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Thread: Coronavirus - Yall been gettin PUNKED like puppets on a string

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    Default Coronavirus - Yall been gettin PUNKED like puppets on a string

    Last edited by Computer Loser; 07-21-2020 at 02:25 PM.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    MSM is always lying nothing new under the sun. Pure propaganda and sensationalism. Best course of action is to just check who owns the channel and consider what and how they benefit.

    Election year smh..

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    It's world level, not USA centered.
    Much of info and protections is doubtful and not-scientific. Actions of medias and politicians are good organised to mislead and make a harm to the majority - the harm psychological and material.
    Trump and all main USA politics should be a part of this. Taking the power behind of what happens, it's doubtful other ones would be allowed to be there. The existence of inner competing among them does not mean they are on different sides in virus hysterics situation.
    As the main aim looks: supressing the world production to economy resources (this means people will live worse - mainly materially, population rising will be slower, in some places people will start to die out alike happens in Russia since 90s when liberal capitalism came here), supressing developing of nations (competing, also helps to economy world resouces), higher social segregation and material inequality (same), better people control by digital and psyche technics (to have more power above them and such to supress their resistance).
    Nothing new. Just new way to do it - new kind of world war.

    About resources economy should be noted. It's solved by technology development - when you easier get additional resources, may use more of them and better. But this development means to give people more of knowledge and so more of power to them. This makes harder to keep the control over them and to supress to keep the inequality. So people which have the power in social heirarchy and want to keep this position further, - may wish to oppose to technology development and to accent to resources economy. This problem of elites corruption, when they set own minority and individual interests above the whole socium, when they become alike a cancer, - killed USSR. Same problem prevents humanity's development and may even degrade it.

    Why prices on oil droped so quickly some before? To press Russsian politicians to do virus related madness. China and India depends on export and will do much to keep it higher and longer. While the majority was under total external control already and did what said by who uses USA to influence the world.
    It's possibly to check how many people got the virus in Moscow already. It seems ~50% (!) based on new wide testing. How many died? Millions? Hundreds of thousands? Similar to common season flu. The symptoms were close and no significant treatment done. Virus is new and initially gives higher % of death than average in population - as many even don't notice they got it to be counted or had no serious symptoms to report. Some % is arised on a paper by different ways - for example when a virus existence will be said as cause of death, while real reasons could be different. Some % will be bad testing accuracy of something new.
    While the methods of that "protection" make the harm - the more evident, and even kill people. These methods follow to non-scientific approach and never were used before so massively, and even localy without mortality rates alike >50%. And all looks as a prepared long before.
    Now they want to give people some obligate shit as another "protection". As example, this shit may break the immunity to make this kind of viruses more dangerous. Besides "unexpected" side effects.
    Last edited by Sol; 07-13-2020 at 04:22 PM.

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    Well, never let a good crisis go to waste. I was always pretty much critical of conspiracy theories, but what do I see in my own country: our local version of the CDC making claims that violate every single basic principle of science, styles of reasoning that a freshman in university would get smacked over the head for. It is not that I disagree with their POV so much, but that it is obvious that they are talking BS, these people should have their university diplomas retracted. If it weren't for their methodological BS, I would never have been susceptible to alternative theories being offered.

    And then the mainstream newspapers and other media not being critical at all, they are just a bunch of parrots repeating the WHO POV, totally neglecting their role as watchdog of democracy.

    The point I have arrived at, is that all of this is very hard to explain by means of sociological models and concepts alone.
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    What's with the kill4me imitation?

    The virus is real, it's very contagious. Perhaps not deadly in the short-term, but we don't know of the long term effects.. Why risk it? If people had just cooperated and done a full quarantine for ~2 months then continuing to distance and wear masks, this thing would be virtually nonexistent by now in the USA

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    What's with the kill4me imitation?

    The virus is real, it's very contagious. Perhaps not deadly in the short-term, but we don't know of the long term effects.. Why risk it? If people had just cooperated and done a full quarantine for ~2 months then continuing to distance and wear masks, this thing would be virtually nonexistent by now in the USA
    The virus is real but if you can’t see this is a world order plan then you’re obviously blind it’s crazy how they put it you would even believe everything they’re saying is true but there is lies, as they say a little bit of truth and some lies. But ofc that doesn’t mean go to some covid parties or something and see the virus is obviously real it’s contagious but they’re using it as a tool most likely

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    Quote Originally Posted by BrolyV2 View Post
    The virus is real but if you can’t see this is a world order plan then you’re obviously blind it’s crazy how they put it you would even believe everything they’re saying is true but there is lies, as they say a little bit of truth and some lies. But ofc that doesn’t mean go to some covid parties or something and see the virus is obviously real it’s contagious but they’re using it as a tool most likely
    Like they would need to capitalize on some virus to take your rights. It happens everyday before the public's eye and no one does shit

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    Happens everyday?

