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Thread: Art - Drawing / Painting. Nature vs Nurture

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  1. #20
    meatburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post

    There are lots of SEIs who are not artistic at all.
    of course. I actually asked him if his SEI wife was good at art, he said nah shes never tried it. Does she have any hobbies i ask? Yeah mostly socializing and reality television.

    Quote Originally Posted by coda View Post
    Te dom. Not really sure which creative except he’s not LIE-Ni. If you look at his channel there’s a million tutorials and product reviews. He has a very energetic EJ vibe but not in a Fe way. Also his tutorials are very grounded and objective, giving specific practices and a grounded step-by-step approach to improving technical skills. I find this very helpful and obviously so do many others.
    I agree 100%, that was what i suspected as well. What about this guy? I suspect he is SLI-Si and his wife is IEE-Ne. or ILI - See?

    Quote Originally Posted by lynn View Post
    We did some exercises in art class in high school to draw what you see instead of what the brain thinks it sees. There are some tricks to bypass this part of cognition. And after that everyone was considerably better in drawing / painting. I don't think art is type-related in any way, btw. Because even if you have no affinity for one technique (-> basically interest & patience to keep exploring it), you can find another way more suited to yourself.
    I'll have to look into this, cheers. I'd just like to see if i can actually go from woeful to just horrible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post

    The issue with the talent belief is that it predisposes one to never put effort into something they aren't immediately good at. And how many people are good at something when they first begin it? Very few, if any.
    Yeah that was one of the arguments from the book my friend was reading. Obviously also if you are reinforced earlier in life you'll be more likely to pursue something. He explained that date of birth was a key determinant for talent scouted hockey players. The author suggested this was because if you're older than the other kids you're playing against there is a clear advantage. There has also been some famous chess families where parents have decided they will make world chess champions. The other argument was that its the quality of practice that that is most important rather than the time spent practicing (of course).

    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    Artists have had a lot of practice, is not like most born with innate talent. They develop it over time, the only difference between most ppl who are good at smth and those who don't is that they started to practice earlier, probably since kids. For example Beethoven was forced to learn music since kid. I started drawing since I was 5 my parents didn't forced me, I liked it and started drawing by myself. I filled notebook after notebook.
    Interesting you mention beethoven. He was also used as an example. Apparently something like 1 in 10000 kids have perfect pitch and beethoven was one of them. Perfect pitch was related to being really talented but not neccessary. Anywayit was eventually learned that you can teach kids to have perfect pitch. One study took 50 kids and trained them for a few weeks and they all had it at the end. If you don't lay down those connections by a certian age though i dont think its possible anymore.
    Last edited by meatburger; 07-26-2020 at 11:30 PM.
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