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Thread: Ne Bases and Interest in Mental Illness

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    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    Default Ne Bases and Interest in Mental Illness

    This is something I've started to notice among members here. Obviously anyone can be interested in abnormal psychology/mental illness, but I've noticed Ne bases (both ILE and IEE) bring it up/have a good amount of knowledge regarding it, quite a bit. I know it's something I have a really immense interest in, which is what led me to a degree in psychology as well as working in behavioral health. It kind of helped me reconsider Ne base as a potential for myself. I have a particular interest in psychosis/psychotic disorders and have enjoyed working with people dealing with these issues. When I run into people who are in a place of struggling from it out in the world (which I'm often able to identify fairly quickly), I feel a sense of wanting to help in some way, not that I am the best at it. I don't know if I'm better suited for research, direct help, educating or what in this area.

    Anyway, do any other Ne bases or Ne egos have this same sort of interest in regards to abnormal psychology and mental illness? What makes Ne bases have such interest in this?

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    This is something I've started to notice among members here. Obviously anyone can be interested in abnormal psychology/mental illness, but I've noticed Ne bases (both ILE and IEE) bring it up/have a good amount of knowledge regarding it, quite a bit. I know it's something I have a really immense interest in, which is what led me to a degree in psychology as well as working in behavioral health. It kind of helped me reconsider Ne base as a potential for myself. I have a particular interest in psychosis/psychotic disorders and have enjoyed working with people dealing with these issues. When I run into people who are in a place of struggling from it out in the world (which I'm often able to identify fairly quickly), I feel a sense of wanting to help in some way, not that I am the best at it. I don't know if I'm better suited for research, direct help, educating or what in this area.

    Anyway, do any other Ne bases or Ne egos have this same sort of interest in regards to abnormal psychology and mental illness? What makes Ne bases have such interest in this?
    I studied psychology during my university years mainly to help myself <_< I have this thing where as a 9 year old due to my excessive outgoing and willful nature I got myself in a situation where I was exposed to excessive amounts of anxiety, fear, stress...for a whole week (there was no way out / trapped).. as well as at the time perceived social abuse at the hand of a group of ppl.. which altered how my brain works: READ HERE I never had any interest in dealing with other people's problems, something I perceive as annoying. I'm Ti-Fe for sure.

    In as far as ILE goes, I have the reinin dichotomies of a SLE Zukov.. can't be sure, because I wasn't born the way I am now, circumstances made me this way.. "I am my scars!" kind of situation that can no longer be altered. As my mother said, "You became a completely different person."

    >) I suspect you can fully relate to having an anxious brain. in a way I think that experience led towards me being connected to this darker side of the human mind.

    EDIT: example, when I'm tired I can't fight my mind and become hyper aware internally.. which basicaly means I'll be in a dark depressive and anxious hole in my head and only sleep seems to cure that.
    Last edited by SGF; 07-11-2020 at 11:52 AM.

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    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Lots of people have relativistic ideas about what is normal and what isn't. Although this attitude was prevalent in the 70ties, even today there are people who more of less take the stand that everything is normal.

    But looking at it from an Ne, there is always something which is normal and that which is abnormal. People often say Ne is the Intuition of Possibilities, but I do not agree to that. Ne is the Intuition of Essence, and in particular the essential non-tactile aspects of objects (one could in a sense say Se is the Intuition of Essence of tactile aspects). Because of that, Ne is able to determine in a person the difference between that which is essence to that person, and that which is the result of variable aspects, and within psychology, which variable factors cause pathology.


    It is this approach that triggers curiosity in Ne base types. It does not only apply to the human sphere, but also to other spheres of intellectual investigation.

    Another aspect of Ne base types is that they lack Se. As such, they often get the short end of the stick in relationships where power dynamics play a role. I hypothesize that Ne base types because of that develop an antenna which tells them from which people they need to stay away. This more so with IEEs/EIIs than LIIs and ILEs.
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    If Ni means you are dynamically observing while world transforms in front of you Ne might stop statically to ask the opposite "Why is it so?" and of course one might want to play with ignoring like consentingadult wrote about schizotypal manifestation of Ni in Ne egos in one of his blog posts. A self destructive loop that can be possible broken with role function.