    People forced out of business, forced to stay home/wear masks or be fined $500

    Came u name a similar situation that happens in the public's eyes
    Lmao oh boy. Yea it's part of the spooky conspiracy. only your woke self rose above the duping.

    NON ESSENTIAL businesses are closed to help stop idiot consumerists from continuing to spread the virus. Plenty of essential businesses are open. This virus is exposing a bigger issue with the America economy and system, it's not some deliberate plot.. Your vague straw man assertions prove nothing. You don't even have an a point in your original post lol. All you did was string together some observations any conspiracy tard can make and tried to connect the dots into nothing because you still haven't explained what you think the ultimate goal of this secret spooky plot.

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    I've noticed deaths have been going down but am waiting to see if that holds. Naturally fantasies such as the virus mutating to become less lethal or perhaps some immunity in the population playing a role or maybe doctors are better at treating it now, come to mind. But I know that the capacity of the healthcare system is likely the real factor of importance. It's after hospitals are overwhelmed that I suspect the death toll starts rising. If cases spike, then hospitalizations will spike too. It takes a while for Covid to get moving on the death front, but its potential has already been witnessed (New York, Italy, etc.).

    In any case the news media definitely does sensationalize and until the protests they didn't have anything to sensationalize about more than the virus. It felt like public attention shifted as well, but the two things are also related. Shortly after learning that the virus is killing more African Americans and people having time to reflect on how systemic racism has created this disparity (the fuel), police murder Floyd and it's all very graphically caught on video (the spark)... it creates a potent and sustained emotional response against a system that is killing black people.

    The fuel is the overall oppression, whether the police killings of black people (of which Floyd wasn't the first highly public case this year), or the redlining, or the so-called war on drugs, or the income disparities, or the entire criminal justice system... The situation with Covid has resulted in people feeling and noticing the inequities in our society more than usual, in greater numbers, and having the disruption in place to dwell on it longer (less distraction). For the I assume largely run by white people major new networks, they're not gonna go on a crusade against how protests = massive public gatherings in this case. That would be incredibly insensitive to a population fighting for their civil rights during a time the pandemic has exposed just how much the system devalues their lives (hence how a greater percentage of them will be in lower income brackets and working the essential jobs that put them more at risk anyway). Not only would it be incredibly insensitive it would be highly criticized, and the news networks are corporate entities who are plugged into the whims of public opinion because they want to be popular in order to get their riches.

    It's notable also that most protesters wore masks. They are taking the virus as a real serious threat. It's not either/or.

    As for the news media networks having political agendas, I agree. Sure the left-leaning news networks will play up things that they think will sway public opinion to the effect of getting Biden in and Trump out. I agree they aren't unbiased.

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    im glad u can see that. and would it be possible that coronavirus/keepin the economy down factor into the coming election
    Sure, it's just there's nothing unique here. I could also talk about how right wing networks like Fox cover the virus. Naturally they want the economy to stay open and Trump to win (so the virus is a hoax by leftists, less deadly than the flu, etc). It's just two sides spinning things for their corporate agendas basically. But the reality remains that I think this virus could kill me or people who are important to me and it's outside the usual scope of potential killers. It's not because of media spin 100% that people think what they do. We all know the media is biased, or I would hope most people do...

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    yea, i think we can both agree the virus is deadly, especially for those that are most susceptible (AA + immunocompromised + elderly, etc)

    but the issue i'm talking isn't whether or not it's deadly - it's about blowing it out of proportion, and keeping the economy down more than necessary- based off statistics/who it kills/etc
    but the media isn't keeping the economy down... I don't think anyone has a direct agenda of keep the economy locked down to make sure Biden wins. The news media couldn't carry out that agenda anyway (they can only influence, and the major factors affecting when governors choose to shut down are rather beyond their control).

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    Ok fair,

    But why couldn't negative media influence lead things downward?

