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  1. #1
    Cataclysm's Avatar
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    I think the site is down but it was working earlier today:

    This is some sort of new personality typing system and it's not really like mbti or socionics but still kinda is. There are obvious parallels to dichotomies like N and S and T and F. But it's also unlike any other test I've taken in that it sorts you into several different categories with different characteristics.

    There are 24 types in total. Each one belongs to a certain tribe in which there are classes. Each class has different roles. Finally you have mode which determines if you're the active one or the reflective one in your class. This gives you your final type.
    I've taken the test 2 times and ended up with a type called Discoverer the first time and Architect the second time. Discoverer belongs to the trailblazer tribe and Architect to the creator tribe. But they are still pretty similar though since they are both creative builders.

    The test also gives you a breakdown of your neural processing. The architect for instance has these processes: Artisan, Visual, Imaginative, and Kinesthetic Functioning.

    Do the test and tell me what type you got and share the pdf so everyone can read about your type in-depth. You only have access to the full length description of the type you got and you have to make a new account for every type. I'll post the type pdfs I have so far.


  2. #2
    Cataclysm's Avatar
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    They give you some information in your type pdf that I'll post here OR you can just read one of the PDFs I posted.

    Have you ever wanted to understand yourself as well as Facebook or Google does? Have you ever
    wished that personality tests, horoscopes, or Buzzfeed quizzes actually gave you deep, real, and useful
    insights into your personality, your intrinsic capabilities, and what motivates you? What if there were
    a company that provided real data, cutting-edge neuroscience insights about you and everyone else,
    instead of keeping them for itself (or worse, selling them)?
    Personabilities is helping to answer these questions and many more. We’re a startup providing big
    data-based personality assessments that draw from neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, and
    organizational behavior. Our team has deep experience in education from early childhood through
    university, and we set out to find an easier way to help students and recent graduates decide what
    fields of study and kinds of jobs are best suited for their individual personalities. We scoured the
    market for an assessment that is comprehensive, takes account of each individual’s multifaceted and
    holistic nature, and is easy to understand and use to improve education and career choices. Since it
    didn’t exist, we built our own.
    Most personality assessments in the market today are based on theories that are decades old, if
    not from ancient Greek or Chinese philosophers. They typically rely on a single assessment that
    sorts everyone into one of a relatively small number of categories, often based on distinctions not
    supported by modern psychological and neurological research.
    We think it’s a bit foolish to think you can sort 7 billion people into only 16 categories and expect
    the output to give you deep, robust insights. So, we use four assessments called Intellabilities,
    Culturabilities, Temperabilities, and Neurabilities to measure over 100 discrete factors to
    produce accurate and individualized results. These results can inform decisions about careers, jobs,
    relationships, work environments, and lifestyle choices.
    Personabilities gives you a framework for understanding yourself and your relationships with
    others. Our insights can help students choosing a field of study, job seekers looking for fulfilling
    opportunities, individuals seeking like-minded relationships, and corporations finding new talent. We
    even think the information provided by Personabilities can result in improved life satisfaction and
    success. Try it out and see for yourself!
    Our four assessments each take just 10-15 minutes to complete. Individually, they provide valuable
    information, but they become more powerful when used together. Currently, the Intellabilities
    assessment is available. As this test provides the foundation for the whole system, assesses a person’s
    skills, and offers valuable insights about educational and professional choices, it is the place to
    begin. It has tremendous stand-alone value and can provide the platform for additional products and
    services that are currently in the development or validation stages. We know you will be pleased with
    the results, and we will let you know when the other tests are available.

  3. #3



    About 16% of the population are Defenders.

    Defender Summary

    You are a protector. You are a collaborator. You are an influencer. You are an adventurer. But most importantly, you are a Defender because you safeguard people from harm. Every organization needs your exceptional operational abilities to advance its agenda. You help people achieve their wants, goals, and desires while keeping them safe. You have strong emotional intelligence and use it to put yourself in other people’s shoes. Clients and customers rely on your acute awareness of interpersonal issues to solve problems. People trust you because you put them at ease. You are a fantastic listener and make sure that people’s needs are met. Unlike others who are inevitably attracted to exciting and risky situations, you are the one that ensures that everything proceeds safely and smoothly. People need to hear your authentic true self and your voice of reason. As you express yourself, you will achieve your most ambitious goals!