    I have achieved to get some sort of self stimulation based transformations to appear in my conscious. Like when I'm sitting still I could watch my mind going in places as in complete free flow/Looney Tunes.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 07-11-2020 at 09:50 AM.
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    To Ne relates the understanding of the hiden reasons in the seen. Psychology mostly relates to Ne - to understand a human, the contents of his mind, reasons and processes of his seen behavior.
    People with Ne types may have higher than average interest to psychology. Also they have good own intuition to understand and to use muddy psychology methods with higher efficiency. In Jung psychology base Ne may achieve best results than other types in the intuitive methods as VI.
    In general, FN types have the inclination to psychology. To deal with people - F, and to mess with hiden - N. Should be the majority among psychologists.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    I've noticed Ne bases (both ILE and IEE) bring it up/have a good amount of knowledge regarding it, quite a bit.
    Your good perception can be affected by your possible SEI type. If to assume those people had the types as they say.
    From objective point, on this forum you was doubtful to see people with "good amount of knowledge" in psychology, more - in a quantity to talk about general for types. And you'd need yourself to have "good amount of knowledge" to evaluate it correctly in others. So it's significantly your subjective perception.
    Though, the info given with good IR may improve your understanding of it. So it's not only given by more pleasant way and those people you may like and hence irrationally trust to them more, but also can be better _for you_.
    For example, I like Filatova's texts. She thought her type as EII what could to be true. This could influence too.

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    I’m interested, too. Of course, I get type Ne PoLR a lot. Some of the books I read are psychology focused (maybe 20-30 %). I especially love psychological memoirs. If I went back to college, I’d probably go for psychology or English lit. I’d imagine a lot of people here are interested in psychology.

    I think my interest stems from feeling like an outcast as a child and later trying to figure out on my own what was wrong with me, and developed into an interest as to why people act the way they do (which developed from a very young age).
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I studied psychology during my university years mainly to help myself <_< I have this thing where as a 9 year old due to my excessive outgoing and willful nature I got myself in a situation where I was exposed to excessive amounts of anxiety, fear, stress...for a whole week (there was no way out / trapped).. as well as at the time perceived social abuse at the hand of a group of ppl.. which altered how my brain works: READ HERE I never had any interest in dealing with other people's problems, something I perceive as annoying. I'm Ti-Fe for sure.
    You can call call me crazy but there is something interesting about cracking your own mind. Testing how can you twist your own reactions with imagination like Pavlov's dog and once this is settled you notice becoming estranged from others. The thing is this fun stops at becoming accustomed to probable truths you have hacked out of yourself.
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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    If Ni means you are dynamically observing while world transforms in front of you Ne might stop statically to ask the opposite "Why is it so?" and of course one might want to play with ignoring like consentingadult wrote about schizotypal manifestation of Ni in Ne egos in one of his blog posts. A self destructive loop that can be possible broken with role function.

    I have achieved to get some sort of self stimulation based transformations to appear in my conscious. Like when I'm sitting still I could watch my mind going in places as in complete free flow/Looney Tunes.
    that sounds like a cool post, thanks for sharing, will search for it on his blog

    your second statement brings me to something else an EIE proposed about 4D Ne. closed-eye visuals or "thought" visuals". I have these quite a bit myself and sometimes they are really weird lol. The EIE said he was the same and he thought it was due to "Ne being so open". Idk, just a thought/idea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    I’m interested, too. Of course, I get type Ne PoLR a lot. Some of the books I read are psychology focused (maybe 20-30 %). I especially love psychological memoirs. If I went back to college, I’d probably go for psychology or English lit. I’d imagine a lot of people here are interested in psychology.

