs, or maybe ILEs if they happen to be male. I literally type anyone I don't know as IEI-Fe, and this is becoming a problem.

Based on my present knowledge, I see them as bring very soft, friendly, and maybe a bit mischievous due to underdeveloped Se. They can be a bit dramatic sometimes, but they look very cute lmao.

Also, does anyone else get this strange feeling whenever they see some IEIs (more common among Ni subtypes)? I feel like they kind of see through me, and are plotting to ruin my life, or overpower me, or something, all while pretending everything's perfectly fine. I don't feel that way towards all IEIs but that is also one of the indicators I look for.
Well, to identify the Fe creative component, at least (so, differentiating from IEEs and ILEs for example),
When you talk to the person are they very subtly reactive to how you are saying things (the emotional atmosphere between you two). do they always seem to be slightly re-adjusting, fine-tuning, and adapting themselves to you? basically, how sensitive are they to you and your emotional expressions (versus what you're actually saying)

whenever i meet another Fe creative I initially feel slightly unnerved because I'm usually the one doing that for others, and it feels weird to be on the receiving end of it (read: too much Fe for me!)