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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Do you daydream? if yes how often?
    Yes, I do, but I don't know what do you mean by that! Daydreaming can be anything ranging from a simple "I wish this would happen" to imagining an entire new life. So it's hard to say exactly! But I do daydream often, as I currently don't have any obligations (jobless, on disability pension, planning to come back to university later this year).
    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Do you have a mental visual imaginary?
    I'm not sure what this means... When it comes to logic, I find it hard to imagine in my head. I rather have a way of understanding things/feeling the essence of something well, rather than it being visual. Sometimes it's an understanding that is way beyond words - I know what it is, I know what it means, but I cannot verbalize it.
    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Have you created imaginary worlds?

    Quite a few actually! But they are mostly based on real world counterparts or like, you know, something that is mine but it is still in the real world. I used to dream about ancient worlds when I was younger, when I had my huge ancient Egypt phase. It was fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    Hey, I just thought I’d chime in. Hopefully my take helps even just a little (or may be more confusing!)

    So, I was typed by Gulenko as an IEI Harmonising. That said I have had others see me as EII or SEI so maybe my examples aren’t going to be the purest representation of an IEI as depicted in the community. I digress; my prediction powers are pretty flakey. Sometimes I see a worst case scenario and yup, jumped to the completely wrong conclusion. Or other times I can guess what is happening next or what is going on at the heart of matters, and I’m right. Either way, my mind is like orientated towards figuring out what is coming or what is really occurring. I think the “Ni is superpowers prediction skills. Psychics through and through” stereotype is really detrimental because it feels like a mental pressure that in order to be a “True Ni” you have to see visions come to life (and if the things you visualise and feel don’t come to pass then it means you can’t be Ni leads - which is with all due respect a lot of rubbish!!!) So I would suggest not to discount IEI because you feel inadequate at predicting events. Doesn’t mean you can’t be IEI if you feel that everything else fits.

    In terms of “getting” situations, for me personally it can either take me a time to get a grasp or I’ll pick it up immediately. But a bit like my point above, my mind is orientated to seek the “getting”. I’m not really sure though on how SEIs use Ni, or if any bonefide IEIs have a different take (I’ll always be seen as the budget 5 pence Diet Coke rip off Slim Brown Fizzy Soda �� and maybe not even IEI at all) But my understanding is that “getting” situations immediately is not a pre-requisite for IEI...
    I totally agree and I kind of feel what you're saying. Sometimes I can guess what the essence of a situation is, and I'm right more often or not, but it honestly happens way too rarely for me to actually consider that it might be my Ni1. It's more like happening from time to time, almost perfectly what a Ni3 is, at least to my understanding.
    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    In regards to poetry...well anyone can write and enjoy writing beautiful words! There’s some SEI writers online who write beautifully rich and profound works. It can be so tempting to take one anecdote like “terrible at writing poems” and applying it as being type relate, however that’s how you can get stuck in rabbit holes, finding new evidence and reasonings as to why you are or aren’t a type. I write some poems and short stories but I am so perfectionist with my writing and these days don’t write so much. I’ve always felt shy at sharing my work, but at the same time I recall as a child being so uplifted when a teacher or fellow students read my work and praised it. I write mostly for me, what I feel inspired to write, and I do hope others like my take but I don’t factor them in as the audience as such, not until it comes to me sharing my work and I’m like “please like my indulgent drivel!!!”
    Yeah my poetry in school years... it was terrible. I've always had problems with expressing myself, not that it was difficult for me to express myself, like, you know, to let the feelings go, but I couldn't really choose the words well enough for me to feel satisfied that I explored a certain area of my soul in a way that could make other people "get" what I wanted to convey. It's really difficult to find your own language of expression, and I even checked my natal astrological chart and I actually have a placement that "halts" the creativity in early years, but I am actually happy to say that in the recent few years I've been doing good in this regard. Sometimes I will write a poem because I just want to explore my own sensitivity in a way that makes me feel good and happy, because it is not only for pure leisure and fun, but also for like, you know, a certain type of inner growth and learning a lot about your own subconscious and the like. I love it.

