I’d say that impressionistic Si often creates the radiance of an experience, giving it a degree of brilliance, vibration rate, weight, shading, even going to the extreme of making it float at a point on an imaginary internal horizon or turning it into a whole body bath of a non-defined wobbly substance, etc. Close to associative synesthesia but for experiences and thoughts, not immediate stimuli like hearing the number 9 be called out.

Quote Originally Posted by SunshineInaPuddle View Post
@Tallmo Hi I'm wondering if you can guess the person's type based on his artwork?
I’m gonna butt in here. In respect to Si. Taking the above into account maybe this Coldplay song if we think about mainstream music. ‘you were all yellow’, ‘it was all yellow’, OK, but what the bleep is yellow? You can maybe guess the person’s type if such manifestations are continuous output but with Si I’d expect it to go from impressionism in itself (e.g. variations on a theme to adjust the ‘radiance’) to a an eagle-eye view of the process (a meditation on reality, perceptions, time).