  4. #4
    Eccentric Neurotic Narcissist andreasdevig's Avatar
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    I got Designer.
    EII-INFj / INFP / Strong E4 and 9 energy / Melancholic-Phlegmatic / Musical-Intrapersonal-Spatial / Kinky-Sensual

  5. #5
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    My result was Designer:
    Congratulations Nnunki, you are
    About 6% of the population are Designers.
    Designer Summary
    You are the most creative type. The world would not be here today without your incredible imagination. Your mind is exploding with unique ideas. You are a highly intuitive individual. Your abstract mind sees things that others would never understand. You are a true artist in some shape or form, whether you have discovered your abilities or not. You are very likely a highly strategic thinker as well. You see a world of possibilities and stand in awe of the beauty you both see and envision. People throughout the ages have marveled at your abilities. There are more opportunities now to utilize your skills than in any other period in history. You are at the forefront of a new renaissance of amazing technological advancements. The world relies on your artistic and technical expertise to take move society forward. The world can’t wait to see what you design, Nnunki!

  6. #6
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    DEFENDER - seems legit & accurate. I'm good at reading ppl and solving problems fast. Very good at practical solutions, yeah.

    You are a Defender. This means that you enjoy helping others find practical solutions for problems relating to their strategic endeavors. You are also a process oriented individual who understands how to manage affairs relating to a variety of fields. Your operational acumen and strong ability to relate to others are highly valued among all groups of people. You connect to people as a trustworthy friend and patient listener.

    @Melancholie hah we are the same type.

    Reading through the PDF.. wow the test was accurate. Would have chosen Defender myself just via descriptions..

    the one thing I disagree with is being soft spoken and unable to stand up for my needs / what I think is right. e_e I'll fucking chew ppl out in defense of what I think is right for sure & I always assert my needs. I can be quite aggressive & outspoken in this regard. I would never in a million years do an eneagram type 2's job of taking care of other ppl tho, especially old or the weak. I have tried that be 4, not for me.. its just pointless and frustrating.
    Last edited by SGF; 07-20-2020 at 07:31 AM.

  7. #7

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  9. #9
    Northstar's Avatar
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    About 6% of the population are Radicals.Radical Summary
    You are a larger-than-life personality. You see the world as your playground and will do what it takes to blaze new trails. You are an exceptionally fast thinker. You have an acute sense of your environment and surroundings. You are a competitive winner and know how to survive the toughest of situations. Many of the greatest leaders of all time belong to your Type. Others are inspired by your ability to take charge and triumph over new challenges. You handle risk like nobody’s business. You are dynamic, powerful, and energetic in your approach to life. People love seeing you win. You are an extraordinary adaptable individual. You can always come up with new ideas on the spot and act on them immediately. As a force to be reckoned with, you are very much at home in your body and have great tactile mastery over your surroundings. Use this information in Radical ways and everybody will take notice, No!

    Skimmed the PDF and yeah seems to correlate to socionics SLE.

  10. #10
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    I got Mastermind

  11. #11
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    "We think it’s a bit foolish to think you can sort 7 billion people into only 16 categories"

    So they think 16 as a magical number, when to distinguish more categories than that alike 24 is principally different. Very "smart" approach, indeed.

    Seems they (or he) were unable to get the use from sorting with 16, where some people find the significant use in their experience and suppose that another hypothetical, worser developed and more complex typology will improve the situation for them. As now they have a magic factor - more than 16 categories.


    The problem of many noobs is the lack of selfcriticism when they seek the problem in the theory basics instead of own typing skills and naive typology usage. This pushes them to reject the existing theory and to develop new ones: the more muddy - the better, what helps to rationalize their mistakes and lack of reason.

    Jung typology and Socionics duality theory needs better objective experimental proof to explain those noobs where the real problem is. Until that new baseless heresies will have the mentioned reason to appear.

  12. #12
    ouronis's Avatar
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    Got designer. Seems weird that they only let people have the subfunctions of their particular temperament and not a mix/match.

    For example, creator/designer subfunctions are abstract/artistic. I would probably put myself in the systematizing or strategic-thinking type more than artistic.

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