    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    Se; hmmm it’s so hard to understand right? I don’t know how to really explain my relationship to it well. I find it hard to push through and manifest motivation and plough on ahead. Just be, move, get things done, get life moving, be confident in asserting boundaries and mobilising others, telling them what needs to be done and how. It’s just all foreign to me. And I’ve made my peace with that, if that makes sense? I often feel physically detached from the moment, from reality. I wish I could be more dynamic and a part of events and just let go. I’d probably be a happier and less anxious person. But instead I seep into my own thoughts and feelings, going off on mental tangents in my mind and then snap back to reality for a second like “ did I drive here???” Or “huh? Since when did the scaffold get removed?” (To which colleagues replied it was the night before the scaffolding went). Like I said, I’ve made peace with those flaws of mine, that I appear wishy washy and overly meek and mild at times. I know I can make concentrated efforts to assert boundaries, to be more proactive in my life. I know I won’t be the best at that stuff but that it’s ok. I’d rather not deal with it and have someone else take on those roles, but I have to trust in my own way I’ll be able to cope.

    although I have felt I was EII and maybe my relation to Se is more Polr than suggestive so maybe my take on Se is not really helpful, sorry.
    Nooo it is insanely helpful, don't feel so hard on yourself! I've always seen Se as something that is connected to your will, sometimes it's also about confidence but not in the fullest aspect of the word. I feel like pure Se is not only motivation, drive, will, but also a certain type of activity that you then use in your recreational time to add some meaning to it. I must say, that whenever my schedule is full of simple activities I feel at my happiest - because then I can also think of many different things and be alone with my own thoughts while doing it, or just enjoying the activity itself and finding a certain meaning in it. IDK how it translates to my ego functions, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    I definitely agree that being interested in the new age/occult doesn’t equal Ni value!! I’ve heard of some SFs who like tarot for example because they like having a higher power to trust, rather than them having to think too much about.
    Yeah but like, you know - Tarot doesn't diminish the amount of thinking on a certain problem/subject/topic, it's rather... intensifying it! Sometimes you just read the cards over and over again because something is bugging you, which isn't a good strategy in the long run, but in the short run it also doesn't make sense because it's just dumb, lmao. My relationship with Tarot is that it's another tool for me to use to do self-therapy, make decisions, analyse a topic, sometimes predict the future... It's an amazing system. Although nowadays I am wayyy more into reading Lenormand, which is a more concrete and straight to the point type of divination - while Tarot can be used in many different ways because of its rich symbolism and freedom of interpretation, Lenormand is based on simple pictures that carry no esoteric baggage, so like Coffin means just Coffin and there's no like astrological counterpart or something like that (which technically Tarot also doesn't have in its core, because the astrological, kabbalistic, esoteric associations made with the cards were first introduced by 19th Century occultists - or that is what I remember from my extensive study of Tarot - when early Tarot decks, such as the Marseilles decks and so on only had the major arcana/trumps being influenced by the current political and religious climate of late medieval period early renaissance). When it comes to the higher powers - yeah I believe in many different things, but the easiest way for me to describe my own beliefs is to say I am pantheist, so I consider nature, Universe and Cosmos as God/Godhead. Damn I love that shit, lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    Best of luck with your typing journey. Like I said before, I was Gulenko typed as IEI-H although in Socionics circles have been suggested to be EII or SEI as an alternative; I’ve been told I have very Si vibes rather than Ni! But then again, there is a lot of bias in the circles in regards to Ni/Se being brutish and Si/Ne being soft bunnies
    Thank you so much! I kind of feel like I am more SEI than IEI but whatever. I might change my mind in the future, since it feels like most people here seem to agree that I am more Ni than Si.

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    When you described what kind of help you wanted to get, all of the things you said points toward Se seeking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by littleblackcloud View Post
    Thank you so much! I kind of feel like I am more SEI than IEI but whatever. I might change my mind in the future, since it feels like most people here seem to agree that I am more Ni than Si.
    To sound really cliched, I believe at the end of the day each of us knows in our hearts what feels like the right type, the best fit. It’s a case of being open minded to feedback yet also digging in deep inside to assess what the truth is or not. You sound like you have a good grasp on how SEI could be your best fit and works for you. It may seem so muddy now and confusing but hopefully in time you’ll figure it out (or you already have done!) best of luck

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    Quote Originally Posted by justalitnerdxx View Post
    To sound really cliched, I believe at the end of the day each of us knows in our hearts what feels like the right type, the best fit. It’s a case of being open minded to feedback yet also digging in deep inside to assess what the truth is or not. You sound like you have a good grasp on how SEI could be your best fit and works for you. It may seem so muddy now and confusing but hopefully in time you’ll figure it out (or you already have done!) best of luck
    He is typing as IEI now, it is in his TIM

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    He is typing as IEI now, it is in his TIM

    Actually I changed my mind, still SEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by littleblackcloud View Post
    Actually I changed my mind, still SEI.
    It is not in your TIM, so you can still change it

    VI-wise I actually don't think that you are definitely IEI or SEI. VI-wise both make sense.

