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Thread: What are your news sources?

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    Default What are your news sources?


    What are your favorites? Do you trust mainstream media? How do you get your news? What sources do you feel are unbiased? Do you like your news source to have a political agenda matching your own? Do you think it's best to stick only to local news? How much do you see the news media as controlling political life? Do you think the news is important?
    Last edited by marooned; 07-06-2020 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #2
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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    * BBC

    * The Economist

    * The Atlantic

    * On YouTube, the occasional D. Pakman. I'm probably to the left of him, but he has some reasonable takes. I used to binge-watch Youtube political debates and streams years ago, but that's pretty rare now. I don't have as much time for Youtube these days, except for music, some science & travel channels, and whatever really meme-y videos my friends insist on sending me.

    * Some journalistic blogs
    Last edited by xerx; 08-06-2020 at 04:13 AM.

  4. #4
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    I stopped watching the news, its only click-bait & sensationalism mixed with propaganda anyway.
    I also deleted my social media. This was years ago. No cable TV, don't even own a tv anymore.
    I stopped watching the garbage that comes out of Hollywood, have no Netflix and am extremely selective when it comes to the books I read & the content I watch.

    Last edited by SGF; 07-31-2020 at 06:46 AM.

  5. #5
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    Until Internet became fast to for videos, the main may source was TV. Unlike Internet, TV is highly controlled and limited - there is single narrow line of "correct". The censorship never leads to truth and common medias are highly censorshiped. They have a lot of bs to which people trust mostly because of lack of alternative info - they have nothing other to think about and to choose what seems as closer to the reality.
    When I got other opinions the 1st my reaction was just to close all that. It's because to change opinions people do not like, especially which they had for long and were indoctrinated with emotions (what propaganda does a lot). So any other opinion firstly inspires negative emotions, but not a wish to think seriously. After _years_ I started to accept other views on some things. As I got more of data to think about. That data came step by step and this allowed to break emotional resistance of TV influence.

    Internet has a lot of bs too. Among pro-TV or sometimes against. It gives the variety to choose, at least. This gives more chances to get a more correct opinions than when you are limited by strongly censorshiped common medias as TV and newspapers. I'm sure this will not last for long and Internet will join to TV side sometimes - it's a technological problem and will be solved. You make a "wrong" post and after a 1 second some app-bot deletes your message, limits your access and you get an official treat from the "ones at power". Democracy, pluralism, discussion, knowledge, truth - forget about that for the majority which should be controlled and hence to understand nothing except the needed for a master. Truth, objectivity is widely allowed only for the master minority, while others should be specialized and understand badly the general, the wide facts, the reasons and links of what is - to have no chance to act by other way than said to them. Information is a mean of power.

    The most important change of my views is politics. Until ~2010 I accepted antisoviet and many of liberal views which now I do not. I know, see and understand more and my views are shifted to communistic views. Ideally would be a balance where both sides of individual and collectivistic work for the same - where collectivistic and individual interests match. Alike they match in a loving pair - when you get a pleasure from what is pleasant for other human too. When you do not harm your individual interests in caring about interests of others.
    At now USSR I see as better system for majority's interests than later capitalistic RF or USA, think as better approach for humanity's development to be stronger and happier. A system to create more of better people. And I like USSR more for this. Generally, I feel an aversion to people with high egocentrism and their views expressed in liberalism. They are alike or literally are psychopaths which can't love and are harder to cooperate for mutual interests with other people. Collectivistic side is easier to accept for me, as perceived myself as a part of a people, including in a form of an altruism as disolving in other ones, in minds and lifes joining. This joining influences on and changes all sides, anyway.
    Without Internet I would not changed my views. Though, not sure how much this changed my life. I'd could do the same with other thoughts about politics.

  6. #6
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    I don't trust mainstream news for shit and anyone who does is hopelessly deluded. There is dispute as to who uttered this quote but damned if it isn't true: "If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed."

