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Thread: Discussion on types and their social missions

  1. #1
    Surreal's Avatar
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    Question Discussion on types and their social missions

    According to multiple socionics references, every type has a social mission to accomplish. This social mission may vary according to subtypes, and among individuals. Based on my personal experience, people generally know what they want to accomplish in life (in order to achieve their greatest potentialities, aka self actualization), however, few people actually end up there.

    I'm finding it a bit difficult to grasp this topic, so maybe we can have a discussion or two.

    Here are some questions:

    1. Do you believe social missions are a thing?

    2. Do you believe that people are generally happier when they actualize their potentials?

    3. Are social missions simply based on a biological desire for status, or are they an attempt at terror management based on each type's individual worldview?

    2. Are all people capable of achieving what they "truly want" (note: it can be very difficult to know what that is), or is real world success not type related (Example: an EII who has more athletic potential than an SLE)?

    3. Have you or anyone you know achieved this kind of self actualization?

    4. What are some general social missions for different types and subtypes?

  2. #2
    Aramas's Avatar
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    1. Do you believe social missions are a thing?
    2. Do you believe that people are generally happier when they actualize their potentials?
    It depends on whether they want to actualize their potentials.
    3. Are social missions simply based on a biological desire for status, or are they an attempt at terror management based on each type's individual worldview?
    What purpose does status serve but an attempt at terror management?
    2. Are all people capable of achieving what they "truly want" (note: it can be very difficult to know what that is), or is real world success not type related (Example: an EII who has more athletic potential than an SLE)?
    Real-world success depends on environmental factors primarily.
    3. Have you or anyone you know achieved this kind of self actualization?
    4. What are some general social missions for different types and subtypes?
    See question 1's answer.

  3. #3
    Surreal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    3. Are social missions simply based on a biological desire for status, or are they an attempt at terror management based on each type's individual worldview?
    What purpose does status serve but an attempt at terror management?
    Having high status increases a person's reproductive success, and may possibly prevent a person from being ostracized from their social groups. This could be a biological need like food. People need to eat because they are hungry, not because they want to deny the meaninglessness of their life.

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    Mainly, it's about to what you pay more of the attention.
    Ego functions (especially leading one) is the main content of your consciousness. When you more think about something - you tend to care more about this. In yourself, environment and people there.
    Secondary it's where you are strong and have best skills - it's strong and especially ego regions. So in tasks specific for those regions you may do more useful than when you act in weak regions.
    For example. Generally, T type better deals with technics than does pleasant communications.
    Also you care more about valued regions among strong and weak. Feel more pleasure when it's good there and so may make more efforts to improve.

    There is a simplification. As any real task should take into account 8 regions equally - there is always a context where all functions present. For example, it's not enough just to improve some numbers as higher production (T). This improvement should not make much worse for related to other regions as people emotional state (F), take into account possible consequences (N), do not reduce critically material resources (S).
    A social mission is to make the life better. It needs you to care about anything - about all functional regions. As to make in one region better and to miss and so to harm other region - may give a zero or even negative sum usefulness. But as you have Jung type - your mind is disbalanced and you think good about a half of important only. This rises the need in other people to control what you do in weak and nonvalued regions, - to make decisions in a cooperation with them and get their help there. Such happens partial social duties sharing and spreading, according to types.

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    @Sol your social mission is truly a great puzzle for most us.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 07-05-2020 at 02:02 PM.
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    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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  6. #6
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Dived deep into the age-old archives of the Socionics community and found this:
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  7. #7
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    1. Do you believe social missions are a thing?

    well it kinda makes sense, but what are they for each type?

    2. Do you believe that people are generally happier when they actualize their potentials?

    I do, yeah. Its what I'm trying to do.

    3. Are social missions simply based on a biological desire for status, or are they an attempt at terror management based on each type's individual worldview?

    I have no idea.

    2. Are all people capable of achieving what they "truly want" (note: it can be very difficult to know what that is), or is real world success not type related (Example: an EII who has more athletic potential than an SLE)?

    Socionics is merely information metabolism its says nothing about the genetic potential difference between an EII and SLE when it comes to athleticism. I think the EII can be more athletic than an SLE, yeah.

    3. Have you or anyone you know achieved this kind of self actualization?

    No. I have a specific problem, by brain has been permanently altered by a childhood event, which means i have to actively fight anxiety and suppress negative thoughts via willpower to simply function.

    4. What are some general social missions for different types and subtypes?

    I thought you knew. These make sense. In the absence of anxiety I'd have the social mission of SLE.. tbh even now I do. The only time I feel whole is when I'm challenging the current order and dragging everyone with me while at it. Sadly neurotic, so confidence fluctuates.

    ILE - Searching for the unknown and spreading knowledge.
    SEI - Deriving enjoyment from all your activities and interactions.
    ESE - Turning life into an enjoyable, beautiful experience.
    LII - Structuring reality and creating correct systems of thought.
    EIE - Riveting attention and energy to meaningful causes.
    LSI - Establishing and overseeing correct structures and systems.
    SLE - Challenging the current order and expanding influence.
    IEI - Creating meaning in the events of life around you.
    SEE - Acquiring social territory and influencing people.
    ILI - Recognizing underlying processes and deriving benefit from them.
    LIE - Achieving beneficial efficiency in all areas of life.
    ESI - Recognizing and balancing people's needs and expectations.
    LSE - Managing worthwhile, productive, and wholesome activities.
    EII - Being exemplary and instilling ideal values.
    IEE - Expanding your horizons and helping people develop.
    SLI - Balanced, harmonious living and temperance.

  8. #8
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Dived deep into the age-old archives of the Socionics community and found this:
    I relate to IEI the most on this one myself

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