    However, the fact that you somehow shift into IEI archetype after you changed your decision also says something, it gives additional points to IEI typing as your answers to my additional questions also suggests IEI.

    What changed your mind?

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    @aster @justalitnerdxx Adding you guys in case, if you have a different opinion.

    Now it seems like I am opposing my own typing but I want to point out the distinction that I see between justalitnerdxx and littleblackcloud.

    justalitnerdxx's Fi and intuitive nature was more apparent to me. She seemed more gentle, while little blackcloud seem more joyful, however it could be due to dual subtype HC.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    What changed your mind?
    I thought about the "clubs" for a little while and came down to conclusion I am more in the SF club. I've always seen the NF club as people who are incredibly smart, creative, intuitive and inspiring, but lacking a certain "earthy" touch.

    When it comes to interests, I used to be very into literature, art, music, stuff like that - I still am but I prefer company of "new age" people now. They seem to be much more in touch with the fleeting nature of human existence, while the "art" crowd seems to me a little bit more self-indulgent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    @aster @justalitnerdxx Adding you guys in case, if you have a different opinion.

    Now it seems like I am opposing my own typing but I want to point out the distinction that I see between justalitnerdxx and littleblackcloud.

    justalitnerdxx's Fi and intuitive nature was more apparent to me. She seemed more gentle, while little blackcloud seem more joyful, however it could be due to dual subtype HC.
    that’s an interesting observation. I was only given the H subtype, no dual subtype. I’ve only seen another IEIs video (Maegan’s) who was typed Creative I think, and I would say they seemed so much more warm and joyful, very bubbly . So maybe it’s Creative energy that gives the joyful vibes

    That said, I’m not really sure on the IEI typing for me (certainly debatable in my opinion anyways).

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    Well shit, I'm thinking maybe IEI makes sense for me. But I don't know, I need more people to comment on my type.

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    Help me, I'm IEI

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    Hi, I watched a bit of your video and I think you are an IEI-H.

    You have a dreamy expression which I associate with IEIs.

    From Filatova's book:

    Photo N° 396 (from the second link above) reminds me of your expression especially.

    I don't know what else to add, except that being drawn to a new age crowd over an art crowd for the reasons you stated does not indicate anything type-related to me. We have different needs at different times of our lives, and that includes the need for what we get from people. Also, IEI may be bad at predicting events. If my understanding is correct, it's ILI and EIE that are good at it (though I've seen ILI get predicitions wrong before, and downplay this). I don't think Ni equals some capacity for prophecy or anything. It tends towards predictions, yes, but isn't infalliable.

    Best of luck!
    Last edited by Ave; 06-21-2021 at 02:58 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Hi, I watched a bit of your video and I think you are an IEI-H.

    You have a dreamy expression which I associate with IEIs.

    From Filatova's book:

    Photo N° 396 (from the second link above) reminds me of your expression especially.

    I don't know what else to add, except that being drawn to a new age crowd over an art crowd for the reasons you stated does not indicate anything type-related to me. We have different needs at different times of our lives, and that includes the need for what we get from people. Also, IEI may be bad at predicting events. If my understanding is correct, it's ILI and EIE that are good at it (though I've seen ILI get predicitions wrong before, and downplay this). I don't think Ni equals some capacity for prophecy or anything. It tends towards predictions, yes, but isn't infalliable.

    Best of luck!