    The MSM is bought and paid for, as are most any and all sources of "official" information. Trust but verify in any way you can hope to do so. Blind faith in any institution these days isn't going to work out well for anyone...

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The most important change of my views is politics. Until ~2010 I accepted antisoviet and many of liberal views which now I do not. I know, see and understand more and my views are shifted to communistic views. Ideally would be a balance where both sides of individual and collectivistic work for the same - where collectivistic and individual interests match. Alike they match in a loving pair - when you get a pleasure from what is pleasant for other human too. When you do not harm your individual interests in caring about interests of others.
    At now USSR I see as better system for majority's interests than later capitalistic RF or USA, think as better approach for humanity's development to be stronger and happier. A system to create more of better people. And I like USSR more for this. Generally, I feel an aversion to people with high egocentrism and their views expressed in liberalism. They are alike or literally are psychopaths which can't love and are harder to cooperate for mutual interests with other people. Collectivistic side is easier to accept for me, as perceived myself as a part of a people, including in a form of an altruism as disolving in other ones, in minds and lifes joining. This joining influences on and changes all sides, anyway.
    Without Internet I would not changed my views. Though, not sure how much this changed my life. I'd could do the same with other thoughts about politics.
    I like how you think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I like how you think.
    The balance of opposite as an ideal state is common view.
    It exists in Jung typology too. As the example E/I - where you need to think (and to care) about your inner world and external world (including other people). Inner state depends on what happens near you, - in better environment you'll feel better, so you need to care about other people so they were stronger, happier, felt better to you and so could to support you better - it's for your interests too. You need to take into account what and how other people think to interact with them, to understand the life better. External depends on your inner state also - as if you'll forget inner needs then you'll can worse care about external, including other people. You need to base your behavior on own understanding too as your contribution to care about yourself and other people. All this makes both sides as equally important, and the devision of inner and external as a conventionality and a simplification as those are linked and are sides of one.
    With Jung functions pairs T/F, S/N and J/P attitude the situation is the similar - they are equal for the life in general and both should be taken into account always. That a mind prefers one side is the distortion and is not optimum. Examples: to calculate something is T, but we need an emotional motivation F to make that calculation ; to concentrate on physical traits is S, but we need a general image of the situation N to understand on what is needed to direct the attention ; to follow a plan (J) made by models needs also to improvise (P) on details which were not thought in the plan.

    The total harmony is when anything is perceived without opposing - as parts of one.
    In Christianity the saints state is described as a feeling of uniting with God and his love. When they feel God's love, feel their love to God, perceive anything in the Creation as following to God's loving will. When they perceive no contradictions, when accept anything, feel unconditional pleasant love state to Creation and do not suffer.
    It's mind state of the harmony of inner and external. In Eastern practices this mind state probably is named as nirvana or enlightening. In this state Jung's functions should become equal.
    Among recent "official" saints is Paisios, who seems described his feelings of uniting with God. A common human may get similar states by emotional preying concentration on an image of almighty God's loving light until feeling of emotional satisfaction, and mb of an assurance that the asked will happen or other answers. Monks have more of such practice. In Judaism, especially its mystic branches relating to foresight, should be descriptions of similar.

    There are symbols of equality and unity of opposites:

    (2 triangles)

    also that is useful

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    I don't read or follow the news, honestly. I just ignore all of it.

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    I guess I'll answer this since I started the thread. I was watching a lot of WION and The Hill on YouTube when I made this thread. Other than that my news source is my internet browser. I sometimes search for a position and then for the opposite of my position as well. I tend to shift around. I like YouTube because it's fast and cycle through most every news source on it. I trust CNN for basic things but generally don't like their political commentary except for this man, though he's not a major source. I tend to I suppose like to see all the sides represented, so although I'll pay attention to political agenda news like TYT, I prefer a debate of viewpoints. I'm more curious about others.

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    Just vibes mainly

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