Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
Your brain starts eating itself for energy at a point during fasting. Your mind is a pretty essential asset.

As for the weight, your tactic might make your body think you are in a famine and hold onto weight more. Just eat more green veg and move more and don't drink sweetened things. That is most of the weight maintenance you might need. Ask your doc. They know shit
I normally eat high veg and protein diet, usually very spicy as well. I don't really like sweet stuff tbh. ^^ lel "fasting make yu dum", no U!

Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
Don't you need protein in order to burn fat?
High protein diet+ STR training = bigger muscles that need more fuel to sustain = you burn more calories just to keep them. So the bigger you get the more food you need to shove into yourself.