    Thank you so much for this reply! I'm still not entirely sure what type am I. I am certain that I have Fe as my second function, but it's difficult to assess what's my base one. Maybe this is so ambiguous because I might be this IEI harmonizing subtype (IDK this theory yet, but I am assuming it's like saying IEI-Si). If I had to type myself through intertype relations, judging from my interactions with fellow SEIs I can say they are really pleasant, inspiring companions for various conversations, who are perfect to create something together - I'd ask them what they think of a track that I made, because their insights are really straight to the point and they point out various "unpleasantries" in art and the like. So it would make sense that I am a IEI and I have a business relation with them. Once again, some of my best friends are IEIs, with whom I have a lot in common. Maybe that's some food for thought
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilacwine View Post
    Thank you so much for this reply! I'm still not entirely sure what type am I. I am certain that I have Fe as my second function, but it's difficult to assess what's my base one. Maybe this is so ambiguous because I might be this IEI harmonizing subtype (IDK this theory yet, but I am assuming it's like saying IEI-Si). If I had to type myself through intertype relations, judging from my interactions with fellow SEIs I can say they are really pleasant, inspiring companions for various conversations, who are perfect to create something together - I'd ask them what they think of a track that I made, because their insights are really straight to the point and they point out various "unpleasantries" in art and the like. So it would make sense that I am a IEI and I have a business relation with them. Once again, some of my best friends are IEIs, with whom I have a lot in common. Maybe that's some food for thought

    You're most welcome!

    IEI-Harmonizing refers to DCNH theory. Gulenko talks about how the psyche is layered like a "pie" in three levels: the type, the subtype, and the functional emphasis. So the Harmonizing subtype would refer to the second level, whereas Si emphasis to the third level.

    I'm not sure what else to add that would be helpful...checking your relations with others (when you know their type) can be do you feel about people from the various quadras?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    You're most welcome!

    IEI-Harmonizing refers to DCNH theory. Gulenko talks about how the psyche is layered like a "pie" in three levels: the type, the subtype, and the functional emphasis. So the Harmonizing subtype would refer to the second level, whereas Si emphasis to the third level.

    I'm not sure what else to add that would be helpful...checking your relations with others (when you know their type) can be do you feel about people from the various quadras?
    Like I said before - most of the time I feel at home when talking to IEIs or ILIs, and I see SEIs usually as pleasant companions for conversations, but they're a bit too shallow. Sometimes they just don't get things about life and the like but when it comes to exchange of emotional reactions or talking about common interests it's amazing. Although I should be "supervising" ESE, which my therapist is one, she really helps me. I think Donnaleigh de la Rose is also a ESE-Fe, and her teachings about Lenormand and Tarot on her youtube channel helped me a ton. So, I'm not entirely sure. I usually see Se-ego people as quite scary and menacing, but they are very helpful in practical matters (which is also how I see the ST club) and can "protect" and "fight for me" when I know the argument with someone isn't going anywhere. But that could also be a weak Ne (coming back to SEI typing) and that I cannot understand the situation too well and cannot argue with people on that.

    It's all so damn confusing but now that I think of it, I definitely see delta NF as prudes, people who could gain a lot of different and meaningful experiences, provided if they stopped caring about judging other people and making assumptions about them. A lot of them are also really goofy and not too serious, which is kinda annoying, but I see what they are coming from. They are also very idealistic people, with great values and virtues, but no one should be taking care of that stuff for too long, because it's better to take care of yourself and do personal work that doesn't involve that annoying-ass preaching they always seem to do. I like SLIs when there's some distance in communication, they seem to be very practical and business-oriented people who possess a great sense of harmony and smartness in their projects and the like. My interactions with LSEs has always been painful, but I thought it was because they were supervising me, because sometimes I feel like they want to pinpoint my various mishaps. I also feel like their Fe3 is one dimensional and they never know how to "fit in" when it comes to emotional atmosphere and exchanging life experiences with other people. They're just so freaking clueless and the only thing they know they need to do is to work on their ideals and take care of their careers. I hate Te so fucking much ugh. lmfao.

    Anything else? I'd answer more questions if you have any.
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

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    Quote Originally Posted by lilacwine View Post
    Like I said before - most of the time I feel at home when talking to IEIs or ILIs, and I see SEIs usually as pleasant companions for conversations, but they're a bit too shallow. Sometimes they just don't get things about life and the like but when it comes to exchange of emotional reactions or talking about common interests it's amazing. Although I should be "supervising" ESE, which my therapist is one, she really helps me. I think Donnaleigh de la Rose is also a ESE-Fe, and her teachings about Lenormand and Tarot on her youtube channel helped me a ton. So, I'm not entirely sure. I usually see Se-ego people as quite scary and menacing, but they are very helpful in practical matters (which is also how I see the ST club) and can "protect" and "fight for me" when I know the argument with someone isn't going anywhere. But that could also be a weak Ne (coming back to SEI typing) and that I cannot understand the situation too well and cannot argue with people on that.