    For clarfication, the media itself doesn't cause the economy to go downward, but it does influences how people think, and when people are afraid, it's gonna affect a lot of things


    --reporting rising cases versus success stories of deaths decreasing
    --the effects on psychological with social distancing, in isolation, how bad things are, and instilling fear/uncertainty
    --penalizing not wearing masks
    --only showing negative new stories
    --showing only one particular race getting mistreated

    sorry if i'm coming across nitpicky... just love critical thinking, and u seem pretty open-minded
    I agree the media can affect how things play out by what they choose to focus on. So yes, they are painting the picture that the virus is bad and it's everywhere but I don't know what the meaningful conspiracy theory is. Even if most of the left-leaning press hope deep down that most Americans will have had it with Trump after this mess with the virus (and will therefore report on the mess as much as possible), it still remains that everything Trump is doing to implode, he does to himself.

    The Trump admin it seems took the first actions to politicize the virus and add it to the long list of things the nation has to be polarized over. They downplayed it and called it a hoax from the left when people were bringing up concerns (and after what it did in New York I really can only conclude they should own up to having been very wrong about that, but owning up requires being reasonable which they are not). When they downplay things like a virus they do it by trying to undermine public trust in experts and authorities, so as to further create this bizarro world in which there are no real facts out there, which is part of the Trump administration's way of protecting itself from being held accountable. The virus was perhaps inconvenient since Trump likes to brag about the economy and having to shut it down to slow the virus will take his "one good thing" away from him lol, so treating the virus like it's not real and spreading mass confusion about it was a way to keep the economy open as long as possible. Naturally this disregards public health for the sake of driving money, and for this reason many people on the left took issue with it (money vs. human lives, for Trump it's a disturbing no-brainer $$$). The left is more inclined to listen to science experts so they tended to look to the CDC and that would all be fine if the CDC and the Trump admin were saying the same things, but it seems what the CDC says is politically threatening to Trump's re-election plans. For one, their extensive re-opening guidelines are rather different than "Open it all up NOW and NEVER CLOSE ANYTHING DOWN AGAIN, NEVER EVER!" They also count the the death tolls "wrong" because more death makes Trump look bad, etc.

    Anyway, Trump didn't have to do any of this. He could have chosen to take the virus seriously earlier and accepted the reality that the economy will be impacted as long as the virus is in play, and it's not because of what the left fake news is saying but because it actually kills or severely damages enough of those infected that many will feel they can't afford to ignore its existence (because no matter what the media says, it is true the virus has killed a lot of people in the places it got out of control and we know there are things we can do that will make it more or less likely that the virus gets out of control in our regions). Trump's great re-election strategy? Continue to ignore and downplay the virus when enough people are worried about it and vulnerable to it that they can't afford to do the same. The left-leaning media eats this up probably. It's watching Trump engineer his own (potential) 2020 election fail by responding to a pandemic in the most capricious and negligent way ever. So if some right-leaning pundits blame it all on the left-leaning media and China, the left-leaning media's constant sensational coverage of the virus is not even why Trump is collapsing in on himself. He's doing it to himself.

    I guess one question is, when there is a story like one millennial decided to go to a Covid party and then got the virus and is now dead, should we not hear these stories? Is that "blowing it out of proportion"? Are we afraid because the media is blowing things out of proportion or because the threat level is high enough to invoke a sustaining fear? And why is this the big question in terms of Trump's future election prospects instead of the question of not what the media does to him but what he does to himself? And how is it that we are being "punked" to take this more seriously than necessary? You said yourself it's deadly, and although there are a great many largely deadly things (like the mass destruction of planet earth) that the major news networks won't cover because it's not in their corporate interests, a virus is just the kind of deadly thing (and this one just deadly enough) for the media to create waves of sensationalism that they can ride for months (or longer in this case).

    It's probably that I don't think the news media is as important in this as you do while I also do acknowledge that media is significant in swaying public opinion.


    I got off the topic of the media trying to use their influence to make prolonged shut-downs so as to oust Trump. The problem is still the virus is a real threat, so that wouldn't really be punking people. It would be an agenda but it just feels like a generic left agenda: Trump is bad and is responding badly and now everything sucks, so we strongly pull at people's emotional strings as our way of influencing people to vote against bad Trump. *plays dramatic music, runs hospital footage, shows dire number of case count on screen, and breaking story: a millennial went to a covid party, oopsie... meanwhile Trump is back to age old wisdom that eventually all things go away* Really, we can make up the news ourselves.
    Last edited by marooned; 07-20-2020 at 06:59 PM.

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