    I think my interest stems from feeling like an outcast as a child and later trying to figure out on my own what was wrong with me, and developed into an interest as to why people act the way they do (which developed from a very young age).
    I agree that a majority of people here are into psychology. For me, while I'm into psychology and how people work, I am quite specifically into abnormal psychology and significant mental illness. I've noticed a lot of Ne bases bringing up diagnoses and the like, as if they have quite a bit of knowledge in the realm of abnormal psychology as well, so I wondered if there was more of a correlation significantly between Ne and abnormal psych/significant mental illness. Definitely not to say this doesn't/couldn't apply to low Ne types as well, just something I noticed, maybe coincidence. A majority of the books I read somehow involve significant mental illness lol. Seeing that as an aspect of a book is a likely a way to get me to actually read it. Kind of a side thought.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    I agree that a majority of people here are into psychology. For me, while I'm into psychology and how people work, I am quite specifically into abnormal psychology and significant mental illness. I've noticed a lot of Ne bases bringing up diagnoses and the like, as if they have quite a bit of knowledge in the realm of abnormal psychology as well, so I wondered if there was more of a correlation significantly between Ne and abnormal psych/significant mental illness. Definitely not to say this doesn't/couldn't apply to low Ne types as well, just something I noticed, maybe coincidence. A majority of the books I read somehow involve significant mental illness lol. Seeing that as an aspect of a book is a likely a way to get me to actually read it. Kind of a side thought.
    Ah, yeah. Sorry wasn’t very specific. I meant I am interested in abnormal psychology too first sentence. Head cold. The psychology books I like are focused on abnormal also, Currently reading the weight of zero for example. My favorite is Marya hornbachers books ‘madness’ and ‘wasted’
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Ah, yeah. Sorry wasn’t very specific. I meant I am interested in abnormal psychology too first sentence. Head cold. The psychology books I like are focused on abnormal also, Currently reading the weight of zero for example. My favorite is Marya hornbachers books ‘madness’ and ‘wasted’
    Ah no, it's okay! I kind of wondered if you meant abnormal psych. Nice, thanks for the book recommends! The Weight of Zero looks right up my alley (haven't found the other two yet). Definitely any type can be interested, I know people often mention LSI, another Ne PoLr of course, as being therapists. With that said, I know I said ESI was one of your potential types before, but I think it's probably not your type. I don't see Ne PoLr for you. EII seems more likely.

    I think I am familiar with Wasted come to think. Hmm maybe used to see it at Borders back when I worked there lol.

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    Currently reading Hidden Valley Road by the way, a lot of book drops in that book as well

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    Yes, ILE-Ti are very frequent among psychiatric nurses and psychiatrists; IEE less so because they can't handle conflict as well, they aren't as street smart, aren't as able to physically defend themselves with weapons and martial arts, and because they care more about what the patient wants/doesn't want.

    ILE-Ti is a type with potentially very high cognitive empathy and the type with the lowest affective empathy so psychiatry is a common profession for them. In general, N types, LSI-Se, and SLE-Ti (those two subtypes are more intellectual/bookish than LSI-Ti and SLE-Se) are the types that are most fascinated by neuropsychiatry and most likely to pick up on other peoples' mood problems and psychosis.

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    Tbh a lot of IEES I know can actually handle conflict pretty well maybe in short busts,etc but they’re not the type where they would just let you walk over them all you want. They ain’t afraid to call you out of your shit from time to time

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    Ah no, it's okay! I kind of wondered if you meant abnormal psych. Nice, thanks for the book recommends! The Weight of Zero looks right up my alley (haven't found the other two yet). Definitely any type can be interested, I know people often mention LSI, another Ne PoLr of course, as being therapists. With that said, I know I said ESI was one of your potential types before, but I think it's probably not your type. I don't see Ne PoLr for you. EII seems more likely.

    I think I am familiar with Wasted come to think. Hmm maybe used to see it at Borders back when I worked there lol.
    wasted was sooo good I kid you not lol, it’s one of those books that’s pretty unforgettable (for me, at least)

    And Hidden valley road is going on my to-read list (:
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