    It's all so damn confusing but now that I think of it, I definitely see delta NF as prudes, people who could gain a lot of different and meaningful experiences, provided if they stopped caring about judging other people and making assumptions about them. A lot of them are also really goofy and not too serious, which is kinda annoying, but I see what they are coming from. They are also very idealistic people, with great values and virtues, but no one should be taking care of that stuff for too long, because it's better to take care of yourself and do personal work that doesn't involve that annoying-ass preaching they always seem to do. I like SLIs when there's some distance in communication, they seem to be very practical and business-oriented people who possess a great sense of harmony and smartness in their projects and the like. My interactions with LSEs has always been painful, but I thought it was because they were supervising me, because sometimes I feel like they want to pinpoint my various mishaps. I also feel like their Fe3 is one dimensional and they never know how to "fit in" when it comes to emotional atmosphere and exchanging life experiences with other people. They're just so freaking clueless and the only thing they know they need to do is to work on their ideals and take care of their careers. I hate Te so fucking much ugh. lmfao.
    I see. Sounds like you have a bit of trouble with delta? I do think it's possible to be helped by one's supervisee, especially if they are your therapist, doctor etc. That is their job after all. Tbh I never fully understood how asymetrical relations were supposed to be asymetrical lol.

    Anything else? I'd answer more questions if you have any.
    Sure! I reiteriate Megatrop's question about basic dichotomies. How do you relate to those? Those can often be useful I find, come back to basics.

    Also, this one may be a bit strange, but do you view the world (especially society I should say) as a dangerous place? Do you see potential competitions, social dangers etc, threats etc? Or is your overall view more chill?
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    When it comes to dichotomies - I refuse to look at the Positive/Negative, because I feel like these in Socionics are an entirely different thing than the "usual" positive and negative people in the real world. I think I might be Asking, because I am much more interested in dialogues and I always want to hear who I am talking to wants to say. I am more Farsighted I think, because I always want to prepare before doing something and I judge things through my intuition and experiences. I'm Yielding because I don't simply care if I disagree with someone, I never impose my views on other people. I'm also Emotivist. Probably Result dichotomy. About the other dichotomies, I'm not entirely sure.

    Hm, the world for me is a place of endless possibilities... But there are also processes and changes that are going on in it that are either out of humanity's control or are caused by them. I don't really see any competition in where I see myself in the world in the future, maybe if I decided to leaern 3D design (which I've come up recently after looking at job ads on a site seeing that a company is looking for a 3D designer and I thought it could be a very lucrative way to work that could also enable me to be creative, as not only I would work at some game studio/business company/etc but I would also have my own "studio" where I would do freelance work for artists making music videos in Blender and the like), then I could see competition from people who went to university/school for that and who been doing that for years now. To be honest I don't also see any threats, it's always "slipping" from my mind - the only way I could see something as a threat is when I think of the future when I move out and I have nowhere to go, with no job, etc. That is quite scary to me. But overall, I'm more chill than anything lol.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilacwine View Post
    When it comes to dichotomies - I refuse to look at the Positive/Negative, because I feel like these in Socionics are an entirely different thing than the "usual" positive and negative people in the real world. I think I might be Asking, because I am much more interested in dialogues and I always want to hear who I am talking to wants to say. I am more Farsighted I think, because I always want to prepare before doing something and I judge things through my intuition and experiences. I'm Yielding because I don't simply care if I disagree with someone, I never impose my views on other people. I'm also Emotivist. Probably Result dichotomy. About the other dichotomies, I'm not entirely sure.
    I see. I don't really use Reinin's dichotomies personally though, I was referring more to the Jungian dichotomies.

    The next question I asked was to ascertain whether you belong to central (beta/gamma) or peripheral quadras (alpha/delta).

    Hm, the world for me is a place of endless possibilities... But there are also processes and changes that are going on in it that are either out of humanity's control or are caused by them. I don't really see any competition in where I see myself in the world in the future, maybe if I decided to leaern 3D design (which I've come up recently after looking at job ads on a site seeing that a company is looking for a 3D designer and I thought it could be a very lucrative way to work that could also enable me to be creative, as not only I would work at some game studio/business company/etc but I would also have my own "studio" where I would do freelance work for artists making music videos in Blender and the like), then I could see competition from people who went to university/school for that and who been doing that for years now. To be honest I don't also see any threats, it's always "slipping" from my mind - the only way I could see something as a threat is when I think of the future when I move out and I have nowhere to go, with no job, etc. That is quite scary to me. But overall, I'm more chill than anything lol.
    The way you answered leads to me to think you are actually peripheral, not central.

    Here Timur Protskiy talks about the difference between central and peripheral quadras:

    Central quadras see threats. The way you worry about the future for financial reasons doesn't seem sufficient to be central at all. I'm from a central quadra for example, and I've always been very hyper-attunded to threats, real or imaginary. I've become more chill with age, also with socionics and with knowing not everyone is like this...but even though I can learn to be a bit more chill, I can't really tune out the sense that there are threats, since it is rooted in valued Se. Based on what you answered here, you do not seem to have that.

    So I don't think you are IEI after all, SEI makes more sense in the end, if I'm choosing between those two .
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    This is making me even more confused LMFAO. But thanks! I have been thinking also if I am IEE as well but tbh SEI is the best bet at least for me. Have you been thinking about other types for me?
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

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    Lol sorry about the confusion...I guess I'm confused myself. I don't think forums like this are the best place to get typed. People mean well and try to help, but often don't have experience typing people systematically and with a consistent method. And yes, that includes me lol.

    Tbh I was thinking SEI or ESE. You do seem open when expressing your emotions. To me it always feels like IEEs are not fully "themsleves" emotionally. For example, they mainly express constructive emotions, and not the negative ones. Like their goal is to help others, not so much to be "natural" in their emotions.

    So I would guess Fe ego, but the way you described viewing threats seems to me to exclude beta.
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    Okay guys. Hey again. I'm back Last month was pretty rough, I almost relapsed on my illness and started developing some anxiety, so I had to go to the psych ward to heal and recover. Happily, it didn't take too long to get better and by the end of 2021 I was able to celebrate the New Year at home. With that said: Happy New Year, everybody! Let this year be an opportunity to grow more and another exciting and enriching stop at your life's journey.

    Now, coming back to my typing - I think I am pretty confident I am IEI now. I've thought about this whole "the world is safe vs. world is peril" dichotomy with the Ne-valuing and Ni-valuing, and I actually am confident that I see the world as a very dangerous place full of people who might not want the best for you, and a place that needs to be closely watched and carefully treaded if you want to be safe. So... maybe I do value Ni.

    As far as intuition vs. sensing goes, I still have some doubts, but Ni base makes more sense to me now. I'm more intuitive and I always try to find hidden influences and links between things and events. With Si, I'm pretty sure I cannot find a decent place where I could say I'm good at it, because I always seem to copy other people when it comes to aesthetics, design, and the like. I also fucking hate cleaning the house and keeping it, I always seem to be too lost in my thoughts to keep my surroundings tidied up.

    So... that's all for now. If you have any questions, please let me know. Maybe I'm wrong about myself!
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    The Te-POLR and Fe-creative seems pretty obvious to me Very strong Fe subtype, hard to tell between SEI and IEI.
    At a glance I thought SEI just going from appearance stereotypes But looking closely I notice your gaze defocuses quickly and completely sometimes (SEI defocuses when in "Si" mode but it's like a slow transition into sensing and they don't lose awareness of their surroundings), and also you seem to have a jittery energy when using Fe that I wouldn't associate with SEI, which are a bit more "contained" even if SEI-Fe (Perhaps the difference between Fe- SEI and Fe+ IEI).
    Another point against SEI is that most SEI seem to have at least one major sensing-related hobby (going by stereotype it's cooking, but it could be something like a sport, particularly relaxing/low intensity sports) your tarot interest would be uncharacteristic of SEI Interest in terror is something I associate with Beta NF for some reason.
    Just some thoughts, although if you're sure of your type already then there's no need for this lol

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    i uploaded a new video, please check it out and reply in this thread!
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

  25. #65
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    so I have seen your video:

    I think you have a rather romantic, dreamlike way of expressing yourself. you show a clear Ip temperament. you don't talk fast, words seem very deliberate. you are intellectualy very curious. you study german, have an interest in art and card reading, you are open to new things, which I relate to intuition and also the ethical dichotomy. you have a variety of instruments but don't play some of them all that much, which I relate to irrationality (deciding to do things based on your mood). your interest in estoteric concepts. occultism, tarot reading and magic indicates a focus on Ni, intuition of time. you place a lot of importance on kindness, listening to people, making them feel special which means that you care about others a lot, indicating that you are an ethical type. you also seem to see reality from a philosophical perspective, as if it is an alien place you do not belong to, which is also a general trait for people with strong intuition of time. People tell you that you have a variety of insights about people and the main focus for you is to lift the moods of other people which also fits the strong focus on intuition and the ethical functions Fe and Fi which are strong in IEI. you contemplate long term plans and how much effort you have to put into things which discourages you from taking actions in the present moment, which also shows a focus on intuition of time with weak extroverted sensing.

    I think you fit the archetype of an IEI very well. you remind me of Stephin Merritt from the Magnetic Fields,in the way you express yourself. I would give him the same type as you.

    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    thanks alive for your contribution - what you're saying makes a lot of sense and i think after all i could definitely be IEI...

    most of my confusion and uncertainity with my typing comes from the fact that i feel like my Ni could be weaker and i'm actually SEI, but then when i interact with other alpha quadra types i just notice that i have different values and we don't agree on certain things. what's more, i usually 'click' with Se-ego types more often - one of my best friends in school years is SEE. also another bestie of mine is IEI, too, and we talk basically every day and i consider her almost my half-sister.

    also - i remember someone talking about this dychotomy that Si-valuing types generally consider the world like something they can affect and is full of possibilities, while Ni-valuing are usually more of the opinion that the world sucks and is very dangerous, and i'd find myself in the latter camp. this could be of course the result of me being diagnosed with mental illnesses and my general difficulty in real life, rather than the effect of my socionics type if that makes sense? but yeah, most of the time i feel more at home with Ni-based expression and my sense of humour is usually more in line with the beta NF dramatics rather than silly offbeatness of alpha quadra. and i do fucking hate delta types so that might be also a factor, lol.
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  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by discohijack View Post
    also - i remember someone talking about this dychotomy that Si-valuing types generally consider the world like something they can affect and is full of possibilities, while Ni-valuing are usually more of the opinion that the world sucks and is very dangerous, and i'd find myself in the latter camp. this could be of course the result of me being diagnosed with mental illnesses and my general difficulty in real life, rather than the effect of my socionics type if that makes sense? but yeah, most of the time i feel more at home with Ni-based expression and my sense of humour is usually more in line with the beta NF dramatics rather than silly offbeatness of alpha quadra. and i do fucking hate delta types so that might be also a factor, lol.
    introverted sensing is mainly about the perception through your five senses. a focus on reality at hand, not imagination. everything you taste, smell, hear, see, touch. Si types are very aware of the processes that their body tells them, and how their body is affected by the environment, like judging the physical comfort of the environment and thinking about ways to improve it. Si is very aware of the processes that are going on inside its body. they can for example feel food running down their stomach. this also makes them aware of the physical (not emotional) comfort that other people are going through, and whether they are in discomort or ill for example. Types with low Si frequently misjudge the signals that are coming from their body, they might not go to the doctor even though they should, or they might judge a simple headache as a potential cancer.

    introverted intuition on the other hand is the most abstract form of thinking. it is related to strategic thinking, long-term planning, imagination, visions, hallucinations, interest in esoteric, far-reaching concepts.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Hey guys, I just recorded another questionnaire video. Sorry for constantly deleting and remaking these, but sometimes I don't like seeing myself on the net, so you have to understand that. Here's the link:
    of course, please provide me with any insights and questions.
    have fun typing!
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

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    Not IEI for sure

    Fe leading

    So your type is ESE
    Last edited by BrainlessSquid; 03-02-2023 at 06:10 PM.
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Not IEI for sure

    Fe leading

    So your type is ESE
    Yay! Finally someone who has a different opinion.

    My friend recently suggested I might be ESE. She is also a IEI and one of my bestest friends, and even though she still seems to also be on the fence whether I am IEI or not, ESE feels like a good bet. Plenty of my acquaintances who are into divination are textbook ESEs, and I find their optimism and a knack for down to earth sense of humour not only endearing but oddly uplifting and contagious. So before anyone comes for me saying that only Nx types indulge in spiritual stuff… well you gotta watch those hands form a fist going straight onto your face. Joking! LMFAO

    I am also considering EIE - sometimes I really wonder if my theatrics and general restlesness is due to me being that type, but that might as well be another case of illness getting in the way and I do not think I use Ni that much as I do not know how to foresee future events.

    eager to hear others on this?
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    Quote Originally Posted by discohijack View Post
    My friend recently suggested I might be ESE. She is also a IEI and one of my bestest friends
    ESE and IEI have bad IR for "bestest friend". SEI and IEI is more possible match.
    She may post her video to check her type and by this to help understand yours.

    > So before anyone comes for me saying that only Nx types indulge in spiritual stuff

    There are _lesser_ of people having long and deep interests to weak and especially weak nonvalued regions. Surface and short interest is not much linked with predispositions as Jung types.
    Types of some your acquaintances may be other, if you notice many of Si with Ni interests. It's possibly for you as having esoterical interests and possibly SEI to have some more than common of alpha Si pals (as supposing a type means an interest and some knowledge of a human) with similar interests. But it's doubtful to have many of such, if those meaningfully dig in the subject. Significant chance, that those "ESE" have close N or Ni valued types.

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    okay so lol i know i haven't been on this forum so long but now i'm pretty sure i am *not* from Alpha, that quadra is way too dumb and unserious to be actually fun for me, so i eventually settled on IEI for the time being.

    and YES i am pretty sure the friend in question is a IEI, we'd been members of a socionics forum in Polish and we basically met there and started our friendship. her typing as a IEI was one of the most constant things in that whole mess of a message board, together with some other undeniable types on that forum. that site is no longer active i think, there was some style/design overhaul of the site and ever since they deleted the shoutbox it's been dead and i don't think that forum exists anymore, but there was indeed some discord server that was hijacked by one of the dumbest INTjs alive who was a textbook sociopath. i'm no longer in contact with other people from this forum, and that IEI friend is probably the only person from that forum that I am still friends with, because we were in some kind of "community" with some other members where the bond was strong, but unfortunately one of these users... well to make a long story short, one of the female SEIs was super abusive to me and my IEI friend and we decided to cut ties with her. she still pops out from time to time, but those memories are very painful and we don't want to talk about it.

    i can give you an instagram of that IEI friend if you want, i don't think i want to share it publicly, if you need a link - hit me up on a private message.
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    hey guys, i uploaded another video. it's 23 minutes long, i didn't do all the questions in the post because i didn't feel like it and i got tired after 23 minutes of non-interrupted talking lol. hope you guys can tell me something about my own type. atm i am torn between ESE and IEI but i will take other guesses as well. think yew! (the video might not load for a while as i just uploaded it)
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  35. #75
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    An EJ controls spaces with Fe.

    SEI are reserved and more rules bound.

    Are you able to quickly drop what you have learned and not feel fettered by that experience?

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by discohijack View Post
    hey guys, i uploaded another video. it's 23 minutes long, i didn't do all the questions in the post because i didn't feel like it and i got tired after 23 minutes of non-interrupted talking lol. hope you guys can tell me something about my own type. atm i am torn between ESE and IEI but i will take other guesses as well. think yew! (the video might not load for a while as i just uploaded it)
    ESE > IEI based solely on your temperament
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post

    Are you able to quickly drop what you have learned and not feel fettered by that experience?
    I'm unsure what this question means, but I'll try. Generally I love to try out new things and learn something exciting and fresh for me. Usually, I get kinda bored with a lot of things so I can drop one thing and then go into the next thing like it's nothing else. This is also why I usually am afraid that I don't have a "real" me with integrity because I just have so many different interests and I strive to find myself. Even then, I think this kind of "hopping" around different fields is an authentic trait of me.
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  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by discohijack View Post
    I'm unsure what this question means, but I'll try. Generally I love to try out new things and learn something exciting and fresh for me. Usually, I get kinda bored with a lot of things so I can drop one thing and then go into the next thing like it's nothing else. This is also why I usually am afraid that I don't have a "real" me with integrity because I just have so many different interests and I strive to find myself. Even then, I think this kind of "hopping" around different fields is an authentic trait of me.
    High Si in SEI

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

  39. #79
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    I vote ESE.

    Your recent shout box entry is reminiscent of the type. I had a close cousin I grew up with and probably spent every other weekend of my life over there.

    His mother is ESI. A lot of experience in types exposure.

    She was always deeply impressed by my EIE mother, I recall. The way life's obstacles were dealt with. Typology note.

    It's the high enthusiasm for things, and note things, is the draw of it by my impression.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

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    Thanks for chiming in! One of my socionics friends was also on the fence about this - they were torn between ESE and IEI. And I think the Fe base and Si creative would make tons of sense for me.
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

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